

The annual Ibrahim Index on African Governance shows almost two in three African citizens live in countries in which safety and the rule of law have deteriorated during the past decade.


Presenting the findings Monday, the founder of the index, Sudanese-born billionaire and philanthropist Mo Ibrahim, said the statistics send a clear message.

周一介绍上述调查结果时,该指数的创始人——出生于苏丹人家庭的亿万富翁,同样也是一名慈善家的莫? 易卜拉欣称,该统计数据向我们传达了一条明确的信息。

"This is a very strong mathematical correlation, between safety and the rule of law, and development. And so we cannot say it more louder, that we need peace in Africa."

" 安全和法治与发展之间有着十分紧密的精确关系。因此下面这句话我们说得再大声也不为过——非洲需要和平。"

Former top State Department official Jendayi E. Frazer,a member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, told VOA the decline in security is especially worrying.

国务院前高级官员Jendayi E. Frazer也是易卜拉欣基金会的一名成员,他告诉VOA ,如今各国安全指标下降的情况十分堪忧。

"It's clearly of concern because it is dragging down governance as a whole. But also because it affects the lives of people, you know, when you are talking about personal safety and national security you are talking about life and death."

" 很显然,这种情况于我们有着重大关系,这不仅因为它拖垮了整个国家治理。更是因为人们的生活也受到了影响,你知道的,当你在谈论个人安全以及国家安全的时候,其实说的就是生与死。"

Libya has shown one of the sharpest declines in national security and personal safety. Britain and France led the NATO airstrikes that helped to oust Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. 在国家安全和个人安全下降幅度最大的国家中,利比亚占得一席。因为2011年,英国和法国曾领导北约进行空袭,帮助利比亚人民将独裁领导人卡扎菲驱逐出境。


Frazer calls that intervention a clear mistake.

Frazer 称,这次军事干预行动就是一个大错误。

"We have lessons to learn. And one of the big lessons I would think is if the region is overwhelmingly against an intervention, you should hesitate, and you should think twice. Another lesson should be if you are not prepared to fix it, don't break it."

" 我们未来要吸取教训。而我现在想到的一个非常重大的教训就是,万一这片区域的人们一边倒地反对干预行动,你就应该要犹豫一下,然后再三考虑。另一个教训是,要是你没准备好收拾残局,就先不要打破现状。"

South Africa slipped from third to sixth overall in the index. The report offers voice of concern of the state of the ANC-led government following recent corruption allegations and an economic slowdown.


But Frazer, the first female US ambassador to South Africa remains optimistic.

不过美国驻南非第一个女性大使 Frazer 依然保持乐观。

"I think South Africa has the capacity to arrest that decline. It has it in its institutions which are fairly strong and still independent. It has it in its civil society."

" 我觉得南非有能力阻止安全指数继续下滑。其政府体系中有这种能力,南非的政府体系是相当强大的,而且至今很独立。其公民社会也有这种能力。"

Mauritius held on to the top spot, while Somalia remained at the bottom of the index. Rwanda was among the nations showing the fastest improvement, entering the top 10 for the first time.



Joey:With Carol? Oh...

和Carol ?哦。

Chandler:So in your whole life, you've only been with one. oh.


Joey:Whoah, boy, hockey was a big mistake!


There was a whole bunch of stuff we could've done tonight!


Monica:Okay. Okay, I got one.


Do you remember that vegetarian pate that I made that you loved so much?




Monica:Well, unless goose is a vegetable...ha haaaah!


Phoebe:Oh! Oh! Oh! Okay, fine, fine. Now I don't feel so bad about sleeping with Jason Hurley. 哦!哦!哦!好吧,好好。现在我不感到和Jason Hurley。上床有什么可后悔的了。 Monica:What? ! You slept with Jason?

什么?!你和Jason 上过床?

Phoebe:You'd already broken up.


Rachel:How long?


Phoebe:Just a couple hours.


Monica:Oh, that's nice!


Rachel:Okay, okay, okay, I got one!


Anyway The valentine Tommy Rollerson left in your locker was really from me.

总而言之,Tommy Rollerson放在你柜子里的情人节礼物实际上是我送给你的。

Monica:Excuse me? !


Rachel:Hello? Like he was really gonna send you one? She was so big!


Monica:Really. Well, at least 'big girls' don't pee in their pants in seventh grade!

真的,恩,至少‘大只的姑娘 ’在七年级时没尿过裤子。

Rachel:I was laughing! You made me laugh!


Phoebe:Oh, my God! There he is! There he is!




Phoebe:Right where we've been looking all night!


Rachel:He is so cute!



How's your knee-walking coming alone? Oh, don't run away. From you?


Thank God. I thought you are deaf as well as dumb.


Look, I've told you you are an ass. I just didn't realize you are a royal one.


What are you going to do? You got your daddy's men to protect you?


Haha, I can take you apart with one blow.


I can take your apart with less than that.


Are you sure?


Here you go, big man. Come on, then. I warn you, I've been trained to kill since birth.

拿着," 大块头" 。动手吧。我警告你,我自出娘胎就训练搏斗了。

Wow. And how long have you been training to be a prat?


You can't address me like that.


Sorry, how long have you been training to be a prat? My Lord.


Come on, then, Merlin. Come on! You are in trouble now.

动手吧 梅林。来啊!你有麻烦了。


You know, some people try visualization.


How does that work?


Okay, imagine your problems are a pen.




Now imagine you're holding that pen.




Now open your hand and let it go.

现在松开手,让笔掉下来(算了吧) 。

But I just got this pen. It's got my initials on it and everything. Look.


Sheldon, this isn't that hard.


I may have a better way that you can teach me.





What if I told you that over the past few months Amy has secretly been giving you little puzzles to test your intelligence against chimpanzees in her lab?


What? She didn't give me any puzzles.


Are you sure?


Boy, I just can't seem to get these scissors back together. Can you do it?


Darn it. There's something in my eye, and I need to sort these coins by size. Can you help? 糟糕。我的眼睛进东西了,我得把这些硬币按大小分类。你能帮个忙吗?

Penny? I really want to eat this banana, but it's stuck inside this bamboo puzzle box.


Son of a bitch!


Okay, that's great. Now, let it go.


Should, Would, Could的发音

In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to talk about the pronunciation of should, would, and could.

These words all rhyme. The pronunciation is simpler than it looks; the L is silent. So they all have their beginning consonant, the UH as in BOOK vowel, and the D sound. Should, would, could. They rhyme with 'good', 'hood', and 'wood'. Yes, ' www.zycaihui.comwould' and 'wood' are pronounced the same. They are homophones. So this is the pronunciation of these words in full.

But, as you know, Americans like to reduce less important words in a sentence to make the important words stand out more.

And these are three words that can be reduced.

As with many reductions, we change the vowel to the schwa and speed up the word: should, should, would, would, could, could. You'll hear Americans go even further though, and drop the D. I noticed I did this when I was doing a Ben Franklin exercise on some of my speech.

Should we get dinner?


Should we get dinner? One of the things I notice is that I'm dropping the D sound, should we, should we.

Shu, shu. Just the SH sound and the schwa.

The lips are flared and the teeth are together, sh. The tongue tip is pointing up to the roof of the mouth, but it's not touching it. Shu-, shu-. Then for the schwa, everything relaxes and you go into the next sound, shu-, shu-, shu-we, should we call her? Shu-we, shu-we. I should go. Shu-go, shu-go. I should go.

Now, if the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong, I wouldn't drop the D.

It would be too unclear to go from the schwa into another vowel. So for 'should I', 'should I', for example, I make a really quick flap of the tongue for the D. Should I, should I, should I say that? Should I try it? Should I call him?

If dropping the D feels like too extreme of a reduction for you, you certainly don't have to do it. Just keep 'should' unstressed, really quick, should, should, should.

Now let's look at 'could'. The K sound is made when the back part of the tongue comes up and touches the soft palate in the back, kk, kk, ku-. Could we try later? Could we, could we? Again, just dropping the D: k sound, schwa, next word. Could we, could we? Saying it with a D when the next word begins with a vowel or diphthong: Could I come back later? Could I, could I. So just a nice short 'could'.

Finally, 'would'. For the W sound, the lips are in a tight circle, and the back part of the tongue lifts, ww, ww. Wuh. Would we want to do that? Would we? Would we? Would we want to do that? Or, with a really quick D sound: Where would I go? would I, would I, would I.

So you can reduce these words by changing the vowel to the schwa.

You can reduce them further by dropping the D, unless the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong.

So make these words as fast as you can, they're not the most important words in the sentence. Link them into the sentence. You want to say: where would I go? Instead of where WOULD I go, in order to have that give and take, long and short of American English.

If there's a word or phrase you'd like help pronouncing, please put it in the comments below. Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list by clicking here or in the description below to keep up with all my latest videos – it's free.

In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to talk about the pronunciation of should, would, and could.

These words all rhyme. The pronunciation is simpler than it looks; the L is silent. So they all have

their beginning consonant, the UH as in BOOK vowel, and the D sound. Should, would, could. They rhyme with 'good', 'hood', and 'wood'. Yes, 'would' and 'wood' are pronounced the same. They are homophones. So this is the pronunciation of these words in full.

But, as you know, Americans like to reduce less important words in a sentence to make the important words stand out more.

And these are three words that can be reduced.

As with many reductions, we change the vowel to the schwa and speed up the word: should, should, would, would, could, could. You'll hear Americans go even further though, and drop the D. I noticed I did this when I was doing a Ben Franklin exercise on some of my speech.

Should we get dinner?


Should we get dinner? One of the things I notice is that I'm dropping the D sound, should we, should we.

Shu, shu. Just the SH sound and the schwa.

The lips are flared and the teeth are together, sh. The tongue tip is pointing up to the roof of the mouth, but it's not touching it. Shu-, shu-. Then for the schwa, everything relaxes and you go into the next sound, shu-, shu-, shu-we, should we call her? Shu-we, shu-we. I should go. Shu-go, shu-go. I should go.

Now, if the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong, I wouldn't drop the D.

It would be too unclear to go from the schwa into another vowel. So for 'should I', 'should I', for example, I make a really quick flap of the tongue for the D. Should I, should I, should I say that? Should I try it? Should I call him?

If dropping the D feels like too extreme of a reduction for you, you certainly don't have to do it. Just keep 'should' unstressed, really quick, should, should, should.

Now let's look at 'could'. The K sound is made when the back part of the tongue comes up and touches the soft palate in the back, kk, kk, ku-. Could we try later? Could we, could we? Again, just dropping the D: k sound, schwa, next word. Could we, could we? Saying it with a D when the next word begins with a vowel or diphthong: Could I come back later? Could I, could I. So just a nice short 'could'.

Finally, 'would'. For the W sound, the lips are in a tight circle, and the back part of the tongue lifts, ww, ww. Wuh. Would we want to do that? Would we? Would we? Would we want to do that? Or, with a really quick D sound: Where would I go? would I, would I, would I.

So you can reduce these words by changing the vowel to the schwa.

You can reduce them further by dropping the D, unless the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong.

So make these words as fast as you can, they're not the most important words in the sentence. Link them into the sentence. You want to say: where would I go? Instead of where WOULD I go, in order to have that give and take, long and short of American English.

If there's a word or phrase you'd like help pronouncing, please put it in the comments below. Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list by clicking here or in the description below to keep up with all my latest videos – it's free.

That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


Einstein was born in Ulm, in southern Germany, in 1879, but grew up in Munich. Little in his early life suggested the greatness to come. Famously he didn’t learn to speak until he was three. In the 1890s, his father’s electrical business failing, the family moved to Milan, but Albert, by now a teenager, went to Switzerland to continue his education —though he failed his college entrance exams on the first try. In 1896 he gave up his German citizenship to avoid military conscription and entered the Zurich Polytechnic Institute on a four-year course designed to churn out high school science teachers. He was a bright but not outstanding student.



In 1900 he graduated and within a few months was beginning to contribute papers to Annalen der Physik. His very first paper, on the physics of fluids in drinking straws (of all things), appeared in the same issue as P lanck’s quantum theory. From 1902 to 1904 he www.edu800.cnproduced a series of papers on statistical mechanics only to discover that the quietly productive J. Willard Gibbs in Connecticut had done that work as well, in his Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics of 1901.

1900年,他从学校毕业,没过几个月就开始把论文投给《物理学年鉴》。他的第一篇论文论述(在那么多可写的东西中偏偏论述)吸管里流体的物理学,与普朗克的量子理论发表在同一期上。从1902年到1904年,他写出了一系列关于统计力学的论文,结果发现,多产的J. 威拉德·吉布斯1901年在康涅狄格州已经悄悄地发表了同样的作品:《统计力学的基本原理》。


They went to bed at the usual time, waited until Neville, Dean, and Seamus had stopped discussing the Chamber of Secrets and finally fallen asleep,


then got up, dressed again, and threw the cloak over themselves.


The journey through the dark and deserted castle corridors wasn't enjoyable.


Harry, who had wandered the castle at night several times before, had never seen it so crowded after sunset.

哈利以前曾好几次半夜三更在城堡里游逛,却从没有看见在太阳落山后还有这么多人。 Teachers, prefects, and ghosts were marching the corridors in pairs, staring around for any unusual activity.


Their Invisibility Cloak didn't stop them making any noise,


and there was a particularly tense moment when Ron stubbed his toe only yards from the spot where Snape stood standing guard.


Thankfully, Snape sneezed at almost exactly the moment Ron swore.



It was with relief that they reached the oak front doors and eased them open.


It was a clear, starry night.


They hurried toward the lit windows of Hagrid's house and pulled off the cloak only when they were right outside his front door.

他们匆匆朝海格住处的那扇映着灯光的窗户走去,一直来到他的门外,他们才脱去了大袍。 Seconds after they had knocked, Hagrid flung it open.


They found themselves face-to-face with him aiming a crossbow at them.


Fang the boarhound barked loudly behind him.


"Oh," he said, lowering the weapon and staring at them.


"What're you two doin' here?"



One thing to know about the Middle East


is that nearly every family has access to affordable domestic help.


The challenge therefore becomes how to recruit effectively.

难题因此变成如何有效地召募(家务代理人) 。

Just like I would in my business life,


I have based the selection of who would support me with my children while I'm at work on a strong referral.


Cristina had worked for four years with my sister

Cristina 曾与我姐姐一同工作4年,

and the quality of her work was well-established.


She is now an integral member of our family,


having been with us since Alia was six months old.

从Alia 六个月大的时候就跟我们在一块了。


She makes sure that the house is running smoothly while I'm at work,


and I make sure to empower her in the most optimal conditions for her and my children, 而我保障她对她和我的孩子来说在最佳的状况下。

just like I would my best talent at work.


This lesson applies whatever your childcare situation,


whether an au pair, nursery, part-time nanny that you share with someone else.


Choose very carefully, and empower.


If you look at my calendar,


you will see every working day one and a half hours from 7pm to 8:30pm UAE time blocked and called "family time."


This is sacred time.


I have done this ever since Alia was a baby.

我从Alia 还是婴儿的时候就这么做了。

I do everything in my power to protect this time


so that I can be home by then to spend quality time with my children,


asking them about their day, checking up on homework,


reading them a bedtime story and giving them lots of kisses and cuddles.


If I'm traveling, in whatever the time zone,


I use Skype to connect with my children even if I am miles away.

我用Skype 与孩子们联系,即使我在数里之外。


The annual Ibrahim Index on African Governance shows almost two in three African citizens live in countries in which safety and the rule of law have deteriorated during the past decade.


Presenting the findings Monday, the founder of the index, Sudanese-born billionaire and philanthropist Mo Ibrahim, said the statistics send a clear message.

周一介绍上述调查结果时,该指数的创始人——出生于苏丹人家庭的亿万富翁,同样也是一名慈善家的莫? 易卜拉欣称,该统计数据向我们传达了一条明确的信息。

"This is a very strong mathematical correlation, between safety and the rule of law, and development. And so we cannot say it more louder, that we need peace in Africa."

" 安全和法治与发展之间有着十分紧密的精确关系。因此下面这句话我们说得再大声也不为过——非洲需要和平。"

Former top State Department official Jendayi E. Frazer,a member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, told VOA the decline in security is especially worrying.

国务院前高级官员Jendayi E. Frazer也是易卜拉欣基金会的一名成员,他告诉VOA ,如今各国安全指标下降的情况十分堪忧。

"It's clearly of concern because it is dragging down governance as a whole. But also because it affects the lives of people, you know, when you are talking about personal safety and national security you are talking about life and death."

" 很显然,这种情况于我们有着重大关系,这不仅因为它拖垮了整个国家治理。更是因为人们的生活也受到了影响,你知道的,当你在谈论个人安全以及国家安全的时候,其实说的就是生与死。"

Libya has shown one of the sharpest declines in national security and personal safety. Britain and France led the NATO airstrikes that helped to oust Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. 在国家安全和个人安全下降幅度最大的国家中,利比亚占得一席。因为2011年,英国和法国曾领导北约进行空袭,帮助利比亚人民将独裁领导人卡扎菲驱逐出境。


Frazer calls that intervention a clear mistake.

Frazer 称,这次军事干预行动就是一个大错误。

"We have lessons to learn. And one of the big lessons I would think is if the region is overwhelmingly against an intervention, you should hesitate, and you should think twice. Another lesson should be if you are not prepared to fix it, don't break it."

" 我们未来要吸取教训。而我现在想到的一个非常重大的教训就是,万一这片区域的人们一边倒地反对干预行动,你就应该要犹豫一下,然后再三考虑。另一个教训是,要是你没准备好收拾残局,就先不要打破现状。"

South Africa slipped from third to sixth overall in the index. The report offers voice of concern of the state of the ANC-led government following recent corruption allegations and an economic slowdown.


But Frazer, the first female US ambassador to South Africa remains optimistic.

不过美国驻南非第一个女性大使 Frazer 依然保持乐观。

"I think South Africa has the capacity to arrest that decline. It has it in its institutions which are fairly strong and still independent. It has it in its civil society."

" 我觉得南非有能力阻止安全指数继续下滑。其政府体系中有这种能力,南非的政府体系是相当强大的,而且至今很独立。其公民社会也有这种能力。"

Mauritius held on to the top spot, while Somalia remained at the bottom of the index. Rwanda was among the nations showing the fastest improvement, entering the top 10 for the first time.



Joey:With Carol? Oh...

和Carol ?哦。

Chandler:So in your whole life, you've only been with one. oh.


Joey:Whoah, boy, hockey was a big mistake!


There was a whole bunch of stuff we could've done tonight!


Monica:Okay. Okay, I got one.


Do you remember that vegetarian pate that I made that you loved so much?




Monica:Well, unless goose is a vegetable...ha haaaah!


Phoebe:Oh! Oh! Oh! Okay, fine, fine. Now I don't feel so bad about sleeping with Jason Hurley. 哦!哦!哦!好吧,好好。现在我不感到和Jason Hurley。上床有什么可后悔的了。 Monica:What? ! You slept with Jason?

什么?!你和Jason 上过床?

Phoebe:You'd already broken up.


Rachel:How long?


Phoebe:Just a couple hours.


Monica:Oh, that's nice!


Rachel:Okay, okay, okay, I got one!


Anyway The valentine Tommy Rollerson left in your locker was really from me.

总而言之,Tommy Rollerson放在你柜子里的情人节礼物实际上是我送给你的。

Monica:Excuse me? !


Rachel:Hello? Like he was really gonna send you one? She was so big!


Monica:Really. Well, at least 'big girls' don't pee in their pants in seventh grade!

真的,恩,至少‘大只的姑娘 ’在七年级时没尿过裤子。

Rachel:I was laughing! You made me laugh!


Phoebe:Oh, my God! There he is! There he is!




Phoebe:Right where we've been looking all night!


Rachel:He is so cute!



How's your knee-walking coming alone? Oh, don't run away. From you?


Thank God. I thought you are deaf as well as dumb.


Look, I've told you you are an ass. I just didn't realize you are a royal one.


What are you going to do? You got your daddy's men to protect you?


Haha, I can take you apart with one blow.


I can take your apart with less than that.


Are you sure?


Here you go, big man. Come on, then. I warn you, I've been trained to kill since birth.

拿着," 大块头" 。动手吧。我警告你,我自出娘胎就训练搏斗了。

Wow. And how long have you been training to be a prat?


You can't address me like that.


Sorry, how long have you been training to be a prat? My Lord.


Come on, then, Merlin. Come on! You are in trouble now.

动手吧 梅林。来啊!你有麻烦了。


You know, some people try visualization.


How does that work?


Okay, imagine your problems are a pen.




Now imagine you're holding that pen.




Now open your hand and let it go.

现在松开手,让笔掉下来(算了吧) 。

But I just got this pen. It's got my initials on it and everything. Look.


Sheldon, this isn't that hard.


I may have a better way that you can teach me.





What if I told you that over the past few months Amy has secretly been giving you little puzzles to test your intelligence against chimpanzees in her lab?


What? She didn't give me any puzzles.


Are you sure?


Boy, I just can't seem to get these scissors back together. Can you do it?


Darn it. There's something in my eye, and I need to sort these coins by size. Can you help? 糟糕。我的眼睛进东西了,我得把这些硬币按大小分类。你能帮个忙吗?

Penny? I really want to eat this banana, but it's stuck inside this bamboo puzzle box.


Son of a bitch!


Okay, that's great. Now, let it go.


Should, Would, Could的发音

In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to talk about the pronunciation of should, would, and could.

These words all rhyme. The pronunciation is simpler than it looks; the L is silent. So they all have their beginning consonant, the UH as in BOOK vowel, and the D sound. Should, would, could. They rhyme with 'good', 'hood', and 'wood'. Yes, ' www.zycaihui.comwould' and 'wood' are pronounced the same. They are homophones. So this is the pronunciation of these words in full.

But, as you know, Americans like to reduce less important words in a sentence to make the important words stand out more.

And these are three words that can be reduced.

As with many reductions, we change the vowel to the schwa and speed up the word: should, should, would, would, could, could. You'll hear Americans go even further though, and drop the D. I noticed I did this when I was doing a Ben Franklin exercise on some of my speech.

Should we get dinner?


Should we get dinner? One of the things I notice is that I'm dropping the D sound, should we, should we.

Shu, shu. Just the SH sound and the schwa.

The lips are flared and the teeth are together, sh. The tongue tip is pointing up to the roof of the mouth, but it's not touching it. Shu-, shu-. Then for the schwa, everything relaxes and you go into the next sound, shu-, shu-, shu-we, should we call her? Shu-we, shu-we. I should go. Shu-go, shu-go. I should go.

Now, if the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong, I wouldn't drop the D.

It would be too unclear to go from the schwa into another vowel. So for 'should I', 'should I', for example, I make a really quick flap of the tongue for the D. Should I, should I, should I say that? Should I try it? Should I call him?

If dropping the D feels like too extreme of a reduction for you, you certainly don't have to do it. Just keep 'should' unstressed, really quick, should, should, should.

Now let's look at 'could'. The K sound is made when the back part of the tongue comes up and touches the soft palate in the back, kk, kk, ku-. Could we try later? Could we, could we? Again, just dropping the D: k sound, schwa, next word. Could we, could we? Saying it with a D when the next word begins with a vowel or diphthong: Could I come back later? Could I, could I. So just a nice short 'could'.

Finally, 'would'. For the W sound, the lips are in a tight circle, and the back part of the tongue lifts, ww, ww. Wuh. Would we want to do that? Would we? Would we? Would we want to do that? Or, with a really quick D sound: Where would I go? would I, would I, would I.

So you can reduce these words by changing the vowel to the schwa.

You can reduce them further by dropping the D, unless the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong.

So make these words as fast as you can, they're not the most important words in the sentence. Link them into the sentence. You want to say: where would I go? Instead of where WOULD I go, in order to have that give and take, long and short of American English.

If there's a word or phrase you'd like help pronouncing, please put it in the comments below. Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list by clicking here or in the description below to keep up with all my latest videos – it's free.

In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to talk about the pronunciation of should, would, and could.

These words all rhyme. The pronunciation is simpler than it looks; the L is silent. So they all have

their beginning consonant, the UH as in BOOK vowel, and the D sound. Should, would, could. They rhyme with 'good', 'hood', and 'wood'. Yes, 'would' and 'wood' are pronounced the same. They are homophones. So this is the pronunciation of these words in full.

But, as you know, Americans like to reduce less important words in a sentence to make the important words stand out more.

And these are three words that can be reduced.

As with many reductions, we change the vowel to the schwa and speed up the word: should, should, would, would, could, could. You'll hear Americans go even further though, and drop the D. I noticed I did this when I was doing a Ben Franklin exercise on some of my speech.

Should we get dinner?


Should we get dinner? One of the things I notice is that I'm dropping the D sound, should we, should we.

Shu, shu. Just the SH sound and the schwa.

The lips are flared and the teeth are together, sh. The tongue tip is pointing up to the roof of the mouth, but it's not touching it. Shu-, shu-. Then for the schwa, everything relaxes and you go into the next sound, shu-, shu-, shu-we, should we call her? Shu-we, shu-we. I should go. Shu-go, shu-go. I should go.

Now, if the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong, I wouldn't drop the D.

It would be too unclear to go from the schwa into another vowel. So for 'should I', 'should I', for example, I make a really quick flap of the tongue for the D. Should I, should I, should I say that? Should I try it? Should I call him?

If dropping the D feels like too extreme of a reduction for you, you certainly don't have to do it. Just keep 'should' unstressed, really quick, should, should, should.

Now let's look at 'could'. The K sound is made when the back part of the tongue comes up and touches the soft palate in the back, kk, kk, ku-. Could we try later? Could we, could we? Again, just dropping the D: k sound, schwa, next word. Could we, could we? Saying it with a D when the next word begins with a vowel or diphthong: Could I come back later? Could I, could I. So just a nice short 'could'.

Finally, 'would'. For the W sound, the lips are in a tight circle, and the back part of the tongue lifts, ww, ww. Wuh. Would we want to do that? Would we? Would we? Would we want to do that? Or, with a really quick D sound: Where would I go? would I, would I, would I.

So you can reduce these words by changing the vowel to the schwa.

You can reduce them further by dropping the D, unless the next sound is a vowel or a diphthong.

So make these words as fast as you can, they're not the most important words in the sentence. Link them into the sentence. You want to say: where would I go? Instead of where WOULD I go, in order to have that give and take, long and short of American English.

If there's a word or phrase you'd like help pronouncing, please put it in the comments below. Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list by clicking here or in the description below to keep up with all my latest videos – it's free.

That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


Einstein was born in Ulm, in southern Germany, in 1879, but grew up in Munich. Little in his early life suggested the greatness to come. Famously he didn’t learn to speak until he was three. In the 1890s, his father’s electrical business failing, the family moved to Milan, but Albert, by now a teenager, went to Switzerland to continue his education —though he failed his college entrance exams on the first try. In 1896 he gave up his German citizenship to avoid military conscription and entered the Zurich Polytechnic Institute on a four-year course designed to churn out high school science teachers. He was a bright but not outstanding student.



In 1900 he graduated and within a few months was beginning to contribute papers to Annalen der Physik. His very first paper, on the physics of fluids in drinking straws (of all things), appeared in the same issue as P lanck’s quantum theory. From 1902 to 1904 he www.edu800.cnproduced a series of papers on statistical mechanics only to discover that the quietly productive J. Willard Gibbs in Connecticut had done that work as well, in his Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics of 1901.

1900年,他从学校毕业,没过几个月就开始把论文投给《物理学年鉴》。他的第一篇论文论述(在那么多可写的东西中偏偏论述)吸管里流体的物理学,与普朗克的量子理论发表在同一期上。从1902年到1904年,他写出了一系列关于统计力学的论文,结果发现,多产的J. 威拉德·吉布斯1901年在康涅狄格州已经悄悄地发表了同样的作品:《统计力学的基本原理》。


They went to bed at the usual time, waited until Neville, Dean, and Seamus had stopped discussing the Chamber of Secrets and finally fallen asleep,


then got up, dressed again, and threw the cloak over themselves.


The journey through the dark and deserted castle corridors wasn't enjoyable.


Harry, who had wandered the castle at night several times before, had never seen it so crowded after sunset.

哈利以前曾好几次半夜三更在城堡里游逛,却从没有看见在太阳落山后还有这么多人。 Teachers, prefects, and ghosts were marching the corridors in pairs, staring around for any unusual activity.


Their Invisibility Cloak didn't stop them making any noise,


and there was a particularly tense moment when Ron stubbed his toe only yards from the spot where Snape stood standing guard.


Thankfully, Snape sneezed at almost exactly the moment Ron swore.



It was with relief that they reached the oak front doors and eased them open.


It was a clear, starry night.


They hurried toward the lit windows of Hagrid's house and pulled off the cloak only when they were right outside his front door.

他们匆匆朝海格住处的那扇映着灯光的窗户走去,一直来到他的门外,他们才脱去了大袍。 Seconds after they had knocked, Hagrid flung it open.


They found themselves face-to-face with him aiming a crossbow at them.


Fang the boarhound barked loudly behind him.


"Oh," he said, lowering the weapon and staring at them.


"What're you two doin' here?"



One thing to know about the Middle East


is that nearly every family has access to affordable domestic help.


The challenge therefore becomes how to recruit effectively.

难题因此变成如何有效地召募(家务代理人) 。

Just like I would in my business life,


I have based the selection of who would support me with my children while I'm at work on a strong referral.


Cristina had worked for four years with my sister

Cristina 曾与我姐姐一同工作4年,

and the quality of her work was well-established.


She is now an integral member of our family,


having been with us since Alia was six months old.

从Alia 六个月大的时候就跟我们在一块了。


She makes sure that the house is running smoothly while I'm at work,


and I make sure to empower her in the most optimal conditions for her and my children, 而我保障她对她和我的孩子来说在最佳的状况下。

just like I would my best talent at work.


This lesson applies whatever your childcare situation,


whether an au pair, nursery, part-time nanny that you share with someone else.


Choose very carefully, and empower.


If you look at my calendar,


you will see every working day one and a half hours from 7pm to 8:30pm UAE time blocked and called "family time."


This is sacred time.


I have done this ever since Alia was a baby.

我从Alia 还是婴儿的时候就这么做了。

I do everything in my power to protect this time


so that I can be home by then to spend quality time with my children,


asking them about their day, checking up on homework,


reading them a bedtime story and giving them lots of kisses and cuddles.


If I'm traveling, in whatever the time zone,


I use Skype to connect with my children even if I am miles away.

我用Skype 与孩子们联系,即使我在数里之外。


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