

询问酒水价格 上酒水、准备点单



Good morning!―――您(们)好!(中午前) Good afternoon! ―――您(们)好!(下午)

Good evening!―――您(们)好!(18:00点以后)

*How is your life? ―――过得怎样? * Long time no see!―――好久没见!

*For xx,sir?―――您几位?(xx代表英文中的数量词one two there four…)

A table for xx,sir? ―――xx位吗?(xx代表英文中的数量词one two there four…)

How many people are there in your party?―――您一共几位(人较多时问)

*You alone,sir?―――您一个人?



通常问候客人后客人会反问:Fine, thank you, and you?(我很好,你呢?)

How are you doing?(你好吗?)

What’s up? How about you?(怎么样?)

常用答语:Fine, thank you!我很好,谢谢!

Couldn’t be better! Thank you!(不能再好了!)

*I can’t complain!Thank you!(挺好的!)

*So-So, just alive!(马马虎虎吧!)


附:是否有预订:Have you made reservation?Have you got reservation?


This way, please.――这边请 Follow me,piease.――请跟我来Come with me, please――请跟我来

Is here alright?――这里怎么样?How about that table by the window?那边靠窗的台怎么样?

Please take your seat./Sit down, please.(请坐)


The menu, please.—给您菜单 Please take a look――请过目 The soup of the day is…――今日例汤

是…Today’s specialty is…――今日特选是.. The xx is very good.――xx特别好 The xx is very

popular here.――xx在本餐厅很受欢迎 Please take your time――-请您慢慢看,不用着急。


What’s for your drink?/Anything to drink?/What would you like to drink?/Would you care for something

to drink?――您喝点什么?


Your xx,sir!/Please enjoy your xx!――您的xx,请慢用Are you ready to order?――您准备点单吗?

Have you decided?――您(决定)吃什么? May I take your order?――可以给您点菜吗?

Please take your time!――不用急,慢慢看!(当客人还没有决定好时)

点菜后问:That’s all?/Anything else?――还需要些什么?

May I repeat your order?――给您重复一下,好么?


The xx,please――您的xx Please enjoy your xx――请慢用

Thank you for your waiting./Sorry for the delay.――让您久等了!(当客人等的过久时)

附:询问意见:So far so good?――到目前为止还好吧?(较随便) Is everything all right?――一切还好吧?


Have you finished?――吃完了?May I take away?――我能把这个撤走吗?May I clean off the table?――我可以收台吗?How about some coffee/dessert?――来点咖啡/甜点怎样?Would you care for some coffee or dessert?――您要不要来点咖啡或者甜品?

附:询问是否添加饮料:One more?/Another drink, sir?


递帐单:Your bill, sir, thank you very much!――您的帐单,非常感谢!Your change, sir!――找您钱 刷卡:Please sign your name./Will you please sign your name?――请您签名


See you next time!――下次见! Take care!――保重!Hope to see you more often――希望常常见到您! Have a nice day!――祝您一天愉快!Enjoy your stay in Beijing!――在北京玩的开心!


询问酒水价格 上酒水、准备点单



Good morning!―――您(们)好!(中午前) Good afternoon! ―――您(们)好!(下午)

Good evening!―――您(们)好!(18:00点以后)

*How is your life? ―――过得怎样? * Long time no see!―――好久没见!

*For xx,sir?―――您几位?(xx代表英文中的数量词one two there four…)

A table for xx,sir? ―――xx位吗?(xx代表英文中的数量词one two there four…)

How many people are there in your party?―――您一共几位(人较多时问)

*You alone,sir?―――您一个人?



通常问候客人后客人会反问:Fine, thank you, and you?(我很好,你呢?)

How are you doing?(你好吗?)

What’s up? How about you?(怎么样?)

常用答语:Fine, thank you!我很好,谢谢!

Couldn’t be better! Thank you!(不能再好了!)

*I can’t complain!Thank you!(挺好的!)

*So-So, just alive!(马马虎虎吧!)


附:是否有预订:Have you made reservation?Have you got reservation?


This way, please.――这边请 Follow me,piease.――请跟我来Come with me, please――请跟我来

Is here alright?――这里怎么样?How about that table by the window?那边靠窗的台怎么样?

Please take your seat./Sit down, please.(请坐)


The menu, please.—给您菜单 Please take a look――请过目 The soup of the day is…――今日例汤

是…Today’s specialty is…――今日特选是.. The xx is very good.――xx特别好 The xx is very

popular here.――xx在本餐厅很受欢迎 Please take your time――-请您慢慢看,不用着急。


What’s for your drink?/Anything to drink?/What would you like to drink?/Would you care for something

to drink?――您喝点什么?


Your xx,sir!/Please enjoy your xx!――您的xx,请慢用Are you ready to order?――您准备点单吗?

Have you decided?――您(决定)吃什么? May I take your order?――可以给您点菜吗?

Please take your time!――不用急,慢慢看!(当客人还没有决定好时)

点菜后问:That’s all?/Anything else?――还需要些什么?

May I repeat your order?――给您重复一下,好么?


The xx,please――您的xx Please enjoy your xx――请慢用

Thank you for your waiting./Sorry for the delay.――让您久等了!(当客人等的过久时)

附:询问意见:So far so good?――到目前为止还好吧?(较随便) Is everything all right?――一切还好吧?


Have you finished?――吃完了?May I take away?――我能把这个撤走吗?May I clean off the table?――我可以收台吗?How about some coffee/dessert?――来点咖啡/甜点怎样?Would you care for some coffee or dessert?――您要不要来点咖啡或者甜品?

附:询问是否添加饮料:One more?/Another drink, sir?


递帐单:Your bill, sir, thank you very much!――您的帐单,非常感谢!Your change, sir!――找您钱 刷卡:Please sign your name./Will you please sign your name?――请您签名


See you next time!――下次见! Take care!――保重!Hope to see you more often――希望常常见到您! Have a nice day!――祝您一天愉快!Enjoy your stay in Beijing!――在北京玩的开心!


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