

第一节 语法是历史与现实的产物具有规定性与描写性

任何有使用价值的语言应该是 结构、功能与社会环境 的结合,因而,语法结构只有存在于有意义的语境中才会有生命力。从历史观的角度来看,语法是规定性的;在语用领域,它具有可塑性;从现实和发展的角度来看,语法又是描写性的。因此,中学语法教学在强调规定性的同时,又要适当、适时关注语法的描写性,强调语法在语言交际中的运用。


语法的规定性和描写性赋予语法教学两个鲜明特点,派生出三种教学方式。第一种是以结构与情景相结合的方式进行语法教学。第二种是以句子和语篇为单位来实施语法教学。在运用过程中,词汇、语法、语音在篇章中都能得到综合的体现。第三种是 ( 偶尔 ) 以句型为单位进行语法教学的方式。首先,语法教学体现综合性与整体性相结合的特点。语法教学的综合性体现在语法讲解与语法练习之间的结合、语法教学与句法教学之间的结合、能力训练与知识训练之间的结合、词汇教学与句型教学之间的结合。而语法教学的整体性体现在语法教学不能脱离语音、词汇而存在,不能脱离背景、情景和文化而进行无意义的运用。其次,语法教学体现渐进性与阶段性的结合。语法教学体现阶段性,即呈现阶段、操练阶段和巩固阶段。操练的渐进性:第一步为“有意义的模仿性操练”,即运用集合思维进行模仿性操练,让学生熟悉内容,并加以有意识记和模仿,如“替换”、“复述”、“转换”等;第二步为“有意义的情景性操练”;第三步是模拟交际性操练,在此阶段,语言情景片断应逐步与生活真实相结合,学生逐步运用发散性思维来体现自己语法运用的灵活性和能动性。

第二节 《标准》所倡导的语法教学


(1) 了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用的表意功能;

(2) 在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能;

(3) 理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式;

(4) 理解和描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式;

(5) 初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式;

(6) 理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。


在 3 ~ 5 级的语法教学目标中,应该注意如下的字眼所表达的内容:“表意功能”、“表达方式”、“具体事件”和“具体行为”、 ( 在实际运用中 ) “体会”与“领悟”。这说明“目标”非常强调语言形式、语法意义和语言功能之间的联系,语言形式与语言情景之间的联系,语言形式与语言行为之间的联系,并强调处理好学得语法与习得语法之间的关系。老师在语法教学的实践过程中,应以灵活多变的方式让学生明白相同语法意义的语言结构在不同的场合和不同的语境中具有不同的表达功能。例如:

A. Tom : Look .Is that a pen over there? ( 表达询问功能 )

Mike : Let me see. Oh , yes , it is.

B. Tom : Mike , look at what you have drawn .Is that a picture? ( 表达责备的功能 )It ’ s just a scrawl.


Please ask for several days ’ leave to recover yourself.

Why don ’ t you ask for several days ’ leave to recover yourself?

Will you please ask for several days ’ leave to recover yourself?


例如: Would you like coffee?

语法结构: Would you … ?( 通过情态动词 would 移位,构成一般问句。 )

语法意义:说话者对听话者提出疑问。 语言情景: In a coffee bar

语言功能:提出建议,征求意见或提出请求。 方法运用:情景游戏

实施步骤:Step 1 :老师在黑板上画一排房子,每间房子的用途看屋檐下的招牌。

Step 2 :全班分为三组,每组经营一个“店”。首先“定时进货”,各组根据常识决定自己的店应该经营的范围,在老师规定的时间里,在各个店所表示的方格内尽量多地写出英语单词,这些单词表明这些店所应该经营的品种,超范围的品种不能得分。

Step 3 :老师先将自己喜欢吃的东西写在三个纸条上,并通过画图表示自己现在所处的位置,让学生充分运用想象、猜测和判断力以及立足 于对老师的基本了解,为老师提出合理的建议。

S1 :Excuse me ,where are you now ? T :I am in a bar.

S1 :Would you like some coffee ? T :No ,thanks.

S1 :What about juice ? T :No, thanks.

S1 :Would you like some Chinese tea ? T :Yes ,tea ,please.

S1 :Here it is. T :Thanks a lot.

S1 :It ’s my pleasure.

三、 语法教学的策略运用

语法教学的策略运用可以归纳为 32 个字:感知为先,阶段渐进;境中悟法,习学并进;兴趣为先,乐学勤练;晦律新说,立足实用。

1. 感知为先,阶段渐进


(1) 感知语法阶段

初一和初二上学期尽量以活动和完成任务的方式让学生“感知语法”,暂时放弃或淡化规则的讲解,让学生在运用和交流之中多增加对语法规则的感性认识和感性材料的积累,通过交流活动体验并认识规则。譬如行为动词第三人称单数的学习。表达时说到动词时,老师举起手中拿着一张写上 S 的字母卡,提示学生关注动词加 S 的表达,老师不用任何的语言去解释。老师的手中出现两张卡,分别写有 do 和 does ,提醒学生问句中助动词的变化。

(2) 一般性认知语法阶段


① 失去 (lose) :动词失去能充当谓语的功能。

② 相当 (Equal) :相当于一个名词、形容词或副词。

③ 保留 (To keep) :仍保留动词的两个特点。a. 带宾语 b. 被状语修饰

c. 时态语态变化

(3) 特殊性认知语法阶段

掌握规则之中的不规则,掌握一般性中的特殊性。如总结不带 to 的不定式的运用搭配 (bare - infinitive) :

一看: look at , observe , see , watch , notice

二听: hear , listen to

三感觉: feel , smell

四使动: have , make , let

五搭配: make believe (not to mind) , make do (with bread) , let fly at , hear tell of(such things) , leave go of (your hand)

六介宾: do nothing but , do everything except

七连动: no more than do , rather than , no sooner than

2. 境中悟法,习学并进


例一: 祈使句情景任务型练习

Step 1 :提出问题,设置情景

T :Do you know how to go to Hubei Academy of Fine Arts?

Ss :We don ’t know.

Step 2 :交代任务,提出要求

T :Listening to a short passage and draw a line map 

Listening material :Walk out of Hubei College of Education. Turn left and walk about forty meters. Turn right and then go through a channel and move along. At the first crossing turn right. Walk to the second crossing. Don 't go along. Turn right and go over the distance of 5 hundred meters. You can see Hubei Academy of Fine Arts.

Step 3 :展示说明,评价修正

S1 :(Point to his line map and say)This is my line map showing the way to Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. First walk out of Hubei college of Education. Then turn left …

S2 :…

T :Tom has done a good job. His line map almost tells us the way to Hubei Academy of Fine Arts … But it is not exact. Please look here …

例二: there be 结构的任务型巩固练习

Step 1 :听音绘画,重在写意 ( 湖光山色游人图 )

Listening material :

There is a beautiful lake in the middle. Look at the middle of the lake. There are some boats on it. The birds are flying here and there over the lake. In the right corner of this side , there is a pond with some lotuses in it .There is a bridge between pond and lake. On the bridge there is a boy and a girl taking pictures. There is a road with green trees on either side. It leads to the left side of the lake. At the end of the road , there is a hut made of straw. On the other side of the lake , there are some hills in the distance …

Step 2 :说明作品,修正评价

S1 : This is my picture. It is a beautiful lake. First look at the middle …

3. 兴趣为先,乐学勤练


游戏一: Say Something Opposite to the Fact( 正话反说 )



操练步骤: Step 1 :老师绘图

Step 2 :看图双向正话反说

Model : Ball C is bigger than Ball B. Ball B is bigger than Ball A. Ball A is the smallest. Step 3 :看实物即兴正话反说 ( 说错的人唱歌或表演 )

Boy A is taller than Boy B …

Step 4 :即兴提问,迅速抢答,正话反说

游戏二: 听智力游戏,填空成句

举例: How old are they?

Step 1: 听音思考

Bill ,George ,Sally and Ann are brothers and sisters. I don't know how old each of them is. I only know that one of them is 18 ,one is 15 ,one of the boys is 16 and one of the girls is 17. I also know that Bill is older than Sally ,but Ann is younger than Sally. How old is Ann? How old is Bill? How old is Sally? How old is George? Then Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

Step 2: 判断填空

George is _________ (young) than_________ .________ is ________ than ________ .Bill is the ________ .

Sally is ________ (old) than __________ . _________ is ________ than ________.Ann is the ________ .

Step 3: 说明理由 ( 答案: 15 , 18 , 17 , 16)

4. 晦律新说,立足实用


(1) 答非所问 ( 在提问的基础上进行,说明在问句和答句中词语的运用不同 )

① May I...? A. No ,you mustn ’t. B. No ,you ’d better not.

② Must I renew the book in a week? A. No ,you needn ’t. B. No ,you don ’t have to. ③ Need you do it now? A. Yes ,I must. B. No ,I needn ’t.

(2) 时非所指 ( 时态在时间表达上的错位现象 )


① Could you lend me your book? Yes ,I can.(Of course.Certainly.)

② If I could ,I would. I wonder if I could (might)ask you for a favour.


① You must have been ill last night. ② You should have visited him.

③ You can have done the job better.

(30) 一词两用 need 和 dare 既可做情态动词,也可做行为动词。

行为动词:He needs to buy a house of his own.

Do you need to use my car? We don ’t need to borrow money.

情态动词:You needn ’t hand in your exercise book today.

Need we prepare supper? He needn ’t go now.

(4) 词词多义 ( 每个情态动词具有多义性 )

① can a. general ability(mental or physical) . b. doubt ,guess ,not sure ,allow ② may a. possible b. allow c. set phrase (might as well)

③ will a. willingness b. habitual action c. intention and request d. prediction ④ must a. obligation b. guess c. tendency

(5) 同义辨义 ( 同义词意义上的差别 )

① can 和 be able to can ,一般能力、自然能力; be able to ,具体能力、习得能力 ② can 和 may can ,理论的可能性; may ,事实上的可能性

③may 和 can (allow) can ,口语; may ,正式

④ can not 和 may not can not ,不可能, may not ,可能不

(6) 否定易词 ( 含部分情态动词的肯定句变否定句时,置换情态动词 )

① May I take this book out of the room? No ,you mustn’t.

② He must have been ill ,hasn’t he? ③ He must be wrong ,isn’t he ? ④ He must be in the classroom. He can ’t be in the classroom.

(7) 人称错位 (shall/will 作为情态动词可以与人称代词错位搭配 )

如 shall 一词与人称代词的搭配使用:

征询意见: Shall I take part in the party ?

说话人的意愿 ( 二三人称 ) :

You say you will not do it , but I say you shall do it .

说话人的强烈意志和决心 ( 二三人称 ) :

You shall obey my orders.(I insist that) No one shall stop me.( I don ’t allow anyone to stop)

(8) 时态限定 ( 很多情态动词的使用只局限于某种或某几种时态 )

① need :指现在和将来 ( 只能用于否定和疑问 ) ,表示过去词形不变

② can :现在和过去 ( 仅限在宾语从句中 ) ③ must :现在和过去

第三节 语法教学的方法

一、 感知法


例如不定式 to do 的入门学习:

老师可以设计有趣的、有意义的接句练习,让学生初步感知不定式的表达: v  +to do 。 T :Hi , Class. Let ’s do an interesting exercise. I say the first sentence. You give the second one. Your second sentence must be closely connected with the first one in meaning. For

example ,if I say “ I have a computer ”,you say “ I want to use it ”;if I say “ there’s something wrong with my computer ”,you say “ I want to repair it for you ” .Shall we start? I have a ticket.

Ss :I want to see a film. T :I have some money.

Ss :I want to go shopping. T :I have a cake. Ss :I want to eat it.

T :I have a picture book Ss :I want to read it.



例一: 通过游戏“猜!猜!猜”学习动词 have 、has 及句型变化

( 教师手里拿着粉笔,通过提问导入语法游戏。 )

T : Children ,what do you think I have in my hand? Jim :You have a pen. T : Oh , No. Can it really be a pen? My hand is very small. John :You have an eraser. T :No ,I have not. Mary :You have money.

T :No ,I have not. I have a piece of chalk. Do you want to hide something and ask me to guess? Now I’ll close my eyes. One ,two ,three. Peter :What have I in my hand?

Teacher :Oh ,you have an eraser.(No.) I m not so good at guessing. What is it? Oh , it s a drawing  pen! Now guess again ,What do you think he has in his hand ?

Mike :I think he has …

例二: 通过游戏“无线电话”让学生掌握动词一般现在时单数第三人称加 S 的变化。 让每一排的第一位同学 A 在纸上写下自己通常在星期天要做的十件事情,回头将这十件事告诉身后的同学 B ,该同学不能用笔写,尽量用脑子去记下同学 A 说的内容,再回头告诉身后的同学 C ,如此类推。第一轮用第一人称来表达,第二轮让每一排用第三人称表达。


T : Take out a piece of paper , everyone in Row One. Write ten things you usually do on Sundays. Then give me your paper and tell the contents to B in the second row of the same line.

A : (Finishing the writing)I usually get up at six. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast before 8 o’clock. B : (Repeating what A says)I usually get up at six …


T : Now everyone in the last row takes out a piece of paper. Then write ten things you

usually do on Saturdays. Then give me the paper and tell the contents to the person in front of you. The second person should use “ she ” or “ he ” to repeat what the last person says.

L : On Saturday I get up early. After breakfast I usually follow my mother to learn how to play the piano …

K : On Saturday he gets up early. After breakfast he usually follows his mother to learn how to play the piano …

例三: 通过“猜动物”游戏来操练动词及一般现在时

让一名同学来前台当游戏主持人,他首先将自己所知道的动物 ( 包括家禽 ) 以随便排列的方式写在黑板上,再让每一位同学挑一种自己将要扮演的动物角色,并将其写在一个小纸条上。老师在黑板上写下学生接着要表达的每一句话中的两到三个词,如:“ I usually eat …”,“ I always …”,“ I sometimes …”,“ I … at night ”,“ I … in the daytime ”,“ I

seldom …”,“ From time to time I …”,“ I don  t … very often ”。接着,每个人通过对上述句子完整的表达来说明自己到底是一个什么样的动物,并由本人指定一个搭档来猜。如果猜出来就表明自己的描述成功,每组累计得分。如果对方猜不出,描述人就被要求模仿这个动物的某个动作。第二轮练习可改换人称“ he/she ”来组织游戏活动。

T : Tom , come to the blackboard and draw as many animals as you can on the


S1 : ( writing on the blackboard) …

T : Everyone can imagine yourself to be an animal and write the name of the animal on a small piece of paper.(pointing to one student)Mike , tell your partner what kind of animal you are by using the words :“ I usually …”,“ I always …”,“ Sometimes I …”,“ I … .in the daytime and … at night. ”,“ I don  t often …” .The first word of each sentence must be “ I ” .Try your best to make yourself understood , or else you must imitate the animal.

S1 : I usually get up earlier than most of the animals. My neck is long. I often show how beautiful my voice is in the early morning. I don t often shout after 7 o  clock in the morning. I always live on land. I look for food in the daytime every day. I sleep from evening to midnight. What kind of animal I am?

S2 : You are a cock. T : That 's right.

三、 图解法


例二: 通过表格内容“猜朋友的饮食好恶”来操练一般现在时第三人称单数的一般问句。 He likes/dislikes … .Does he/she like something? Yes , he/she does. No , she doesn’  t. What does he like?

第一 步老师要求学生分组进行写食物单词竞赛,归纳已学过的食物类单词,限时三分钟。接着老师让学生猜自己最喜欢的一种食物,激发学生兴趣。

第二 步老师在黑板上画出表格,学生在纸上画表格并根据要求填写自己的食物好恶。


T :(to one student)Do you have any friend in our class?

S1 :Yes , Mike is my friend.

T :Do you really look on him as your friend? Let me give you a test.( 从 Mike 的手中收来已填写的表格 )What does Mike like eating? Give one example.

S1 :He likes eating chicken , I am sure.

T :You are right. Does he like eating something else?

S1 :…


四、 故事法


老师准备 20 张写有动词的卡片,正面是动词原形,反面是动词过去式,有两种操作办法:


老师给话题,学生编故事,要求老师适当理顺单词在故事中的时空顺序,有利于学生进行时空联想。如老师给予话题 Tom ’ s Yesterday ,并准备下列单词卡: ring , open , put on , brush , wash , listen , read , have , go , take , begin , give , study , do , eat , play , clean , walk 等,接着老师要求比赛的一方在规定的时间内共同编完并叙述 Tom 昨天做了些什么事。

T : Today we are going to play a game “ WHAT DID TOM DO YESTERDAY ” .Look at the cards in my hand. First of all , I show you a card with the word “ ring ”, the first student can use its past form and say “ The clock rang at six o  clock. Then I will show the second student another card with the word open .The second one should say “ Tom opened his eyes ” at this moment. Next I will keep silent and only present the card one by one. Each group must finish all the sentences within fixed time. Any sentence without using the past form should be repeated. Now I give the first start. The bell rang at six.

S1 : (looking at the second card)Tom opened his eyes at this time.

S2 :…



第一 步老师板书与故事相关的动词。 第二 步老师给予故事开头。

第三步学生分组讨论续编故事。 第四步各组代表讲故事,老师适当评价。

五、 翻译法


例一: 吟诗学语法 ( 现在进行时 )

Step 1 :老师绘图并板书诗歌

The sun is going down behind the mountains. The Yellow River is runninging to the sea. You are climbing a storey higher. You are getting a picture of a thousand li. ( 后两句确切的译文应为 Climb a storey higher  And you ’ ll get a view of a thousand  li ,但不必拘泥。 )

Step 2 :要求学生看图阅读理解

Step 3 :通过提问来激发学生已有的知识经验

T : Who can put it into Chinese?

S1 :白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。

T : Who wrote the poem? What ’ s the title?

S2 :王之涣,《登鹳雀楼》。

Step 4 :朗读并背诵黑板上的诗歌 ( 背一句,老师擦一句 )

Step 5 :环境迁移,模仿创作


T : If you are standing on the middle floor of the Huanghe Tower at six in the afternoon and looking at the opposite side of the Changjiang River , you must want to write a poem. Please imitate the poem above and write your own.( 老师给予适当的提示和帮助。 )

Ss : The sun is going down behind the mountain.

The Chang Jiang is running to the sea. I am climbing the Huanghe Tower. I am getting a

picture of Wuhan city.

T : You have written a beautiful poem. Oh , so many great poets. I try my best to translate it into Chinese to let you see what a wonderful job you have done. 白日依山尽,长江赴海流。欲

穷江城目,登高黄鹤楼。 Next I also write a Chinese poem. Please translate it into English for me. 尔自湖边行,独舞歌自斟。行人掷笑语,归路夜深沉。

Ss : You are walking by the lake. You are singing and dancing while drinking alone. The passers -by are laughing at you. You are going home late into the night.

( 注:严格来讲,上面的小诗完全不符合英诗的韵律,但写诗只是一种手段,目的在于营造语言环境,激励学生学得或习得语法。 )

六、 量化法




T :代词 my 、 your 、 her 、 their 的使用表现为“ 1+ 1 ” 的结构特点。看下面的一句错误表达This is my 。这个句子的错误出在代词 my 的使用没有体现“ 1+ 1 ” 的结构特点。我们在该句子后加一个词book ,这个句子就没有问题, This is my book 。

老师接着用“ 1= 2 ” 的形式来讲解名词性物主代词。

T : mine 一词的使用特点是“ 1= 2 ” ,例如在刚才的句式中,我们可以用一个mine 来表达 my book 两个词表达的意义, This is mine 。类似 mine 使用特点的其他词语有 hers , yours , theirs 等。


在形容词的讲解中,为方便学生记忆,我们可以用一个“ 3 ”字对形容词的使用加以总结概括,这种叙述方法也称形容词学习“三字经”,初中阶段应该讲解的内 容老师酌情处理。

1 .形容词三个主要的句法功能:

(1) 定语: more , only , utter , main , wooden , little , woolen. daily , golden , former , inner , elderly , live

(2) 表语: glad , alone , asleep , afraid , alike , likely , aware , content , alike , ashamed , alive , unable , well , fond , sorry

(3) 同位语: dye it deep blue , declare the meeting open , think the play interesting

2 . 对形容词理解的三个误区:

(1) 形容词修饰名词只能前置如:

① We must keep all the principles necessary. ② the window broken yesterday ③ the people working there ④ Did you see something strange? ⑤ We must get in tough with him in every way possible. ⑥ 15 years old , six feet deep ⑦ God almighty , secretary general , Asia minor , hope eternal , sum total


正确的表述应该是“形容词的比较级表示两个事物 / 两个人之间的比较或一类事物或一类人的一方与另一方之间的比较”。如 These two boys are better at drawing than those two 。

(3) 形容词的排列是随意的

一组形容词并非任意排列,可用文字总结其排列规律:限定词 ( 如 my , the , a , some)+ 主观形容词 ( 如 great ,beautiful )+ 客观形容词 ( 大小、长短、新旧、高矮、颜色 )+ 国别、材料或性质名词 + 名词中心词。

排列举例: a charming old red Japanese stone temple

3 .形容词的三种误用 ( 1)形似误用

considerate 能体谅人的 considerable 该注意的,不可忽视的,相当的 economical 经济的,精打细算的 economic 经济的,经济学的

historical 历史的 historic 有历史意义的

industrial 工业的 industrious 勤奋的

respectful 恭敬的,有礼貌的 respectable 受人尊敬的,正派的

sensible 明智的 sensitive 敏感的

disinterested 无私的 uninterested 不感兴趣

practicable 可行的 practical 实用的

imaginable 可以想象的 imaginary 想象中的

continuous 连续不断 continual 频繁的,继续的

(2) 形容词与副词的混用 hourly(bus) , daily , monthly , biweekly , quarterly ( 季度的 ) , timely ( 及时的 ) , nightly

(3) 形容词的重复使用 important and significant , vital and important

4. 形容词的三个比较等级:

同级比较 ( 如 as … as … ) 、升级比较 ( 如… than … ) 、降级比较 ( 如 less than)

5. 三个表达形式:

词后加缀 (er/est) 、前置加词 (more/the most) 、自身变化 ( 如 better)

6. 三种强调

(1) 重复强调: more and more (2) 对比强调: the more , the better

(3) 语气强调: much , far , a lot , lots , even , a bit , a little

7. 形容词的使用要注意的三个问题

(1) 排斥问题

Tom is taller than all the other students in his class. Tom is taller than the others.

Tom is taller than anybody else. Tom is taller than any other student/any others. No other student is as good as he.

(2) 替代问题 ( 重复替代 ) The weather in Wuhan is warmer than that in Guilin.

(3) 冠词问题 ① the most/most , the most careful/most carefully , a most ② the fatter of the two ③ my busiest day

8. 三种不用比较等级形式的形容词

(1) 词义本身含比较: inferior , superior , eastmost , innermost , downmost , middlemost , lowermost

(2) 不含程度差异的形容词 ( 非等级形容词,否定一个就是对另一个的肯定 )dead , empty , golden , square

(3) 极至形容词: perfect , top speed , final , fundamental



1. 利用实景

教 This is …和 That is …句型时,可以利用实景,像对贵宾介绍环境一样边说边做。 This is our classroom. That is a library. This is Wang Lin. That ’ s Li Hong.

2. 利用图画

教 There be 句型时,可以挂上一幅图,激发学生去描述图画内容的动机,教师指着图中的内容进行介绍。例如:

This is a picture. In the picture there are many things.

There is a car in the picture. There is a man in the car.

There is a lake in the picture. There is a boat in the lake.

3. 利用动作

教现在进行时 ,教师可以边做动作边用英语描述,要求学生同时做动作,教师根据动作说英语。例如:

Li Hong , stand up. Now , Li Hong is standing up.

Li Hong , go to the window. Look , Li Hong is going to the window.

Li Hong , clean the window. Look , Li Hong is cleaning the window now.

4. 利用表情

教 Where is 结构时,教师可以先放一些实物在某些处所,做出寻找的样子,同时询问。例如:

Where is my key? Where is my pencil? Where is my eraser?

5. 利用对比

如果主语是第三人称单数,行为动词加 S 的句型,教师可以通过两个句子对比,引导学生认识新句型的特点。例如:

I study hard. He studies hard,too. I like English. She likes English,too.

I go home at six. My brother goes home at six,too.

I go to bed at nine. My mother goes to bed at eleven.

6. 利用语境


He often comes to school early , but yesterday he came late.

Today we have enough to eat and wear , but before liberation my father had little to eat and wear.

7. 利用语调教师教一般疑问句,可以通过语调变化引起学生对新句型的 注意和理解。例如:


将冗长难记的语法条文浓缩为简单易学的“口诀”,并辅之以必要的注解和例句,就使枯燥的语法学习变得饶有趣味。如名词的格:表示无生命的名词,一般要与 of 一起构成所有格,但也有加 s 构成所有格的。请看“口诀”:



现在假设条件句,be 和 do 用过去。假定主句非真实,would 加原形结果虚。

If I had the book at hand , I would read the passage to you.

If I were you , I would go abroad.


had done 表过去,would 加完成在主句。

If She had not been ill and missed many classes ,she would have made greater progress. If I had known it ,I would have told you all about it.

将来假设条件句,should ,were to 皆可入。虚拟结果非真实,would 加原形又一处。

If the rain should stop ,I should go out for a walk.

If heart were to stop beating ,death would follow immediately.



1. 观察 将学生已学的典型句式写在黑板上,如:

(1) She said ,“ I am tried. ” She said that she was tried.

(2) Their father said ,“ We are of one family. ”

Their father said that they were of one family.

(3) He said ,“ you should do your duty. ” He said that I should do my duty.

2. 归纳 让学生总结和概括,在此基础上,老师抓要点,简要总结五点语法规则。

(1) 代词的转换: ( 如上例句 )

(2) 时态的转换:She said ,“ I am a little angry. ” She said she was a little angry.

(3) 动词的转换:方向性动词: come 变成 go 限定与非限定动词: ( 略 )

(4) 地点状语的转换: ( 略 ) (5) 时间状语的转换: ( 略 )

3. 实践 组织学生运用上述规则进行语言交流,将语法教学引入有情景的实践。



1. 讲解

如动词不定式“六字诀”:“失去”、“相当”和“保留”。失去:不定式失去动词能充当谓语的功能。相当:相当于一个名词、形容词或副词。保留:仍保留动词的两个特点 ,能带宾语,并能被状语所修饰。

2. 例证 ( 相当 )

To see is to believe. He told me to give up the experiment in physics.

My job is to look after sheep. They came here to go into the matter.

3. 操练 通过模仿练习,将知识转化为技能。

4. 运用 在熟练操练的基础上,进行带有情景的交际性实践练习。

T :Tom ,would you please go to the cinema with me? S :Sorry ,I have a letter to write. T :What about you ,Mike? S :Sorry ,I have a lot of cleaning to do. 十一、任务法


任务目标:训练 100 以内的英文数词和简单的加减算式



让一组学生点钞,老师已知钞票的确切数字,学生在规定的时间里点出该数量的钞票。 要求:速度快,时间短,结果准确,边点还要边读出英文数。




第一节 语法是历史与现实的产物具有规定性与描写性

任何有使用价值的语言应该是 结构、功能与社会环境 的结合,因而,语法结构只有存在于有意义的语境中才会有生命力。从历史观的角度来看,语法是规定性的;在语用领域,它具有可塑性;从现实和发展的角度来看,语法又是描写性的。因此,中学语法教学在强调规定性的同时,又要适当、适时关注语法的描写性,强调语法在语言交际中的运用。


语法的规定性和描写性赋予语法教学两个鲜明特点,派生出三种教学方式。第一种是以结构与情景相结合的方式进行语法教学。第二种是以句子和语篇为单位来实施语法教学。在运用过程中,词汇、语法、语音在篇章中都能得到综合的体现。第三种是 ( 偶尔 ) 以句型为单位进行语法教学的方式。首先,语法教学体现综合性与整体性相结合的特点。语法教学的综合性体现在语法讲解与语法练习之间的结合、语法教学与句法教学之间的结合、能力训练与知识训练之间的结合、词汇教学与句型教学之间的结合。而语法教学的整体性体现在语法教学不能脱离语音、词汇而存在,不能脱离背景、情景和文化而进行无意义的运用。其次,语法教学体现渐进性与阶段性的结合。语法教学体现阶段性,即呈现阶段、操练阶段和巩固阶段。操练的渐进性:第一步为“有意义的模仿性操练”,即运用集合思维进行模仿性操练,让学生熟悉内容,并加以有意识记和模仿,如“替换”、“复述”、“转换”等;第二步为“有意义的情景性操练”;第三步是模拟交际性操练,在此阶段,语言情景片断应逐步与生活真实相结合,学生逐步运用发散性思维来体现自己语法运用的灵活性和能动性。

第二节 《标准》所倡导的语法教学


(1) 了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用的表意功能;

(2) 在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能;

(3) 理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式;

(4) 理解和描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式;

(5) 初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式;

(6) 理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。


在 3 ~ 5 级的语法教学目标中,应该注意如下的字眼所表达的内容:“表意功能”、“表达方式”、“具体事件”和“具体行为”、 ( 在实际运用中 ) “体会”与“领悟”。这说明“目标”非常强调语言形式、语法意义和语言功能之间的联系,语言形式与语言情景之间的联系,语言形式与语言行为之间的联系,并强调处理好学得语法与习得语法之间的关系。老师在语法教学的实践过程中,应以灵活多变的方式让学生明白相同语法意义的语言结构在不同的场合和不同的语境中具有不同的表达功能。例如:

A. Tom : Look .Is that a pen over there? ( 表达询问功能 )

Mike : Let me see. Oh , yes , it is.

B. Tom : Mike , look at what you have drawn .Is that a picture? ( 表达责备的功能 )It ’ s just a scrawl.


Please ask for several days ’ leave to recover yourself.

Why don ’ t you ask for several days ’ leave to recover yourself?

Will you please ask for several days ’ leave to recover yourself?


例如: Would you like coffee?

语法结构: Would you … ?( 通过情态动词 would 移位,构成一般问句。 )

语法意义:说话者对听话者提出疑问。 语言情景: In a coffee bar

语言功能:提出建议,征求意见或提出请求。 方法运用:情景游戏

实施步骤:Step 1 :老师在黑板上画一排房子,每间房子的用途看屋檐下的招牌。

Step 2 :全班分为三组,每组经营一个“店”。首先“定时进货”,各组根据常识决定自己的店应该经营的范围,在老师规定的时间里,在各个店所表示的方格内尽量多地写出英语单词,这些单词表明这些店所应该经营的品种,超范围的品种不能得分。

Step 3 :老师先将自己喜欢吃的东西写在三个纸条上,并通过画图表示自己现在所处的位置,让学生充分运用想象、猜测和判断力以及立足 于对老师的基本了解,为老师提出合理的建议。

S1 :Excuse me ,where are you now ? T :I am in a bar.

S1 :Would you like some coffee ? T :No ,thanks.

S1 :What about juice ? T :No, thanks.

S1 :Would you like some Chinese tea ? T :Yes ,tea ,please.

S1 :Here it is. T :Thanks a lot.

S1 :It ’s my pleasure.

三、 语法教学的策略运用

语法教学的策略运用可以归纳为 32 个字:感知为先,阶段渐进;境中悟法,习学并进;兴趣为先,乐学勤练;晦律新说,立足实用。

1. 感知为先,阶段渐进


(1) 感知语法阶段

初一和初二上学期尽量以活动和完成任务的方式让学生“感知语法”,暂时放弃或淡化规则的讲解,让学生在运用和交流之中多增加对语法规则的感性认识和感性材料的积累,通过交流活动体验并认识规则。譬如行为动词第三人称单数的学习。表达时说到动词时,老师举起手中拿着一张写上 S 的字母卡,提示学生关注动词加 S 的表达,老师不用任何的语言去解释。老师的手中出现两张卡,分别写有 do 和 does ,提醒学生问句中助动词的变化。

(2) 一般性认知语法阶段


① 失去 (lose) :动词失去能充当谓语的功能。

② 相当 (Equal) :相当于一个名词、形容词或副词。

③ 保留 (To keep) :仍保留动词的两个特点。a. 带宾语 b. 被状语修饰

c. 时态语态变化

(3) 特殊性认知语法阶段

掌握规则之中的不规则,掌握一般性中的特殊性。如总结不带 to 的不定式的运用搭配 (bare - infinitive) :

一看: look at , observe , see , watch , notice

二听: hear , listen to

三感觉: feel , smell

四使动: have , make , let

五搭配: make believe (not to mind) , make do (with bread) , let fly at , hear tell of(such things) , leave go of (your hand)

六介宾: do nothing but , do everything except

七连动: no more than do , rather than , no sooner than

2. 境中悟法,习学并进


例一: 祈使句情景任务型练习

Step 1 :提出问题,设置情景

T :Do you know how to go to Hubei Academy of Fine Arts?

Ss :We don ’t know.

Step 2 :交代任务,提出要求

T :Listening to a short passage and draw a line map 

Listening material :Walk out of Hubei College of Education. Turn left and walk about forty meters. Turn right and then go through a channel and move along. At the first crossing turn right. Walk to the second crossing. Don 't go along. Turn right and go over the distance of 5 hundred meters. You can see Hubei Academy of Fine Arts.

Step 3 :展示说明,评价修正

S1 :(Point to his line map and say)This is my line map showing the way to Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. First walk out of Hubei college of Education. Then turn left …

S2 :…

T :Tom has done a good job. His line map almost tells us the way to Hubei Academy of Fine Arts … But it is not exact. Please look here …

例二: there be 结构的任务型巩固练习

Step 1 :听音绘画,重在写意 ( 湖光山色游人图 )

Listening material :

There is a beautiful lake in the middle. Look at the middle of the lake. There are some boats on it. The birds are flying here and there over the lake. In the right corner of this side , there is a pond with some lotuses in it .There is a bridge between pond and lake. On the bridge there is a boy and a girl taking pictures. There is a road with green trees on either side. It leads to the left side of the lake. At the end of the road , there is a hut made of straw. On the other side of the lake , there are some hills in the distance …

Step 2 :说明作品,修正评价

S1 : This is my picture. It is a beautiful lake. First look at the middle …

3. 兴趣为先,乐学勤练


游戏一: Say Something Opposite to the Fact( 正话反说 )



操练步骤: Step 1 :老师绘图

Step 2 :看图双向正话反说

Model : Ball C is bigger than Ball B. Ball B is bigger than Ball A. Ball A is the smallest. Step 3 :看实物即兴正话反说 ( 说错的人唱歌或表演 )

Boy A is taller than Boy B …

Step 4 :即兴提问,迅速抢答,正话反说

游戏二: 听智力游戏,填空成句

举例: How old are they?

Step 1: 听音思考

Bill ,George ,Sally and Ann are brothers and sisters. I don't know how old each of them is. I only know that one of them is 18 ,one is 15 ,one of the boys is 16 and one of the girls is 17. I also know that Bill is older than Sally ,but Ann is younger than Sally. How old is Ann? How old is Bill? How old is Sally? How old is George? Then Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

Step 2: 判断填空

George is _________ (young) than_________ .________ is ________ than ________ .Bill is the ________ .

Sally is ________ (old) than __________ . _________ is ________ than ________.Ann is the ________ .

Step 3: 说明理由 ( 答案: 15 , 18 , 17 , 16)

4. 晦律新说,立足实用


(1) 答非所问 ( 在提问的基础上进行,说明在问句和答句中词语的运用不同 )

① May I...? A. No ,you mustn ’t. B. No ,you ’d better not.

② Must I renew the book in a week? A. No ,you needn ’t. B. No ,you don ’t have to. ③ Need you do it now? A. Yes ,I must. B. No ,I needn ’t.

(2) 时非所指 ( 时态在时间表达上的错位现象 )


① Could you lend me your book? Yes ,I can.(Of course.Certainly.)

② If I could ,I would. I wonder if I could (might)ask you for a favour.


① You must have been ill last night. ② You should have visited him.

③ You can have done the job better.

(30) 一词两用 need 和 dare 既可做情态动词,也可做行为动词。

行为动词:He needs to buy a house of his own.

Do you need to use my car? We don ’t need to borrow money.

情态动词:You needn ’t hand in your exercise book today.

Need we prepare supper? He needn ’t go now.

(4) 词词多义 ( 每个情态动词具有多义性 )

① can a. general ability(mental or physical) . b. doubt ,guess ,not sure ,allow ② may a. possible b. allow c. set phrase (might as well)

③ will a. willingness b. habitual action c. intention and request d. prediction ④ must a. obligation b. guess c. tendency

(5) 同义辨义 ( 同义词意义上的差别 )

① can 和 be able to can ,一般能力、自然能力; be able to ,具体能力、习得能力 ② can 和 may can ,理论的可能性; may ,事实上的可能性

③may 和 can (allow) can ,口语; may ,正式

④ can not 和 may not can not ,不可能, may not ,可能不

(6) 否定易词 ( 含部分情态动词的肯定句变否定句时,置换情态动词 )

① May I take this book out of the room? No ,you mustn’t.

② He must have been ill ,hasn’t he? ③ He must be wrong ,isn’t he ? ④ He must be in the classroom. He can ’t be in the classroom.

(7) 人称错位 (shall/will 作为情态动词可以与人称代词错位搭配 )

如 shall 一词与人称代词的搭配使用:

征询意见: Shall I take part in the party ?

说话人的意愿 ( 二三人称 ) :

You say you will not do it , but I say you shall do it .

说话人的强烈意志和决心 ( 二三人称 ) :

You shall obey my orders.(I insist that) No one shall stop me.( I don ’t allow anyone to stop)

(8) 时态限定 ( 很多情态动词的使用只局限于某种或某几种时态 )

① need :指现在和将来 ( 只能用于否定和疑问 ) ,表示过去词形不变

② can :现在和过去 ( 仅限在宾语从句中 ) ③ must :现在和过去

第三节 语法教学的方法

一、 感知法


例如不定式 to do 的入门学习:

老师可以设计有趣的、有意义的接句练习,让学生初步感知不定式的表达: v  +to do 。 T :Hi , Class. Let ’s do an interesting exercise. I say the first sentence. You give the second one. Your second sentence must be closely connected with the first one in meaning. For

example ,if I say “ I have a computer ”,you say “ I want to use it ”;if I say “ there’s something wrong with my computer ”,you say “ I want to repair it for you ” .Shall we start? I have a ticket.

Ss :I want to see a film. T :I have some money.

Ss :I want to go shopping. T :I have a cake. Ss :I want to eat it.

T :I have a picture book Ss :I want to read it.



例一: 通过游戏“猜!猜!猜”学习动词 have 、has 及句型变化

( 教师手里拿着粉笔,通过提问导入语法游戏。 )

T : Children ,what do you think I have in my hand? Jim :You have a pen. T : Oh , No. Can it really be a pen? My hand is very small. John :You have an eraser. T :No ,I have not. Mary :You have money.

T :No ,I have not. I have a piece of chalk. Do you want to hide something and ask me to guess? Now I’ll close my eyes. One ,two ,three. Peter :What have I in my hand?

Teacher :Oh ,you have an eraser.(No.) I m not so good at guessing. What is it? Oh , it s a drawing  pen! Now guess again ,What do you think he has in his hand ?

Mike :I think he has …

例二: 通过游戏“无线电话”让学生掌握动词一般现在时单数第三人称加 S 的变化。 让每一排的第一位同学 A 在纸上写下自己通常在星期天要做的十件事情,回头将这十件事告诉身后的同学 B ,该同学不能用笔写,尽量用脑子去记下同学 A 说的内容,再回头告诉身后的同学 C ,如此类推。第一轮用第一人称来表达,第二轮让每一排用第三人称表达。


T : Take out a piece of paper , everyone in Row One. Write ten things you usually do on Sundays. Then give me your paper and tell the contents to B in the second row of the same line.

A : (Finishing the writing)I usually get up at six. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast before 8 o’clock. B : (Repeating what A says)I usually get up at six …


T : Now everyone in the last row takes out a piece of paper. Then write ten things you

usually do on Saturdays. Then give me the paper and tell the contents to the person in front of you. The second person should use “ she ” or “ he ” to repeat what the last person says.

L : On Saturday I get up early. After breakfast I usually follow my mother to learn how to play the piano …

K : On Saturday he gets up early. After breakfast he usually follows his mother to learn how to play the piano …

例三: 通过“猜动物”游戏来操练动词及一般现在时

让一名同学来前台当游戏主持人,他首先将自己所知道的动物 ( 包括家禽 ) 以随便排列的方式写在黑板上,再让每一位同学挑一种自己将要扮演的动物角色,并将其写在一个小纸条上。老师在黑板上写下学生接着要表达的每一句话中的两到三个词,如:“ I usually eat …”,“ I always …”,“ I sometimes …”,“ I … at night ”,“ I … in the daytime ”,“ I

seldom …”,“ From time to time I …”,“ I don  t … very often ”。接着,每个人通过对上述句子完整的表达来说明自己到底是一个什么样的动物,并由本人指定一个搭档来猜。如果猜出来就表明自己的描述成功,每组累计得分。如果对方猜不出,描述人就被要求模仿这个动物的某个动作。第二轮练习可改换人称“ he/she ”来组织游戏活动。

T : Tom , come to the blackboard and draw as many animals as you can on the


S1 : ( writing on the blackboard) …

T : Everyone can imagine yourself to be an animal and write the name of the animal on a small piece of paper.(pointing to one student)Mike , tell your partner what kind of animal you are by using the words :“ I usually …”,“ I always …”,“ Sometimes I …”,“ I … .in the daytime and … at night. ”,“ I don  t often …” .The first word of each sentence must be “ I ” .Try your best to make yourself understood , or else you must imitate the animal.

S1 : I usually get up earlier than most of the animals. My neck is long. I often show how beautiful my voice is in the early morning. I don t often shout after 7 o  clock in the morning. I always live on land. I look for food in the daytime every day. I sleep from evening to midnight. What kind of animal I am?

S2 : You are a cock. T : That 's right.

三、 图解法


例二: 通过表格内容“猜朋友的饮食好恶”来操练一般现在时第三人称单数的一般问句。 He likes/dislikes … .Does he/she like something? Yes , he/she does. No , she doesn’  t. What does he like?

第一 步老师要求学生分组进行写食物单词竞赛,归纳已学过的食物类单词,限时三分钟。接着老师让学生猜自己最喜欢的一种食物,激发学生兴趣。

第二 步老师在黑板上画出表格,学生在纸上画表格并根据要求填写自己的食物好恶。


T :(to one student)Do you have any friend in our class?

S1 :Yes , Mike is my friend.

T :Do you really look on him as your friend? Let me give you a test.( 从 Mike 的手中收来已填写的表格 )What does Mike like eating? Give one example.

S1 :He likes eating chicken , I am sure.

T :You are right. Does he like eating something else?

S1 :…


四、 故事法


老师准备 20 张写有动词的卡片,正面是动词原形,反面是动词过去式,有两种操作办法:


老师给话题,学生编故事,要求老师适当理顺单词在故事中的时空顺序,有利于学生进行时空联想。如老师给予话题 Tom ’ s Yesterday ,并准备下列单词卡: ring , open , put on , brush , wash , listen , read , have , go , take , begin , give , study , do , eat , play , clean , walk 等,接着老师要求比赛的一方在规定的时间内共同编完并叙述 Tom 昨天做了些什么事。

T : Today we are going to play a game “ WHAT DID TOM DO YESTERDAY ” .Look at the cards in my hand. First of all , I show you a card with the word “ ring ”, the first student can use its past form and say “ The clock rang at six o  clock. Then I will show the second student another card with the word open .The second one should say “ Tom opened his eyes ” at this moment. Next I will keep silent and only present the card one by one. Each group must finish all the sentences within fixed time. Any sentence without using the past form should be repeated. Now I give the first start. The bell rang at six.

S1 : (looking at the second card)Tom opened his eyes at this time.

S2 :…



第一 步老师板书与故事相关的动词。 第二 步老师给予故事开头。

第三步学生分组讨论续编故事。 第四步各组代表讲故事,老师适当评价。

五、 翻译法


例一: 吟诗学语法 ( 现在进行时 )

Step 1 :老师绘图并板书诗歌

The sun is going down behind the mountains. The Yellow River is runninging to the sea. You are climbing a storey higher. You are getting a picture of a thousand li. ( 后两句确切的译文应为 Climb a storey higher  And you ’ ll get a view of a thousand  li ,但不必拘泥。 )

Step 2 :要求学生看图阅读理解

Step 3 :通过提问来激发学生已有的知识经验

T : Who can put it into Chinese?

S1 :白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。

T : Who wrote the poem? What ’ s the title?

S2 :王之涣,《登鹳雀楼》。

Step 4 :朗读并背诵黑板上的诗歌 ( 背一句,老师擦一句 )

Step 5 :环境迁移,模仿创作


T : If you are standing on the middle floor of the Huanghe Tower at six in the afternoon and looking at the opposite side of the Changjiang River , you must want to write a poem. Please imitate the poem above and write your own.( 老师给予适当的提示和帮助。 )

Ss : The sun is going down behind the mountain.

The Chang Jiang is running to the sea. I am climbing the Huanghe Tower. I am getting a

picture of Wuhan city.

T : You have written a beautiful poem. Oh , so many great poets. I try my best to translate it into Chinese to let you see what a wonderful job you have done. 白日依山尽,长江赴海流。欲

穷江城目,登高黄鹤楼。 Next I also write a Chinese poem. Please translate it into English for me. 尔自湖边行,独舞歌自斟。行人掷笑语,归路夜深沉。

Ss : You are walking by the lake. You are singing and dancing while drinking alone. The passers -by are laughing at you. You are going home late into the night.

( 注:严格来讲,上面的小诗完全不符合英诗的韵律,但写诗只是一种手段,目的在于营造语言环境,激励学生学得或习得语法。 )

六、 量化法




T :代词 my 、 your 、 her 、 their 的使用表现为“ 1+ 1 ” 的结构特点。看下面的一句错误表达This is my 。这个句子的错误出在代词 my 的使用没有体现“ 1+ 1 ” 的结构特点。我们在该句子后加一个词book ,这个句子就没有问题, This is my book 。

老师接着用“ 1= 2 ” 的形式来讲解名词性物主代词。

T : mine 一词的使用特点是“ 1= 2 ” ,例如在刚才的句式中,我们可以用一个mine 来表达 my book 两个词表达的意义, This is mine 。类似 mine 使用特点的其他词语有 hers , yours , theirs 等。


在形容词的讲解中,为方便学生记忆,我们可以用一个“ 3 ”字对形容词的使用加以总结概括,这种叙述方法也称形容词学习“三字经”,初中阶段应该讲解的内 容老师酌情处理。

1 .形容词三个主要的句法功能:

(1) 定语: more , only , utter , main , wooden , little , woolen. daily , golden , former , inner , elderly , live

(2) 表语: glad , alone , asleep , afraid , alike , likely , aware , content , alike , ashamed , alive , unable , well , fond , sorry

(3) 同位语: dye it deep blue , declare the meeting open , think the play interesting

2 . 对形容词理解的三个误区:

(1) 形容词修饰名词只能前置如:

① We must keep all the principles necessary. ② the window broken yesterday ③ the people working there ④ Did you see something strange? ⑤ We must get in tough with him in every way possible. ⑥ 15 years old , six feet deep ⑦ God almighty , secretary general , Asia minor , hope eternal , sum total


正确的表述应该是“形容词的比较级表示两个事物 / 两个人之间的比较或一类事物或一类人的一方与另一方之间的比较”。如 These two boys are better at drawing than those two 。

(3) 形容词的排列是随意的

一组形容词并非任意排列,可用文字总结其排列规律:限定词 ( 如 my , the , a , some)+ 主观形容词 ( 如 great ,beautiful )+ 客观形容词 ( 大小、长短、新旧、高矮、颜色 )+ 国别、材料或性质名词 + 名词中心词。

排列举例: a charming old red Japanese stone temple

3 .形容词的三种误用 ( 1)形似误用

considerate 能体谅人的 considerable 该注意的,不可忽视的,相当的 economical 经济的,精打细算的 economic 经济的,经济学的

historical 历史的 historic 有历史意义的

industrial 工业的 industrious 勤奋的

respectful 恭敬的,有礼貌的 respectable 受人尊敬的,正派的

sensible 明智的 sensitive 敏感的

disinterested 无私的 uninterested 不感兴趣

practicable 可行的 practical 实用的

imaginable 可以想象的 imaginary 想象中的

continuous 连续不断 continual 频繁的,继续的

(2) 形容词与副词的混用 hourly(bus) , daily , monthly , biweekly , quarterly ( 季度的 ) , timely ( 及时的 ) , nightly

(3) 形容词的重复使用 important and significant , vital and important

4. 形容词的三个比较等级:

同级比较 ( 如 as … as … ) 、升级比较 ( 如… than … ) 、降级比较 ( 如 less than)

5. 三个表达形式:

词后加缀 (er/est) 、前置加词 (more/the most) 、自身变化 ( 如 better)

6. 三种强调

(1) 重复强调: more and more (2) 对比强调: the more , the better

(3) 语气强调: much , far , a lot , lots , even , a bit , a little

7. 形容词的使用要注意的三个问题

(1) 排斥问题

Tom is taller than all the other students in his class. Tom is taller than the others.

Tom is taller than anybody else. Tom is taller than any other student/any others. No other student is as good as he.

(2) 替代问题 ( 重复替代 ) The weather in Wuhan is warmer than that in Guilin.

(3) 冠词问题 ① the most/most , the most careful/most carefully , a most ② the fatter of the two ③ my busiest day

8. 三种不用比较等级形式的形容词

(1) 词义本身含比较: inferior , superior , eastmost , innermost , downmost , middlemost , lowermost

(2) 不含程度差异的形容词 ( 非等级形容词,否定一个就是对另一个的肯定 )dead , empty , golden , square

(3) 极至形容词: perfect , top speed , final , fundamental



1. 利用实景

教 This is …和 That is …句型时,可以利用实景,像对贵宾介绍环境一样边说边做。 This is our classroom. That is a library. This is Wang Lin. That ’ s Li Hong.

2. 利用图画

教 There be 句型时,可以挂上一幅图,激发学生去描述图画内容的动机,教师指着图中的内容进行介绍。例如:

This is a picture. In the picture there are many things.

There is a car in the picture. There is a man in the car.

There is a lake in the picture. There is a boat in the lake.

3. 利用动作

教现在进行时 ,教师可以边做动作边用英语描述,要求学生同时做动作,教师根据动作说英语。例如:

Li Hong , stand up. Now , Li Hong is standing up.

Li Hong , go to the window. Look , Li Hong is going to the window.

Li Hong , clean the window. Look , Li Hong is cleaning the window now.

4. 利用表情

教 Where is 结构时,教师可以先放一些实物在某些处所,做出寻找的样子,同时询问。例如:

Where is my key? Where is my pencil? Where is my eraser?

5. 利用对比

如果主语是第三人称单数,行为动词加 S 的句型,教师可以通过两个句子对比,引导学生认识新句型的特点。例如:

I study hard. He studies hard,too. I like English. She likes English,too.

I go home at six. My brother goes home at six,too.

I go to bed at nine. My mother goes to bed at eleven.

6. 利用语境


He often comes to school early , but yesterday he came late.

Today we have enough to eat and wear , but before liberation my father had little to eat and wear.

7. 利用语调教师教一般疑问句,可以通过语调变化引起学生对新句型的 注意和理解。例如:


将冗长难记的语法条文浓缩为简单易学的“口诀”,并辅之以必要的注解和例句,就使枯燥的语法学习变得饶有趣味。如名词的格:表示无生命的名词,一般要与 of 一起构成所有格,但也有加 s 构成所有格的。请看“口诀”:



现在假设条件句,be 和 do 用过去。假定主句非真实,would 加原形结果虚。

If I had the book at hand , I would read the passage to you.

If I were you , I would go abroad.


had done 表过去,would 加完成在主句。

If She had not been ill and missed many classes ,she would have made greater progress. If I had known it ,I would have told you all about it.

将来假设条件句,should ,were to 皆可入。虚拟结果非真实,would 加原形又一处。

If the rain should stop ,I should go out for a walk.

If heart were to stop beating ,death would follow immediately.



1. 观察 将学生已学的典型句式写在黑板上,如:

(1) She said ,“ I am tried. ” She said that she was tried.

(2) Their father said ,“ We are of one family. ”

Their father said that they were of one family.

(3) He said ,“ you should do your duty. ” He said that I should do my duty.

2. 归纳 让学生总结和概括,在此基础上,老师抓要点,简要总结五点语法规则。

(1) 代词的转换: ( 如上例句 )

(2) 时态的转换:She said ,“ I am a little angry. ” She said she was a little angry.

(3) 动词的转换:方向性动词: come 变成 go 限定与非限定动词: ( 略 )

(4) 地点状语的转换: ( 略 ) (5) 时间状语的转换: ( 略 )

3. 实践 组织学生运用上述规则进行语言交流,将语法教学引入有情景的实践。



1. 讲解

如动词不定式“六字诀”:“失去”、“相当”和“保留”。失去:不定式失去动词能充当谓语的功能。相当:相当于一个名词、形容词或副词。保留:仍保留动词的两个特点 ,能带宾语,并能被状语所修饰。

2. 例证 ( 相当 )

To see is to believe. He told me to give up the experiment in physics.

My job is to look after sheep. They came here to go into the matter.

3. 操练 通过模仿练习,将知识转化为技能。

4. 运用 在熟练操练的基础上,进行带有情景的交际性实践练习。

T :Tom ,would you please go to the cinema with me? S :Sorry ,I have a letter to write. T :What about you ,Mike? S :Sorry ,I have a lot of cleaning to do. 十一、任务法


任务目标:训练 100 以内的英文数词和简单的加减算式



让一组学生点钞,老师已知钞票的确切数字,学生在规定的时间里点出该数量的钞票。 要求:速度快,时间短,结果准确,边点还要边读出英文数。




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  • 新课程背景下的高中英语语法教学
  • ㈣‰镕雅*㈣☆#洲镕%"§W㈣∞C㈣oo#.∞ 新课程背景下的高寸英话话法教学 浙江温岭中学 郑 丽 [摘要]本文阐述了英语语法教学的现状,提出在新课程背景下,高中英语语法教学应遵 循趣味性.实践性和互动性的原则,并采取合理的语法 ...查看
