



The earth rotates on its axis.

Hydrogen is the lightest element.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

London stands on the River Thames.



Percy often goes to his office by underground.

Father doesn’t smoke.

He always sleeps with his windows open.

Mary usually learns languages very quickly, but she doesn’t seem to be able to learn modern Greek.

上述用法的一般现在时常与频度副词连用。常见的频度副词有always, ever, frequently, hardly ever, never, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, usually等。频度副词通常位于主动词之前,如果主动词是be则通常位于其后,也可为了强调而位于其前。试比较: The students (always) are always on time for class.

She (sometimes) is sometimes a little angry with him.

He hardly ever makes a mistake when he writes.

We rarely go hiking when it rains.

注意,hardly ever的含义是almost never;rarely的含义是not usually。以此类推,not ever=never;not always=usually;not often=seldom,等等。


用一般现在时表示的现时状态通常都带有一定的持续性,因此只适用于静态动词。例如: Someone’s at the door, Carol.

What’s the matter with you? You look pale.

What do you think, Jane?


Harper passes the ball to Jennings; Jenning shoots and the goalkeeper leaps for it but ——yes,it’s a goal.


I declare the meeting open. (会议主持人的正式语体)

I wish you all a happy New Year.

上述专门用语或日常用语一般都用第一人称。可作类似用法的动词还有agree, apologize, deny, name, object, promise, say, sentence, suggest, sympathize等。


第一种句型是在I hope,I bet等后面的that-从句中可用一般现在时表示将来时间。例如: I hope you have a good time.

I hope she likes the flowers.

在上述that-分句中,you have a good time = you will have a good time;she likes the flowers = she will like the flowers,两者可交替使用。又例如:

I bet it rains tomorrow.

=...it will rain tomorrow.

这与上述I hope + that-分句的情形是相同的。

常用一般现在时表示将来时间的第二种句型是see (to it)/ make sure/ make certain + that-分句。例如:

I’ll see (to it) /make sure/ make certain (that) you don’t get lost.

在这里,you don’t get lost 也是一般现在时表示将来时间。

常用一般现在时表时间来时间的第三种句型是由if/ when 引导的条件分句和时间分句。例如:

Will you go and help to get in the crops when the harvest time comes?

If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the countryside.

这里的comes和is不能改用*will come和*will be。


能用一般现在时表示过去时间的动词有tell, say, hear, learn, gather等。例如:

Alice tells me you’re entering college next year.

I hear poor old Mrs Smith has lost its pet.

这里的tells和hear在含义上替代了told和heard,以及has told和have heard。当然,一般现在时作为一种修辞手法也可用在叙事文或新闻报导中追述往事以增进描述的生动性和真实感。



一般过去时主要用来表示在特定过去时间中一次完成的动作或一度存在的状态。例如: We visited a factory last Friday.

He left ten minutes age.

This town was once a beauty spot.

Before liberation we lived in Beijing for five years.


In those days they sowed wheat by hand.

He worked in a bank all his life.

He has given up smoking, but a year ago he smoked 100 cigarettes a week.


He lived in Shanghai for 20 years. (现已不住在上海)

He has lived in Shanghai for 20 years. (可能还住在上海,也可能刚搬走)




A:Did you want me ?

B:Yes, I wondered if you could give me some help.

上述句子也能用一般现在时表示,但口气不如一般过去时婉转。这一用法只限于want, wonder, think, hope等少数几个动词。

第二种情况是在It’s time ..., I wish..., I’d rather...等结构后面的that-分句中,以及在某些条件句中,表示主观设想。例如:

It’s time you had a holiday.

I wish you lived closer to us.

If only he didn’t drive so fast!


If I had the money now, I’d buy a car.

If you went at about five o’clock tomorrow, you could see him before he left the office. I’d rather you went now.

A:Shall I open the window?

B:I’d rather you didn’t.


Suppose they didn’t believe it, how should we convince them?

Suppose we spent next week in Beijing?

He looks as if he was sick.





The earth rotates on its axis.

Hydrogen is the lightest element.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

London stands on the River Thames.



Percy often goes to his office by underground.

Father doesn’t smoke.

He always sleeps with his windows open.

Mary usually learns languages very quickly, but she doesn’t seem to be able to learn modern Greek.

上述用法的一般现在时常与频度副词连用。常见的频度副词有always, ever, frequently, hardly ever, never, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, usually等。频度副词通常位于主动词之前,如果主动词是be则通常位于其后,也可为了强调而位于其前。试比较: The students (always) are always on time for class.

She (sometimes) is sometimes a little angry with him.

He hardly ever makes a mistake when he writes.

We rarely go hiking when it rains.

注意,hardly ever的含义是almost never;rarely的含义是not usually。以此类推,not ever=never;not always=usually;not often=seldom,等等。


用一般现在时表示的现时状态通常都带有一定的持续性,因此只适用于静态动词。例如: Someone’s at the door, Carol.

What’s the matter with you? You look pale.

What do you think, Jane?


Harper passes the ball to Jennings; Jenning shoots and the goalkeeper leaps for it but ——yes,it’s a goal.


I declare the meeting open. (会议主持人的正式语体)

I wish you all a happy New Year.

上述专门用语或日常用语一般都用第一人称。可作类似用法的动词还有agree, apologize, deny, name, object, promise, say, sentence, suggest, sympathize等。


第一种句型是在I hope,I bet等后面的that-从句中可用一般现在时表示将来时间。例如: I hope you have a good time.

I hope she likes the flowers.

在上述that-分句中,you have a good time = you will have a good time;she likes the flowers = she will like the flowers,两者可交替使用。又例如:

I bet it rains tomorrow.

=...it will rain tomorrow.

这与上述I hope + that-分句的情形是相同的。

常用一般现在时表示将来时间的第二种句型是see (to it)/ make sure/ make certain + that-分句。例如:

I’ll see (to it) /make sure/ make certain (that) you don’t get lost.

在这里,you don’t get lost 也是一般现在时表示将来时间。

常用一般现在时表时间来时间的第三种句型是由if/ when 引导的条件分句和时间分句。例如:

Will you go and help to get in the crops when the harvest time comes?

If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the countryside.

这里的comes和is不能改用*will come和*will be。


能用一般现在时表示过去时间的动词有tell, say, hear, learn, gather等。例如:

Alice tells me you’re entering college next year.

I hear poor old Mrs Smith has lost its pet.

这里的tells和hear在含义上替代了told和heard,以及has told和have heard。当然,一般现在时作为一种修辞手法也可用在叙事文或新闻报导中追述往事以增进描述的生动性和真实感。



一般过去时主要用来表示在特定过去时间中一次完成的动作或一度存在的状态。例如: We visited a factory last Friday.

He left ten minutes age.

This town was once a beauty spot.

Before liberation we lived in Beijing for five years.


In those days they sowed wheat by hand.

He worked in a bank all his life.

He has given up smoking, but a year ago he smoked 100 cigarettes a week.


He lived in Shanghai for 20 years. (现已不住在上海)

He has lived in Shanghai for 20 years. (可能还住在上海,也可能刚搬走)




A:Did you want me ?

B:Yes, I wondered if you could give me some help.

上述句子也能用一般现在时表示,但口气不如一般过去时婉转。这一用法只限于want, wonder, think, hope等少数几个动词。

第二种情况是在It’s time ..., I wish..., I’d rather...等结构后面的that-分句中,以及在某些条件句中,表示主观设想。例如:

It’s time you had a holiday.

I wish you lived closer to us.

If only he didn’t drive so fast!


If I had the money now, I’d buy a car.

If you went at about five o’clock tomorrow, you could see him before he left the office. I’d rather you went now.

A:Shall I open the window?

B:I’d rather you didn’t.


Suppose they didn’t believe it, how should we convince them?

Suppose we spent next week in Beijing?

He looks as if he was sick.



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