
—— Pay harvest joy

Pay harvest joy

- "happy prince" feeling after reading "happy prince" feeling after reading

In the happy annual leave, I read a book called "the happy prince" the book, this book makes me feel joy in annual leave the mind in warm, feel pay can reap happy.

The happy prince, "was British poet Oscar Wilde dating 100 years ago written pathos moving tale. Mainly talks about in a town on the square stands a beautiful statue of the prince. The prince's body plated with gold, sparkling eyes with sapphire, jian diamond-studded is ruby. The men of the city tube he call "the happy prince," and proud. One year autumn season, came a swallow. And the prince lived in always. Winter arrived, the prince in order to let the city those without food and the sick man through the winter, let the swallow their eyes, crowns, in the sword of ruby, jewelry, and finally to send them off his own body gilded also all stripped off to the poor. Just like that, "the happy prince" have no eyes, become blind, the whole body without a gold-plated, become rags. The swallow also because no to warm the south, and was frozen to death. And finally "the happy prince" and the swallow is into the garbage can. But the angel lets "the happy prince" and the soul rose in heaven.

After reading the story, I love deeply moved by the prince, I think happiness is gained in pay, you pay more, you get the more, we should learn from the happy prince, do a caring and helpful virtuous person!

—— Pay harvest joy

Pay harvest joy

- "happy prince" feeling after reading "happy prince" feeling after reading

In the happy annual leave, I read a book called "the happy prince" the book, this book makes me feel joy in annual leave the mind in warm, feel pay can reap happy.

The happy prince, "was British poet Oscar Wilde dating 100 years ago written pathos moving tale. Mainly talks about in a town on the square stands a beautiful statue of the prince. The prince's body plated with gold, sparkling eyes with sapphire, jian diamond-studded is ruby. The men of the city tube he call "the happy prince," and proud. One year autumn season, came a swallow. And the prince lived in always. Winter arrived, the prince in order to let the city those without food and the sick man through the winter, let the swallow their eyes, crowns, in the sword of ruby, jewelry, and finally to send them off his own body gilded also all stripped off to the poor. Just like that, "the happy prince" have no eyes, become blind, the whole body without a gold-plated, become rags. The swallow also because no to warm the south, and was frozen to death. And finally "the happy prince" and the swallow is into the garbage can. But the angel lets "the happy prince" and the soul rose in heaven.

After reading the story, I love deeply moved by the prince, I think happiness is gained in pay, you pay more, you get the more, we should learn from the happy prince, do a caring and helpful virtuous person!


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