MPK003 荧光素酶活性检测试剂盒

产品编号: MPK003 储存条件: -20 ºC

包装规格: Kit 荧光素酶活性检测试剂盒


迈晨公司开发生产的“荧光素酶活性检测试剂盒”The Luciferase Assay Kit provides a sensitive, quick, and quantitative measurement of the activity of firefly luciferase produced in cultured mammalian cells. The kit contains a cell lysis buffer, an assay buffer, and the luciferase substrate. The cell lysis buffer allows efficient extraction of luciferase from many types of cultured cells within 5 minutes. The luciferase assay is performed by adding the luciferase substrate to the cell lysate premixed with the assay buffer. Luciferase in the cell lysate catalyzes the chemiluminescent reaction, which emits light that is readily measurable with a luminometer.


试剂盒提供试剂 Quantity

细胞裂解液(Extraction 10mL


分析试剂(Assay Buffer)


30mL 10mL 注: 该试剂盒提供的试剂能够满足100次分析,单次分析是指24孔或者12孔细胞培养板的一孔




每孔中加入100微升细胞裂解液(Extraction Buffer )




1. Single-Tube Measurement with Manual Injection

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity. The read time may be shortened if sufficient light is produced.

Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into luminometer tubes, one tube per


Add 90µl of cell lysate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer. Mix

by pipetting 2–3 times or vortex briefly.

Add 100µl of Substrate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer and

cell lysate. Mix by pipetting 2–3 times or vortex briefly.

Place the tube in the luminometer and initiate reading.

Record the reading.

2. Single-Tube Measurement with Automatic Injection

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity.

Prime the luminometer injector at least three times with Luciferase Substrate Reagent. Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into luminometer tubes, one tube per


Add 90µl of cell lysate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer. Mix

by pipetting 2–3 times or vortex briefly.

Place the tube in the luminometer and initiate reading by injecting 100µl of Substrate into

the tube.

Record the reading.

1. Multi-Tube Measurement with Automatic Injection

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity.

Program the luminometer with at least three injections with Luciferase Substrate. Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into luminometer tubes, one tube per


Add 90µl of cell lysate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer. Place the tubes in the luminometer chain and initiate reading by injecting 100µl of

Substrate into the tube.

Record the reading.

2. Plate-Reading Luminometers with Automatic Injection

The following protocol was designed for 96-well plate format:

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity.

Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into each well, one well per sample. Add 90µl of cell lysate to the well containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer.

Place the plate in the luminometer and initiate reading by injecting 100µl of Substrate

into the well.

The plate is advanced to the next well for a repeat of the injection and reading. Record the reading.

产品编号: MPK003 储存条件: -20 ºC

包装规格: Kit 荧光素酶活性检测试剂盒


迈晨公司开发生产的“荧光素酶活性检测试剂盒”The Luciferase Assay Kit provides a sensitive, quick, and quantitative measurement of the activity of firefly luciferase produced in cultured mammalian cells. The kit contains a cell lysis buffer, an assay buffer, and the luciferase substrate. The cell lysis buffer allows efficient extraction of luciferase from many types of cultured cells within 5 minutes. The luciferase assay is performed by adding the luciferase substrate to the cell lysate premixed with the assay buffer. Luciferase in the cell lysate catalyzes the chemiluminescent reaction, which emits light that is readily measurable with a luminometer.


试剂盒提供试剂 Quantity

细胞裂解液(Extraction 10mL


分析试剂(Assay Buffer)


30mL 10mL 注: 该试剂盒提供的试剂能够满足100次分析,单次分析是指24孔或者12孔细胞培养板的一孔




每孔中加入100微升细胞裂解液(Extraction Buffer )




1. Single-Tube Measurement with Manual Injection

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity. The read time may be shortened if sufficient light is produced.

Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into luminometer tubes, one tube per


Add 90µl of cell lysate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer. Mix

by pipetting 2–3 times or vortex briefly.

Add 100µl of Substrate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer and

cell lysate. Mix by pipetting 2–3 times or vortex briefly.

Place the tube in the luminometer and initiate reading.

Record the reading.

2. Single-Tube Measurement with Automatic Injection

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity.

Prime the luminometer injector at least three times with Luciferase Substrate Reagent. Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into luminometer tubes, one tube per


Add 90µl of cell lysate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer. Mix

by pipetting 2–3 times or vortex briefly.

Place the tube in the luminometer and initiate reading by injecting 100µl of Substrate into

the tube.

Record the reading.

1. Multi-Tube Measurement with Automatic Injection

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity.

Program the luminometer with at least three injections with Luciferase Substrate. Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into luminometer tubes, one tube per


Add 90µl of cell lysate to a luminometer tube containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer. Place the tubes in the luminometer chain and initiate reading by injecting 100µl of

Substrate into the tube.

Record the reading.

2. Plate-Reading Luminometers with Automatic Injection

The following protocol was designed for 96-well plate format:

Program the luminometer to perform a 2-second measurement delay followed by a

10-second measurement read for luciferase activity.

Dispense 300µl of the Luciferase Assay Buffer into each well, one well per sample. Add 90µl of cell lysate to the well containing the Luciferase Assay Buffer.

Place the plate in the luminometer and initiate reading by injecting 100µl of Substrate

into the well.

The plate is advanced to the next well for a repeat of the injection and reading. Record the reading.


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