King: Excuse me, is she here?
Stepsister: She's, uh… in the back.
King: Oh, hello again. Fairy Godmother. Charming.
Godmother: You'd better have a good reason for dragging us down here, Harold. King: Well, I'm afraid Fiona isn't really... warming up to Prince Charming.
Charming: FYI, not my fault.
Godmother: No, of course it's not, dear.
Charming: I mean how charming can I be when I have to pretend I'm that dreadful ogre?
King: No, no, it's nobody's fault. Perhaps it's best if we just call the whole thing off,ok?
Godmother and Prince Charming: What?
King: I mean, you can't force someone to fall in love!
Godmother: I beg to differ. I do it all the time! Have Fiona drink this and she'll fall in love with the first man she kisses, which will be Charming.
King: Umm… no.
Godmother: What did you say?
King: I can't. I won't do it.
Godmother: Oh, yes, you will. If you remember, I helped you with your happily ever after, and I can take it away just as easily. Is that what you want? Is it?
King: No.
1. drag us down here
意思是 "把我们拉到这",这个用法实质上在我们的生活当中是经常可以用得上的。比如 "是他把我硬拉着我来的",言外之意"我"不是很情愿的,就可以说:"It was he who
dragged me down here."
2. warm up to
很多情况下,在说英文的时候,虽然意思表达出来了,但我们的表达总是很生硬。比如"我不觉得我喜欢你",通常我们会说"I'm afraid I don't like you."其实在日常生活中我们还有一个也更地道且礼貌的表达方式,"I'm afraid I 'm not quite warming up to you." 3.F.Y.I.=for your information
和a.s.a.p.一样,这是很地道且使用频率很高的缩略语形式, 经常是在强调或者要传输一些信息的时候用,比如:"注意了,大家明天不用来上班了!"就可以译成:"F.Y.I., you don't have to come tomorrow!"除此之外,还有一些常用的缩写形式:
a.k.a.=also known as(也可以称为)
T.G.I.F.=thank God it's Friday
4. Call off = cancel
这个用起来就很简单了,它的意思是"取消"。比如:"取消会议"就是"call off the meeting。"
5. beg to differ
这是一种非常礼貌的表达不同意的方式。美国人在别人发表观点的时候,有一个很好的习惯就是倾听,而在表示自己不同意的时候也会很礼貌的表达出来,所以像是"I don't agree with you."或 "I totally disagree." 这样的话是很少会出现的,而这又是我们经常用的。那怎么样表达才更好些呢?"I beg to differ."或是 "You must be joking."都是可以的。
No one under XXI is served:
A sign on the bar that says "Over 21 Only" or "No
Students" and an instruction to the bartender to ask for
proof of age whenever there is any doubt that an
individual is 21;
The legal minimum drinking age in this country is 18. But
now, Half a dozen pubs in a relatively small area on the
outskirts have a traditionally young clientele, especially
in the 18-21 age group, and they get the problems often
associated with that age group, including a lot of underage drinking. Now, some of the "problem" pubs suddenly raise their minimum age limit to 21, thus instantly
eradicating most of their problems. And that's why in some places in the United States, some bars put up the sign "No one is served under 21".
1. 不管到哪,他都拉着我去!
2. 恐怕我没办法接受你的意见!
3. 友情提示:我公司已搬离原来的位置,但您还可以通过原来的电话联系我们!
4. 下个星期的聚会已经取消了!
5. 还是有些不大赞同你的观点!
Annoucer: The abs are fab and it's gluteus to the
maximums here at tonight's Far, Far Away royal
ball blowout! The coaches are lined up as the cream
of the crop pours out of them like Miss Muffet's curd
and whey.
News reporter: Everyone who's anyone has turned
out to honor Princess Fiona and Prince Shrek. And,
oh my, the outfits look gorgeous! Look, Hansel and
Gretel! What the heck the crumbs for? And right
behind them, Tom Thumb and Thumbelina! Oh, aren't they adorable? Here comes Sleeping Beauty, tired old thing! Who's this? Who's this? Who's this? Oh, it's the one. It's the only...it's the Fairy Godmother!
Fairy Godmother: Hello, Far, Far away! Can I get a whoop, whoop? May all your endings be happy and... well, you know the rest!
Announcer: We'll be right back with the Royal Far, Far away ball after these messages .
1. the abs are fab(the abs are fabulous)and it's gluteus to the maximums
这里的abs指的是胃部的肌肉,Gluteus maximums 指的是臀大肌。但是这句话不可直译成"胃部的肌肉真的是太棒了!臀大肌到了最大。"这会造成一个天大的笑话。因为在美国,若要参加一些重要的盛大的晚会或者是晚宴,经常会听到主持人讲这样的俏皮话来增添现场的轻松气氛。那么此句的意思是什么呢?
2. everyone who's anyone
这是非常地道的一种用法,意思是"非常重要的人"。除此之外,美国人还会用一些其它的表达方式来代替everyone who's anyone,比如VIP= very important person,who is who,anyone who's anyone!那么中国名流,就可以是:anyone who's anyone in china。
3.oh,my!= oh,my god!
4. What the heck...?
可能大家在看电影的时候经常会听到What the hell...?或者是What on earth...?其实这三句话在日常生活中是可以互相替换着来用的,意思是究竟……? 到底……? 比如你究竟在干嘛?就可以是:What the heck are you doing?
5. Can I get a whoop, whoop?
当人们达到一种极度亢奋状态的时候,经常会说的一句话。如果大家经常看一些娱乐节目或者演唱会,体会会更深一些!比如我们经常听到歌手对观众大声说:"让我听到你们的声音好不好!"如果用英文表达的话就是"can I get a whoop,whoop?"
6. message
通常情况下,我们所知的message 是信息或者消息的意思,而在这里它的意思却是广告,而且要注意的是message习惯上指广播当中插播的广告,电视中的广告则要用commercial来代替。
1. Hansel and Gretel:
This classic folktale is from the Grimm's Fairy Tales . In
this story of treachery and abandonment, times were
hard and food was scarce when Hansel and Gretel were
deserted in a dark forest by their wicked stepmother and
poor father. While trying to find their way home, the
children encountered a witch who wanted to eat them,
but Gretel's quick thinking foiled her plan.
2. Miss Muffet's curd and whey:
Little Miss Mufet
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider and sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
One of the most popular nursery rhymes in the United
States, and now it's been taken as an activity to teach
children manners at home. Here's how they say "Little
Miss Muffet" and learn our manners:
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a turfet
Eating her cottage cheese
There came a great spider
Who sat on beside her
And said: "May I have a bite please!"
1. 你知道谁是IT界的名人吗?
2. 天呐!看你做了什么!
3. 你究竟要去哪?
4. 别走开,广告之后节目更精彩。
Donkey: I got to get out of here. You can't lock us up like this! Let me go! What about my Miranda rights?
You're supposed to say I have the right to remain silent. Nobody said I have the right to remain silent!
Shrek: Donkey! You have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity. Puss : I must hold on before I, too, go totally mad.
Pinocchio: Shrek? Donkey?
Puss: Too late?
Shrek: Gingy! Pinocchio! Get us out of here!
Pigs: Fire in the hole!
Gingy: Look out below!
Shrek: Quick! Tell a lie!
Pinocchio: What should I say?
Gingy: Anything, but quick!
Donkey: Say something crazy like "I'm wearing ladies' underwear!"
Pinocchio: I'm, I'm wearing ladies' underwear!
Shrek: Are you?
Pinocchio: I most certainly I'm not!
Donkey: It looks like you most certainly am are!
Pinocchio: I'm not!
Puss: What kind?
Gingy: It's a thong! Oww!
Pinocchio: They're briefs!
Gingy: Are not.
Pinocchio: Are too!
Gingy: Here we go. Hang tight.
Donkey: Wait! Wait! Wait! Ow! Ow! Hey, hey, hey! Ow!
Mouse: Excuse me.
Shrek: What? Puss!
Mouse: Pardon me, would you mind letting me go?
Puss: Sorry Boss.
1. What you lack is the capacity!
这句话听起来会有一些冒犯人的口吻在里面,但是至少要比"You are incapable of doing that." 好得多!经常情况下,当我们实在想把实话告诉对方,以此来让他们认清自己的能力和现实的情况时,就可以说这句话:"What you lack is the capacity! "意为:你缺少的只是能力而已!
2. go totally mad
这里的意思是疯掉了,一般是指某人因为某事而被气得抓狂的时候经常会说到的一句话。比如:"他完全疯掉了。"就可以说:"He goes totally mad!" 那么除此之外,我们还会用到以下短语来表达相同的意思:"be out of mind, drive someone crazy/ mad"
3. fire in the hole
很多人看到此短语的时候,都会毫不犹豫的把它翻译成"洞中的火",或者是"向洞中开火"。其实这句话是在美国的部队中经常用到的一句话,意思是"get down,卧倒,有危险!"但是一定不要在日常生活中用这句话,这会造成歧义!
4. Pardon me
这是英国人习惯的用法,意思和"Excuse me!"
是一样的。也可以作为"I beg your pardon."的替
Miranda right
The Constitution reserves many rights for those suspected of crime. One of the fears of the Framers was that the government could act however it wished by simply saying an individual was a suspected criminal.
This was the crux of the issue in Miranda v Arizona. In 1963, Ernesto Miranda was accused of kidnapping and raping an 18-year-old, mildly retarded woman. He was brought in for questioning, and confessed to the crime. He was not told that he did not have to speak or that he could have a lawyer present. At trial, Miranda's lawyer tried to get the confession thrown out, but the motion was denied. In 1966, the case came in front of the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that the statements made to the police could not be used as evidence, since Miranda had not been advised of his rights. Since then, before any pertinent questioning of a suspect is done, the police have been required to recite the Miranda warning.
The following is a minimal Miranda warning:
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.
1. 不是你不行,只是你缺少一些处理事情的能力
2. 老妈快把我逼疯了!
3. 对不起,麻烦让一下!
Messenger: Enough, Reggie. Dearest Princess Fiona, you are hereby summoned to the Kingdom of Far, Far Away, for a royal ball in celebration of your marriage, at which time the King will bestow his royal blessing... upon you and your...Uh, Prince Charming. Love. The King and Queen of Far, Far Away, aka, Mom and Dad! Fiona: Mom and dad?
Shrek: Prince Charming? 面面观
Donkey: Royal ball? Can I come?
Shrek: We are not going.
Fiona and Donkey: What?
Shrek: I mean, don't you think they might be a bit...shocked to see you like this? Fiona: Well, they might be a bit surprised. But they are my parents, Shrek. They love me. And don't worry. They're gonna love you, too.
Shrek: Yeah, right. Somehow I don't think I'll be welcomed at the country club. Fiona: Will you stop it. They're not like that.
Shrek: How do you explain Sergeant Pompous and the Fancy Pants Club Band? Fiona: Oh, come on. You could at least give them a chance.
Shrek: Oh,to do what? Sharpen the pitchforks.
Fiona: They just wanna give you their blessing.
Shrek: Oh, great. Now I need their blessing?
Fiona: If you wanna be part of this family, yes!
Shrek: And who said I wanna be part of the family.
Fiona: You did! When you married me.
Shrek: Well, there are some fine prints for you!
Fiona: Oh, so that's it. You won't come.
Shrek: Trust me. That's a bad idea. We are not going! And that's final!
Donkey: Come on, Shrek. We don't want to hit traffic.
Gingy: Don't worry. We'll take care of everything.
Mouse: Hey, wait for me. Oops!
1. enough
比如:"够了,我不想再听了。"就可以说:"Enough, stop talking." 除此之
A: That's easy enough to say( 说得容易).
B: Enough is enough( 够了).
C: Sure enough(千真万确)!
2. bestow
bestow的意思是"赠与;给与"。bestow charity和bestow an honor是经常用到的。平常使用的时候,一定要注意要和以下几个词区分开来:
A: Give 是最平常、最普通、最口语化的"给"。比如:give me an apple。
B: Confer 虽然也有"给与"的意思,但这种"给"一般是有上下级的关系的时候才会使用。比如:Confer a college degree。
C: Donate 一般用做捐赠来讲,比如:donate a great sum of money to the school。
3. fine prints
这是一个法律上的常用词汇,意思是"意思不清的话"。比如在甲乙双方签订合同的时候,有时我们会发现合同中出现一些模糊的条款。fine prints 指的就是这些条款。那么"很多人喜欢钻法律的空子",就可以说:Some businessmen always take advantage of the fine prints to make a fast buck.
4. That's final
意思是"好了,到此为止吧!"经常是双方发生口角或争执的时候用。如:"别再说了,就这么定了。"就可直接说成"That's final."
5. hit traffic
很少会有学生把这个短语用的很好,因为在大家的脑子当中有一个根深蒂固的短语:be in the traffic jam!即使已经学过了很多遍的hit traffic,再塞车的时候,大家还会脱口而出:"I'm in the traffic jam." 当然这种表达是对的,但却不是最口语化的。那么在看完这个片段之后,希望大家一定要记住这个非常地道的用法:hit traffic。除此之外,还可以用I'm stuck in the traffic来替换。
6. oops
很小的词,意思是"啊呀"!。比如差点把邮件发错了对象,这时就可以说:"Oops, I almost sent the e-mail to the wrong guy."
Sergeant Pompous and the Fancy Pants Club Band
In fact, these lines are from one of the Beatles' albums, Sergeant Pompous and Fancy Pants Club Band, which is the most important rock and roll album the Beatles ever made. We can also see the playwright had replaced the lonely hearts into fancy pants with the sense to make us laugh. And whether you noticed or not, the name of Beatles had already rooted in people's minds and nobody could erase it, 'cause it's already become part of their lives.
1. 够了,我已很清楚你的意思了!
2. 好了,讨论到此为止!
3. 我会晚一些到,因为路上很堵。
Gingy: Yup. He croaked.
Queen: Harold?
Fiona: Dad?
King: I'd hoped you'd never see me like this.
Donkey: And he gave you a hard time.
Shrek: Donkey!
King: No, no, he's right. I'm sorry, to both of you. I only wanted what was best for Fiona. But I can see now she already has it. Shrek, Fiona... Will you accept an old frog's apologies... and my blessing?
Queen: Harold?
King: I'm sorry, Lillian. I just wish I could be the man you deserve.
Queen: You're more that man today than you ever were... warts and all. Puss: Boss! The Happily Ever After Potion!
Shrek: Midnight! Fiona. Is this what you want? To be this way forever? Fiona: What?
Shrek: Because if you kiss me now... we can stay like this.
Fiona: You'd do that? For me?
Shrek: Yes.
Fiona: I want what any princess wants. To live happily ever after... with the ogre I
Puss: Whatever happens, I must not cry! You cannot make me
Donkey: No. No, no. Aaah! Ow. Oh, no.
Shrek: Hey. You still look like a noble steed to me.
Fiona: Now, where were we?
Shrek: Oh. I remember.
Puss: Hey! Isn't we supposed to be having a fiesta?
1. yup=yes
非常口语的用法。其实它是从yes转变而来的,只不过是在非常随意或说话速度比较快的情况下我们所得到的变体,就好像want to=wanna是一样的。而除此之外,在说no的时候,我们也会习惯说成是nope!
A:呱呱的叫,如:The frog croaks.
B: 俚语用法,指……被杀了就可以说成是:Somebody croaked。
3.warts and all
意思是"尽管有各种缺点和瑕疵"。而在这里需要注意的是,习惯上warts and all 是放在句子最后面的。比如:"尽管你有很多缺点,我们还是很喜欢你。"就可译为:We still like you for what you are, warts and all.
King: Excuse me, is she here?
Stepsister: She's, uh… in the back.
King: Oh, hello again. Fairy Godmother. Charming.
Godmother: You'd better have a good reason for dragging us down here, Harold. King: Well, I'm afraid Fiona isn't really... warming up to Prince Charming.
Charming: FYI, not my fault.
Godmother: No, of course it's not, dear.
Charming: I mean how charming can I be when I have to pretend I'm that dreadful ogre?
King: No, no, it's nobody's fault. Perhaps it's best if we just call the whole thing off,ok?
Godmother and Prince Charming: What?
King: I mean, you can't force someone to fall in love!
Godmother: I beg to differ. I do it all the time! Have Fiona drink this and she'll fall in love with the first man she kisses, which will be Charming.
King: Umm… no.
Godmother: What did you say?
King: I can't. I won't do it.
Godmother: Oh, yes, you will. If you remember, I helped you with your happily ever after, and I can take it away just as easily. Is that what you want? Is it?
King: No.
1. drag us down here
意思是 "把我们拉到这",这个用法实质上在我们的生活当中是经常可以用得上的。比如 "是他把我硬拉着我来的",言外之意"我"不是很情愿的,就可以说:"It was he who
dragged me down here."
2. warm up to
很多情况下,在说英文的时候,虽然意思表达出来了,但我们的表达总是很生硬。比如"我不觉得我喜欢你",通常我们会说"I'm afraid I don't like you."其实在日常生活中我们还有一个也更地道且礼貌的表达方式,"I'm afraid I 'm not quite warming up to you." 3.F.Y.I.=for your information
和a.s.a.p.一样,这是很地道且使用频率很高的缩略语形式, 经常是在强调或者要传输一些信息的时候用,比如:"注意了,大家明天不用来上班了!"就可以译成:"F.Y.I., you don't have to come tomorrow!"除此之外,还有一些常用的缩写形式:
a.k.a.=also known as(也可以称为)
T.G.I.F.=thank God it's Friday
4. Call off = cancel
这个用起来就很简单了,它的意思是"取消"。比如:"取消会议"就是"call off the meeting。"
5. beg to differ
这是一种非常礼貌的表达不同意的方式。美国人在别人发表观点的时候,有一个很好的习惯就是倾听,而在表示自己不同意的时候也会很礼貌的表达出来,所以像是"I don't agree with you."或 "I totally disagree." 这样的话是很少会出现的,而这又是我们经常用的。那怎么样表达才更好些呢?"I beg to differ."或是 "You must be joking."都是可以的。
No one under XXI is served:
A sign on the bar that says "Over 21 Only" or "No
Students" and an instruction to the bartender to ask for
proof of age whenever there is any doubt that an
individual is 21;
The legal minimum drinking age in this country is 18. But
now, Half a dozen pubs in a relatively small area on the
outskirts have a traditionally young clientele, especially
in the 18-21 age group, and they get the problems often
associated with that age group, including a lot of underage drinking. Now, some of the "problem" pubs suddenly raise their minimum age limit to 21, thus instantly
eradicating most of their problems. And that's why in some places in the United States, some bars put up the sign "No one is served under 21".
1. 不管到哪,他都拉着我去!
2. 恐怕我没办法接受你的意见!
3. 友情提示:我公司已搬离原来的位置,但您还可以通过原来的电话联系我们!
4. 下个星期的聚会已经取消了!
5. 还是有些不大赞同你的观点!
Annoucer: The abs are fab and it's gluteus to the
maximums here at tonight's Far, Far Away royal
ball blowout! The coaches are lined up as the cream
of the crop pours out of them like Miss Muffet's curd
and whey.
News reporter: Everyone who's anyone has turned
out to honor Princess Fiona and Prince Shrek. And,
oh my, the outfits look gorgeous! Look, Hansel and
Gretel! What the heck the crumbs for? And right
behind them, Tom Thumb and Thumbelina! Oh, aren't they adorable? Here comes Sleeping Beauty, tired old thing! Who's this? Who's this? Who's this? Oh, it's the one. It's the only...it's the Fairy Godmother!
Fairy Godmother: Hello, Far, Far away! Can I get a whoop, whoop? May all your endings be happy and... well, you know the rest!
Announcer: We'll be right back with the Royal Far, Far away ball after these messages .
1. the abs are fab(the abs are fabulous)and it's gluteus to the maximums
这里的abs指的是胃部的肌肉,Gluteus maximums 指的是臀大肌。但是这句话不可直译成"胃部的肌肉真的是太棒了!臀大肌到了最大。"这会造成一个天大的笑话。因为在美国,若要参加一些重要的盛大的晚会或者是晚宴,经常会听到主持人讲这样的俏皮话来增添现场的轻松气氛。那么此句的意思是什么呢?
2. everyone who's anyone
这是非常地道的一种用法,意思是"非常重要的人"。除此之外,美国人还会用一些其它的表达方式来代替everyone who's anyone,比如VIP= very important person,who is who,anyone who's anyone!那么中国名流,就可以是:anyone who's anyone in china。
3.oh,my!= oh,my god!
4. What the heck...?
可能大家在看电影的时候经常会听到What the hell...?或者是What on earth...?其实这三句话在日常生活中是可以互相替换着来用的,意思是究竟……? 到底……? 比如你究竟在干嘛?就可以是:What the heck are you doing?
5. Can I get a whoop, whoop?
当人们达到一种极度亢奋状态的时候,经常会说的一句话。如果大家经常看一些娱乐节目或者演唱会,体会会更深一些!比如我们经常听到歌手对观众大声说:"让我听到你们的声音好不好!"如果用英文表达的话就是"can I get a whoop,whoop?"
6. message
通常情况下,我们所知的message 是信息或者消息的意思,而在这里它的意思却是广告,而且要注意的是message习惯上指广播当中插播的广告,电视中的广告则要用commercial来代替。
1. Hansel and Gretel:
This classic folktale is from the Grimm's Fairy Tales . In
this story of treachery and abandonment, times were
hard and food was scarce when Hansel and Gretel were
deserted in a dark forest by their wicked stepmother and
poor father. While trying to find their way home, the
children encountered a witch who wanted to eat them,
but Gretel's quick thinking foiled her plan.
2. Miss Muffet's curd and whey:
Little Miss Mufet
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider and sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
One of the most popular nursery rhymes in the United
States, and now it's been taken as an activity to teach
children manners at home. Here's how they say "Little
Miss Muffet" and learn our manners:
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a turfet
Eating her cottage cheese
There came a great spider
Who sat on beside her
And said: "May I have a bite please!"
1. 你知道谁是IT界的名人吗?
2. 天呐!看你做了什么!
3. 你究竟要去哪?
4. 别走开,广告之后节目更精彩。
Donkey: I got to get out of here. You can't lock us up like this! Let me go! What about my Miranda rights?
You're supposed to say I have the right to remain silent. Nobody said I have the right to remain silent!
Shrek: Donkey! You have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity. Puss : I must hold on before I, too, go totally mad.
Pinocchio: Shrek? Donkey?
Puss: Too late?
Shrek: Gingy! Pinocchio! Get us out of here!
Pigs: Fire in the hole!
Gingy: Look out below!
Shrek: Quick! Tell a lie!
Pinocchio: What should I say?
Gingy: Anything, but quick!
Donkey: Say something crazy like "I'm wearing ladies' underwear!"
Pinocchio: I'm, I'm wearing ladies' underwear!
Shrek: Are you?
Pinocchio: I most certainly I'm not!
Donkey: It looks like you most certainly am are!
Pinocchio: I'm not!
Puss: What kind?
Gingy: It's a thong! Oww!
Pinocchio: They're briefs!
Gingy: Are not.
Pinocchio: Are too!
Gingy: Here we go. Hang tight.
Donkey: Wait! Wait! Wait! Ow! Ow! Hey, hey, hey! Ow!
Mouse: Excuse me.
Shrek: What? Puss!
Mouse: Pardon me, would you mind letting me go?
Puss: Sorry Boss.
1. What you lack is the capacity!
这句话听起来会有一些冒犯人的口吻在里面,但是至少要比"You are incapable of doing that." 好得多!经常情况下,当我们实在想把实话告诉对方,以此来让他们认清自己的能力和现实的情况时,就可以说这句话:"What you lack is the capacity! "意为:你缺少的只是能力而已!
2. go totally mad
这里的意思是疯掉了,一般是指某人因为某事而被气得抓狂的时候经常会说到的一句话。比如:"他完全疯掉了。"就可以说:"He goes totally mad!" 那么除此之外,我们还会用到以下短语来表达相同的意思:"be out of mind, drive someone crazy/ mad"
3. fire in the hole
很多人看到此短语的时候,都会毫不犹豫的把它翻译成"洞中的火",或者是"向洞中开火"。其实这句话是在美国的部队中经常用到的一句话,意思是"get down,卧倒,有危险!"但是一定不要在日常生活中用这句话,这会造成歧义!
4. Pardon me
这是英国人习惯的用法,意思和"Excuse me!"
是一样的。也可以作为"I beg your pardon."的替
Miranda right
The Constitution reserves many rights for those suspected of crime. One of the fears of the Framers was that the government could act however it wished by simply saying an individual was a suspected criminal.
This was the crux of the issue in Miranda v Arizona. In 1963, Ernesto Miranda was accused of kidnapping and raping an 18-year-old, mildly retarded woman. He was brought in for questioning, and confessed to the crime. He was not told that he did not have to speak or that he could have a lawyer present. At trial, Miranda's lawyer tried to get the confession thrown out, but the motion was denied. In 1966, the case came in front of the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that the statements made to the police could not be used as evidence, since Miranda had not been advised of his rights. Since then, before any pertinent questioning of a suspect is done, the police have been required to recite the Miranda warning.
The following is a minimal Miranda warning:
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.
1. 不是你不行,只是你缺少一些处理事情的能力
2. 老妈快把我逼疯了!
3. 对不起,麻烦让一下!
Messenger: Enough, Reggie. Dearest Princess Fiona, you are hereby summoned to the Kingdom of Far, Far Away, for a royal ball in celebration of your marriage, at which time the King will bestow his royal blessing... upon you and your...Uh, Prince Charming. Love. The King and Queen of Far, Far Away, aka, Mom and Dad! Fiona: Mom and dad?
Shrek: Prince Charming? 面面观
Donkey: Royal ball? Can I come?
Shrek: We are not going.
Fiona and Donkey: What?
Shrek: I mean, don't you think they might be a bit...shocked to see you like this? Fiona: Well, they might be a bit surprised. But they are my parents, Shrek. They love me. And don't worry. They're gonna love you, too.
Shrek: Yeah, right. Somehow I don't think I'll be welcomed at the country club. Fiona: Will you stop it. They're not like that.
Shrek: How do you explain Sergeant Pompous and the Fancy Pants Club Band? Fiona: Oh, come on. You could at least give them a chance.
Shrek: Oh,to do what? Sharpen the pitchforks.
Fiona: They just wanna give you their blessing.
Shrek: Oh, great. Now I need their blessing?
Fiona: If you wanna be part of this family, yes!
Shrek: And who said I wanna be part of the family.
Fiona: You did! When you married me.
Shrek: Well, there are some fine prints for you!
Fiona: Oh, so that's it. You won't come.
Shrek: Trust me. That's a bad idea. We are not going! And that's final!
Donkey: Come on, Shrek. We don't want to hit traffic.
Gingy: Don't worry. We'll take care of everything.
Mouse: Hey, wait for me. Oops!
1. enough
比如:"够了,我不想再听了。"就可以说:"Enough, stop talking." 除此之
A: That's easy enough to say( 说得容易).
B: Enough is enough( 够了).
C: Sure enough(千真万确)!
2. bestow
bestow的意思是"赠与;给与"。bestow charity和bestow an honor是经常用到的。平常使用的时候,一定要注意要和以下几个词区分开来:
A: Give 是最平常、最普通、最口语化的"给"。比如:give me an apple。
B: Confer 虽然也有"给与"的意思,但这种"给"一般是有上下级的关系的时候才会使用。比如:Confer a college degree。
C: Donate 一般用做捐赠来讲,比如:donate a great sum of money to the school。
3. fine prints
这是一个法律上的常用词汇,意思是"意思不清的话"。比如在甲乙双方签订合同的时候,有时我们会发现合同中出现一些模糊的条款。fine prints 指的就是这些条款。那么"很多人喜欢钻法律的空子",就可以说:Some businessmen always take advantage of the fine prints to make a fast buck.
4. That's final
意思是"好了,到此为止吧!"经常是双方发生口角或争执的时候用。如:"别再说了,就这么定了。"就可直接说成"That's final."
5. hit traffic
很少会有学生把这个短语用的很好,因为在大家的脑子当中有一个根深蒂固的短语:be in the traffic jam!即使已经学过了很多遍的hit traffic,再塞车的时候,大家还会脱口而出:"I'm in the traffic jam." 当然这种表达是对的,但却不是最口语化的。那么在看完这个片段之后,希望大家一定要记住这个非常地道的用法:hit traffic。除此之外,还可以用I'm stuck in the traffic来替换。
6. oops
很小的词,意思是"啊呀"!。比如差点把邮件发错了对象,这时就可以说:"Oops, I almost sent the e-mail to the wrong guy."
Sergeant Pompous and the Fancy Pants Club Band
In fact, these lines are from one of the Beatles' albums, Sergeant Pompous and Fancy Pants Club Band, which is the most important rock and roll album the Beatles ever made. We can also see the playwright had replaced the lonely hearts into fancy pants with the sense to make us laugh. And whether you noticed or not, the name of Beatles had already rooted in people's minds and nobody could erase it, 'cause it's already become part of their lives.
1. 够了,我已很清楚你的意思了!
2. 好了,讨论到此为止!
3. 我会晚一些到,因为路上很堵。
Gingy: Yup. He croaked.
Queen: Harold?
Fiona: Dad?
King: I'd hoped you'd never see me like this.
Donkey: And he gave you a hard time.
Shrek: Donkey!
King: No, no, he's right. I'm sorry, to both of you. I only wanted what was best for Fiona. But I can see now she already has it. Shrek, Fiona... Will you accept an old frog's apologies... and my blessing?
Queen: Harold?
King: I'm sorry, Lillian. I just wish I could be the man you deserve.
Queen: You're more that man today than you ever were... warts and all. Puss: Boss! The Happily Ever After Potion!
Shrek: Midnight! Fiona. Is this what you want? To be this way forever? Fiona: What?
Shrek: Because if you kiss me now... we can stay like this.
Fiona: You'd do that? For me?
Shrek: Yes.
Fiona: I want what any princess wants. To live happily ever after... with the ogre I
Puss: Whatever happens, I must not cry! You cannot make me
Donkey: No. No, no. Aaah! Ow. Oh, no.
Shrek: Hey. You still look like a noble steed to me.
Fiona: Now, where were we?
Shrek: Oh. I remember.
Puss: Hey! Isn't we supposed to be having a fiesta?
1. yup=yes
非常口语的用法。其实它是从yes转变而来的,只不过是在非常随意或说话速度比较快的情况下我们所得到的变体,就好像want to=wanna是一样的。而除此之外,在说no的时候,我们也会习惯说成是nope!
A:呱呱的叫,如:The frog croaks.
B: 俚语用法,指……被杀了就可以说成是:Somebody croaked。
3.warts and all
意思是"尽管有各种缺点和瑕疵"。而在这里需要注意的是,习惯上warts and all 是放在句子最后面的。比如:"尽管你有很多缺点,我们还是很喜欢你。"就可译为:We still like you for what you are, warts and all.