
第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛原文(英语组) To evoke the London borough of Diston, we turn to the poetry of Chaos:

Each thing hostile

To every other thing: at every point

Hot fought cold, moist dry, soft hard, and the weightless

Resisted weight. So Des lived his life in tunnels. The tunnel from flat to school, the tunnel (not the same tunnel) from school to flat. And all the warrens that took him to Grace, and brought him back again. He lived his life in tunnels … And yet for the sensitive soul, in Diston Town, there was really only one place to look. Where did the eyes go? They went up, up.

School – Squeers Free, under a sky of white: the weakling headmaster, the demoralised chalkies in their rayon tracksuits, the ramshackle little gym with its tripwires and booby traps, the Lifestyle Consultants (Every Child Matters), and the Special Needs Coordinators (who dealt with all the ‘non-readers’). In addition, Squeers Free set the standard for the most police call-outs, the least GCSE passes, and the highest truancy rates. It also led the pack in suspensions, expulsions, and PRU ‘offrolls’; such an offroll – a transfer to a Pupil Referral Unit – was usually the doorway to a Youth Custody Centre and then a Young Offender Institution. Lionel, who had followed this route, always spoke of his five and a half years (on and off) in a Young Offender Institution (or Yoi, as he called it) with rueful fondness, like one recalling a rite of passage – inevitable, bittersweet. I was out for a month, he would typically reminisce. Then I was back up north. Doing me Yoi.

* * *

On the other hand, Squeers Free had in its staff room an exceptional Learning Mentor – a Mr Vincent Tigg.

What’s going on with you, Desmond? You were always an idle little sod. Now you can’t get enough of it. Well, what next?

I fancy modern languages, sir. And history. And sociology. And astronomy. And –

You can’t study everything, you know.

Yes I can. Renaissance boy, innit.

… You want to watch that smile, lad. All right. We’ll see about you. Now off you go.

And in the schoolyard? On the face of it, Des was a prime candidate for persecution. He seldom bunked off, he never slept in class, he didn’t assault the teachers or shoot up in the toilets – and he preferred the company of the gentler sex (the gentler sex, at Squeers Free, being quite rough enough). So in the normal course

of things Des would have been savagely bullied, as all the other misfits (swats, wimps, four-eyes, sweating fatties) were savagely bullied – to the brink of suicide and beyond. They called him Skiprope and Hopscotch, but Des wasn’t bullied. How to explain this? To use Uncle Ringo’s favourite expression, it was a no-brainer. Desmond Pepperdine was inviolable. He was the nephew, and ward, of Lionel Asbo. It was different on the street. Once a term, true, Lionel escorted him to Squeers Free, and escorted him back again the same day (restraining, with exaggerated difficulty, the two frothing pitbulls on their thick steel chains). But it would be foolish to suppose that each and every gangbanger and posse-artist (and every Yardie and jihadi) in the entire manor had heard tell of the great asocial. And it was different at night, because different people, different shapes, levered themselves upward after dark … Des was fleet of foot, but he was otherwise unsuited to life in Diston Town. Second or even first nature to Lionel (who was pronounced ‘uncontrollable’ at the age of eighteen months), violence was alien to Des, who always felt that violence – extreme and ubiquitous though it certainly seemed to be – came from another dimension.

So, this day, he went down the tunnel and attended school. But on his way home he feinted sideways and took a detour. With hesitation, and with deafening self-consciousness, he entered the Public Library on Blimber Road. Squeers Free had a library, of course, a distant Portakabin with a few primers and ripped paperbacks scattered across its floor … But this: rank upon rank of proud-chested bookcases, like lavishly decorated generals. By what right or title could you claim any share of it? He entered the Reading Room, where the newspapers, firmly clamped to long wooden struts, were apparently available for scrutiny. No one stopped him as he approached.

He had of course seen the dailies before, in the corner shop and so on, and there were Gran’s Telegraphs, but his experience of actual newsprint was confined to the Morning Larks that Lionel left around the flat, all scrumpled up, like origami tumbleweeds (there was also the occasional Diston Gazette). Respectfully averting his eyes from the Times, the Independent, and the Guardian, Des reached for the Sun, which at least looked like a Lark, with its crimson logo and the footballer’s fiancée on the cover staggering out of a nightclub with blood running down her neck. And, sure enough, on page three (News in Briefs) there was a hefty redhead wearing knickers and a sombrero.

But then all resemblances ceased. You got scandal and gossip, and more girls, but also international news, parliamentary reports, comment, analysis … Until now he had accepted the Morning Lark as an accurate reflection of reality. Indeed, he sometimes thought it was a local paper (a light-hearted adjunct to the Gazette), such was its fidelity to the customs and mores of his borough. Now, though, as he stood there with the Sun quivering in his hands, the Lark stood revealed for what it was – a daily lads’ mag, perfunctorily posing as a journal of record.

The Sun, additionally to recommend it, had an agony column presided over not by the feckless Jennaveieve, but by a wise-looking old dear called Daphne, who dealt

sympathetically, that day, with a number of quite serious problems and dilemmas, and suggested leaflets and helplines, and seemed genuinely …


著/ [英]马丁·艾米斯(Martin Amis) 译/中南民族大学2014级MTI曾诗琴









* * *



先生,我喜欢现代语言。还有历史。还有社会学。还有天文学。还有—— 你不可以样样都学,你知道的。




大街上又是另一番景象。莱昂内尔会护送德斯去斯奎尔斯弗里学校,并在当天接他回来。这种情况每学期的确会有一次。(接送时,莱昂内尔会异常吃力地用粗铁链牵着两条垂涎的斗牛犬。)但是如果就此假设整个警察局管辖区内的每个帮派流氓和团伙(还有每个亚迪帮成员和吉哈迪成员)都听说过这个反社会的大人物,那便是犯了愚蠢的错误。到了晚上情况又不同了,因为夜幕降临后,形形色色的人都会出来作怪„„要不是德斯跑得快,他是无法适应迪斯顿镇上的生活的。对于莱昂内尔,暴力是数一数二的本性。他十八个月大的时候就有人断言他将来是“难以管教的”。而对于德斯,暴力是异己的。他总觉得,虽然暴力的确极端而又无处不在的,但它却来自另一个维度空间。 于是,这一天,德斯通过隧道去上学。但回家路上他假装走小路绕道而行。他耳中轰鸣作响,犹豫不决、困窘不安地踏进了布林柏路上的公共图书馆。施奎尔思弗里当然也有一个图书馆,是一间偏远的活动房屋,地板上散落着几本启蒙





节选自《莱昂内尔·阿斯布:英国的状态》(Lionel Asbo: State of England) Jonathan Cape Ltd,2012年6月

P.S. 时隔一年,终于在网上搜到了获奖译文及译文评析,对照着修改完,才发现有好几处生词没查到就胡编乱造,还有时态、细节等(paraphrase没学好);理解上的偏差也不少;还有不习惯加注;总之,道阻且长,不能着急!

第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛原文(英语组) To evoke the London borough of Diston, we turn to the poetry of Chaos:

Each thing hostile

To every other thing: at every point

Hot fought cold, moist dry, soft hard, and the weightless

Resisted weight. So Des lived his life in tunnels. The tunnel from flat to school, the tunnel (not the same tunnel) from school to flat. And all the warrens that took him to Grace, and brought him back again. He lived his life in tunnels … And yet for the sensitive soul, in Diston Town, there was really only one place to look. Where did the eyes go? They went up, up.

School – Squeers Free, under a sky of white: the weakling headmaster, the demoralised chalkies in their rayon tracksuits, the ramshackle little gym with its tripwires and booby traps, the Lifestyle Consultants (Every Child Matters), and the Special Needs Coordinators (who dealt with all the ‘non-readers’). In addition, Squeers Free set the standard for the most police call-outs, the least GCSE passes, and the highest truancy rates. It also led the pack in suspensions, expulsions, and PRU ‘offrolls’; such an offroll – a transfer to a Pupil Referral Unit – was usually the doorway to a Youth Custody Centre and then a Young Offender Institution. Lionel, who had followed this route, always spoke of his five and a half years (on and off) in a Young Offender Institution (or Yoi, as he called it) with rueful fondness, like one recalling a rite of passage – inevitable, bittersweet. I was out for a month, he would typically reminisce. Then I was back up north. Doing me Yoi.

* * *

On the other hand, Squeers Free had in its staff room an exceptional Learning Mentor – a Mr Vincent Tigg.

What’s going on with you, Desmond? You were always an idle little sod. Now you can’t get enough of it. Well, what next?

I fancy modern languages, sir. And history. And sociology. And astronomy. And –

You can’t study everything, you know.

Yes I can. Renaissance boy, innit.

… You want to watch that smile, lad. All right. We’ll see about you. Now off you go.

And in the schoolyard? On the face of it, Des was a prime candidate for persecution. He seldom bunked off, he never slept in class, he didn’t assault the teachers or shoot up in the toilets – and he preferred the company of the gentler sex (the gentler sex, at Squeers Free, being quite rough enough). So in the normal course

of things Des would have been savagely bullied, as all the other misfits (swats, wimps, four-eyes, sweating fatties) were savagely bullied – to the brink of suicide and beyond. They called him Skiprope and Hopscotch, but Des wasn’t bullied. How to explain this? To use Uncle Ringo’s favourite expression, it was a no-brainer. Desmond Pepperdine was inviolable. He was the nephew, and ward, of Lionel Asbo. It was different on the street. Once a term, true, Lionel escorted him to Squeers Free, and escorted him back again the same day (restraining, with exaggerated difficulty, the two frothing pitbulls on their thick steel chains). But it would be foolish to suppose that each and every gangbanger and posse-artist (and every Yardie and jihadi) in the entire manor had heard tell of the great asocial. And it was different at night, because different people, different shapes, levered themselves upward after dark … Des was fleet of foot, but he was otherwise unsuited to life in Diston Town. Second or even first nature to Lionel (who was pronounced ‘uncontrollable’ at the age of eighteen months), violence was alien to Des, who always felt that violence – extreme and ubiquitous though it certainly seemed to be – came from another dimension.

So, this day, he went down the tunnel and attended school. But on his way home he feinted sideways and took a detour. With hesitation, and with deafening self-consciousness, he entered the Public Library on Blimber Road. Squeers Free had a library, of course, a distant Portakabin with a few primers and ripped paperbacks scattered across its floor … But this: rank upon rank of proud-chested bookcases, like lavishly decorated generals. By what right or title could you claim any share of it? He entered the Reading Room, where the newspapers, firmly clamped to long wooden struts, were apparently available for scrutiny. No one stopped him as he approached.

He had of course seen the dailies before, in the corner shop and so on, and there were Gran’s Telegraphs, but his experience of actual newsprint was confined to the Morning Larks that Lionel left around the flat, all scrumpled up, like origami tumbleweeds (there was also the occasional Diston Gazette). Respectfully averting his eyes from the Times, the Independent, and the Guardian, Des reached for the Sun, which at least looked like a Lark, with its crimson logo and the footballer’s fiancée on the cover staggering out of a nightclub with blood running down her neck. And, sure enough, on page three (News in Briefs) there was a hefty redhead wearing knickers and a sombrero.

But then all resemblances ceased. You got scandal and gossip, and more girls, but also international news, parliamentary reports, comment, analysis … Until now he had accepted the Morning Lark as an accurate reflection of reality. Indeed, he sometimes thought it was a local paper (a light-hearted adjunct to the Gazette), such was its fidelity to the customs and mores of his borough. Now, though, as he stood there with the Sun quivering in his hands, the Lark stood revealed for what it was – a daily lads’ mag, perfunctorily posing as a journal of record.

The Sun, additionally to recommend it, had an agony column presided over not by the feckless Jennaveieve, but by a wise-looking old dear called Daphne, who dealt

sympathetically, that day, with a number of quite serious problems and dilemmas, and suggested leaflets and helplines, and seemed genuinely …


著/ [英]马丁·艾米斯(Martin Amis) 译/中南民族大学2014级MTI曾诗琴









* * *



先生,我喜欢现代语言。还有历史。还有社会学。还有天文学。还有—— 你不可以样样都学,你知道的。




大街上又是另一番景象。莱昂内尔会护送德斯去斯奎尔斯弗里学校,并在当天接他回来。这种情况每学期的确会有一次。(接送时,莱昂内尔会异常吃力地用粗铁链牵着两条垂涎的斗牛犬。)但是如果就此假设整个警察局管辖区内的每个帮派流氓和团伙(还有每个亚迪帮成员和吉哈迪成员)都听说过这个反社会的大人物,那便是犯了愚蠢的错误。到了晚上情况又不同了,因为夜幕降临后,形形色色的人都会出来作怪„„要不是德斯跑得快,他是无法适应迪斯顿镇上的生活的。对于莱昂内尔,暴力是数一数二的本性。他十八个月大的时候就有人断言他将来是“难以管教的”。而对于德斯,暴力是异己的。他总觉得,虽然暴力的确极端而又无处不在的,但它却来自另一个维度空间。 于是,这一天,德斯通过隧道去上学。但回家路上他假装走小路绕道而行。他耳中轰鸣作响,犹豫不决、困窘不安地踏进了布林柏路上的公共图书馆。施奎尔思弗里当然也有一个图书馆,是一间偏远的活动房屋,地板上散落着几本启蒙





节选自《莱昂内尔·阿斯布:英国的状态》(Lionel Asbo: State of England) Jonathan Cape Ltd,2012年6月

P.S. 时隔一年,终于在网上搜到了获奖译文及译文评析,对照着修改完,才发现有好几处生词没查到就胡编乱造,还有时态、细节等(paraphrase没学好);理解上的偏差也不少;还有不习惯加注;总之,道阻且长,不能着急!


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