


In the morning,I got up earlier and had breakfast fast.Then,I went to the nearest bathhouse with my father. On the way back home,we bought plenty of fireworks and firecrackers. What I liked most was a set of fireworks called Xingguangcuican in Chinese.I was told that It was beautiful enough to compete with any other kinds of fireworks. At three o'clock in the afternoon, we had a big meal. All the family members got togerther around the table.Beside my parents and me, there were my grandparents,my cousins and their parents.There were elven people altogether. During the dinner, we talked and laughed happily.

At eight in the evening, we began to watch annual gala on CCTV. Needless to say ,everyone gave their comments on TV program.

The most exciting time came when it was half hour ahead of the middle night----the beginning of the new year. we all went out and lit the fireworks and fire crackers,which were exploding and lighting in the sky. It would bring us good luck and fortune in the new year.

What an unforgettable day! It will stay with me all of my life.



In the morning,I got up earlier and had breakfast fast.Then,I went to the nearest bathhouse with my father. On the way back home,we bought plenty of fireworks and firecrackers. What I liked most was a set of fireworks called Xingguangcuican in Chinese.I was told that It was beautiful enough to compete with any other kinds of fireworks. At three o'clock in the afternoon, we had a big meal. All the family members got togerther around the table.Beside my parents and me, there were my grandparents,my cousins and their parents.There were elven people altogether. During the dinner, we talked and laughed happily.

At eight in the evening, we began to watch annual gala on CCTV. Needless to say ,everyone gave their comments on TV program.

The most exciting time came when it was half hour ahead of the middle night----the beginning of the new year. we all went out and lit the fireworks and fire crackers,which were exploding and lighting in the sky. It would bring us good luck and fortune in the new year.

What an unforgettable day! It will stay with me all of my life.


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