
产品说明The product description

在密闭管道内,以链片为传动构件带动物料沿管道运动。当水平输送时,物料颗粒受到链片在运动方向的推力。当料层间的内摩擦力大于物料与管壁的外摩擦力时,物料就随链片向前运动,形成稳定的料流;当垂直输送时,管内物料颗粒受链片向上推力,因为下部给料阻止上部物料下滑,产生了横向侧压力,所以增强了物料的内摩擦力,当物料间的内摩擦力大于物料与管内壁外摩擦力及物料自重时,物料就随链片向上输送,形成连续料流。In a closed conduit, with chain drive transmission member piece of material movement along the pipeline. When the horizontal conveyor, the material particles by the chain in the direction of movement of the thrust sheet. When the internal friction of the material layer is greater than the friction material and the outer wall, the material on thesheet with the forward movement of the chain to form a stable stream; when the vertical conveying pipe material particles by the chain upward thrust sheet,since the lower the upper portion of the feed to prevent the material down, resulting in a lateral side of the pressure, so enhancing the internal friction of the material, when theinternal friction of the material is greater than the outer material and the inner wall of the friction material and the weight of the material on the conveyor chain with up sheet, a continuous stream.上海晶晨机械设备有限公司

电话:0086-021-312117551www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

conveyor, comparable to air transportation to reduce energy consumption by

50% ~ 80%,can greatly reduce the transportation cost.

Compact : lightweight appearance, compact structure, small occupied area, without being limited

by the terrain, transmission direction to decorate, can use feed more and more highlighted.Convenient : the operation is simple, easy to use, reduce labor intensity.


电话:0086-021-312117552www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

1、 容积式输送装置 , 可实现物料的输送和计量 。易于实现集中控制,提高自动化程度, 满足现代企业对环境保护的要求

2 、结构紧凑 , 占用空间小, 可以三维改变输送方向 。

3 、被输送的物料从进口到出口法兰之间是处于密闭状态的。出口不必设置除尘器。 在输送物料时可充装气体。运输中能保证没有粉尘泄漏到环境中。

4 、物料沿着管子平滑输送,基本上没有内部运动, 所以物料破损少,缓慢的弯道输 送使很少的物料颗粒产生碎屑。

5、 根据不同的加料情况,进口之间可相距超过10米远。

6、 链轮有优化的肩,设计优化,使用硬化链条具有最小磨损。

7 、特殊的输送盘 ,具有极低的磨擦系数和稳定的输送能力。

1、Volumetric delivery device, enabling delivery

and metering of materials. easy to implement

centralized control,increased automation, meet

environmental protection requirements of the

modern enterprise

2、Compact structure, small footprint, it can change

the three-dimensional transport direction.

3、Material is conveyed from the inlet to the outlet

flange is located between the closed state. No need

to provide export filter. When transporting

materials can filling gas. Transport to ensure no

leakage of dust into the environment.

4、Smooth transport along the tube material,

substantially no internal movement, so less

material damage, slow corners so seldom

transported material particlesgenerated debris.

5、Depending on the charging case, the distance

between the import of more than 10 meters


6、Sprockets have optimized shoulder design

optimization, the use of hardened chain has

minimal wear.

7、Special delivery tray with very low friction

coefficient and stable transmission capacity.


电话:0086-021-312117553www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

食品工业: 面粉 ,淀粉,谷物,奶粉,食品添加剂等。

Fine Chemicals: pigments, dyes, paints, carbon black, titanium dioxide, ironoxide, ceramic powder, GCC, light calcium, bentonite, zeolite, kaolin, silica powder, activated carbon, etc.

Pesticide Mineral: urea, ammonium

chloride, ammonium bicarbonate,

baking soda, solid pesticides,tungsten

powder,pesticide chemicals,copper

powder, coal, phosphate rock powder, alumina powder

Building materials: cement, clay, sand, quartz sand, clay powder, silica, limestone, dolomite flour, wood flour, glass fiber, silica, talc, etc.Food industry: flour, starch, grain, milk, and food additives.上海晶晨机械设备有限公司

电话:0086-021-312117553www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com


电话:0086-021-31211755www.win-groups.com join。[email protected]

c a s e 例上海晶晨机械设备有限公司电话:0086-021-312117556www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

Star Ssu

(shanghai) Machinery Co.Ltd.

上海晶晨机械设备有限公司上海浦东新区三甲路427号 [1**********]@139. c o m w w w. w i n -g r o u p s. c o m 0086-021-31211755

产品说明The product description

在密闭管道内,以链片为传动构件带动物料沿管道运动。当水平输送时,物料颗粒受到链片在运动方向的推力。当料层间的内摩擦力大于物料与管壁的外摩擦力时,物料就随链片向前运动,形成稳定的料流;当垂直输送时,管内物料颗粒受链片向上推力,因为下部给料阻止上部物料下滑,产生了横向侧压力,所以增强了物料的内摩擦力,当物料间的内摩擦力大于物料与管内壁外摩擦力及物料自重时,物料就随链片向上输送,形成连续料流。In a closed conduit, with chain drive transmission member piece of material movement along the pipeline. When the horizontal conveyor, the material particles by the chain in the direction of movement of the thrust sheet. When the internal friction of the material layer is greater than the friction material and the outer wall, the material on thesheet with the forward movement of the chain to form a stable stream; when the vertical conveying pipe material particles by the chain upward thrust sheet,since the lower the upper portion of the feed to prevent the material down, resulting in a lateral side of the pressure, so enhancing the internal friction of the material, when theinternal friction of the material is greater than the outer material and the inner wall of the friction material and the weight of the material on the conveyor chain with up sheet, a continuous stream.上海晶晨机械设备有限公司

电话:0086-021-312117551www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

conveyor, comparable to air transportation to reduce energy consumption by

50% ~ 80%,can greatly reduce the transportation cost.

Compact : lightweight appearance, compact structure, small occupied area, without being limited

by the terrain, transmission direction to decorate, can use feed more and more highlighted.Convenient : the operation is simple, easy to use, reduce labor intensity.


电话:0086-021-312117552www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

1、 容积式输送装置 , 可实现物料的输送和计量 。易于实现集中控制,提高自动化程度, 满足现代企业对环境保护的要求

2 、结构紧凑 , 占用空间小, 可以三维改变输送方向 。

3 、被输送的物料从进口到出口法兰之间是处于密闭状态的。出口不必设置除尘器。 在输送物料时可充装气体。运输中能保证没有粉尘泄漏到环境中。

4 、物料沿着管子平滑输送,基本上没有内部运动, 所以物料破损少,缓慢的弯道输 送使很少的物料颗粒产生碎屑。

5、 根据不同的加料情况,进口之间可相距超过10米远。

6、 链轮有优化的肩,设计优化,使用硬化链条具有最小磨损。

7 、特殊的输送盘 ,具有极低的磨擦系数和稳定的输送能力。

1、Volumetric delivery device, enabling delivery

and metering of materials. easy to implement

centralized control,increased automation, meet

environmental protection requirements of the

modern enterprise

2、Compact structure, small footprint, it can change

the three-dimensional transport direction.

3、Material is conveyed from the inlet to the outlet

flange is located between the closed state. No need

to provide export filter. When transporting

materials can filling gas. Transport to ensure no

leakage of dust into the environment.

4、Smooth transport along the tube material,

substantially no internal movement, so less

material damage, slow corners so seldom

transported material particlesgenerated debris.

5、Depending on the charging case, the distance

between the import of more than 10 meters


6、Sprockets have optimized shoulder design

optimization, the use of hardened chain has

minimal wear.

7、Special delivery tray with very low friction

coefficient and stable transmission capacity.


电话:0086-021-312117553www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

食品工业: 面粉 ,淀粉,谷物,奶粉,食品添加剂等。

Fine Chemicals: pigments, dyes, paints, carbon black, titanium dioxide, ironoxide, ceramic powder, GCC, light calcium, bentonite, zeolite, kaolin, silica powder, activated carbon, etc.

Pesticide Mineral: urea, ammonium

chloride, ammonium bicarbonate,

baking soda, solid pesticides,tungsten

powder,pesticide chemicals,copper

powder, coal, phosphate rock powder, alumina powder

Building materials: cement, clay, sand, quartz sand, clay powder, silica, limestone, dolomite flour, wood flour, glass fiber, silica, talc, etc.Food industry: flour, starch, grain, milk, and food additives.上海晶晨机械设备有限公司

电话:0086-021-312117553www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com


电话:0086-021-31211755www.win-groups.com join。[email protected]

c a s e 例上海晶晨机械设备有限公司电话:0086-021-312117556www.win-groups.com [1**********]@139.com

Star Ssu

(shanghai) Machinery Co.Ltd.

上海晶晨机械设备有限公司上海浦东新区三甲路427号 [1**********]@139. c o m w w w. w i n -g r o u p s. c o m 0086-021-31211755


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