
































Province Lawyers excellent essays collected and published to the reconstruction ofChina's legal culture as an opportunity to change our country lawyer image Summary The development of a socio-professional groups, need the support of culture, the legal profession is no exception. The nature of the legal culture determines the lawyer faithful to the law is bound to establish, maintain proper implementation of laws, maintain social fairness and justice, values and achieve strict compliance with the social image of the professional standards in legal practice. But our lawyers in the cultural construction of many shortcomings, the social image of our lawyers naturally not satisfactory. [Abstract] a social and professional groups, development requires the support of culture, the legal profession is no exception. The nature of the legal culture determines the lawyer faithful to the law is bound to establish, maintain proper implementation of laws, maintain social fairness and justice, values and achieve strict compliance with the social image of the professional standards in legal practice. But our lawyers in the cultural construction of many shortcomings, the social image of our lawyers naturally not satisfactory. Therefore necessary to build our lawyers cultural systems, remodeling lawyers and social image. Key words culture; lawyers culture; lawyer image

Futurist prediction: the 21st century will be the century of a culture shock. At present, human society has begun to economic social transition to cultural society. A nation's development needs the support of culture, the culture has become the soul of a nation.Development of a socio-professional groups, also need the support of culture, culture is the life of this group. The group of lawyers in China after 20 years of development practice, accumulation, filter, discard, and sublimation, has matured, the legal culture has gradually become a unique new branches from the loose ends of the

social and cultural. A lawyer cultural connotation

Culture, law, lawyers, and culture in the three different sectors of the surface, the connotation present relationship into related concepts, analysis of the legal culture is inseparable from the definition of the cultural, legal and cultural meaning. (A) cultural and legal culture In Chinese, the

Legal culture, the concept of legal culture, is the legal components of the legal culture.Lawyer culture is the sum of the spiritual wealth lawyer occupational groups in the socialist economic and political systems, to create long-term legal services practice.What is the legal culture, there are many scholars discussed Mr. Song Zhanwen that

30 years of reform and opening up, the lawyer culture in China has made great progress.Lawyers is growing, the initial formation of the high quality of the legal profession groups; rapid pace of development of the Bar organizations, the degree of specialization, scale continuous improvement; expanding the field of legal services, lawyers functional role has become increasingly prominent. However, due to deficiencies, the day after we did not get enough attention and nurturing, the lawyer culture in China is relatively backward, still can not meet the requirements of the lawyer industry and the construction of the rule of law, there are many drawbacks.

(A) The lawyer of a lack of overall quality and thought astray

First on the terms of legal knowledge, our lawyers showing variation in levels. Legal literacy is the most basic quality of a legal worker. Held annually by the State Judicial Examination and practical training of lawyers may be able to improve the lawyer's legal knowledge to a certain extent, but this is not a far cry from from the requirements of the socialist legal culture. Lawyer with basic knowledge of law school process, educational institutions mostly focus on imparting knowledge of the law, while ignoring the law on the legal should the inculcation of beliefs, not to mention the lawyers who do not have the specialized legal and professional education, resulting in the current team of lawyers The lack of legal habit of thinking and scientific methodology, many lawyers, agent cases are often the first consideration is the human relationship, not a legal requirement seriously affect the solemnity of the law and the nobility. Secondly, a lot of lawyers practicing the concept of the existence of errors rarely seriously understand and practice the culture of lawyers.

Today's legal services market in general is a bit confusing. Industrial and commercial registration, patents, trademarks, tax agents, legal adviser of legal services agencies belong to the implementation and management of various government departments, legal services market has been artificially split, chaos rules, constraints and hindered the expansion of the scope of the practice of law. Lawyer in the field of long-term fragmentation, trade monopoly, and practicing non-standard situation has seriously affected the healthy development of the legal services market. [1] in such a market for legal services, cultural development speed of Chinese lawyers can be imagined. To build our country lawyer cultural systems, remodeling the image of lawyers society Lawyer cultural development of lawyers' business philosophy and spiritual connotations; lawyer culture is the legal management of the value of navigator; lawyer culture is a lawyer just to practice mind constraints. [2] lawyer cultural construction not only the relationship between lawyer personal development of lawyer industry, but also on the process of legal construction of China. In order to enable us to legal profession to the rapid development of the cause of socialist rule of law to a higher level to improve the lawyer cultural systems without delay.

(A) to strengthen professional ethics, to establish the beliefs of the lawyer for legal

The core of the quality of professional ethics is honesty, integrity determines the rise and fall of a lawyer.

(C) Self - discipline and the combination of the two-pronged approach to improve legal and cultural construction

The legal profession is a relatively strong self-discipline industry. In the cultural construction of solicitors, must play the role of lawyer self-regulatory organization - Bar Association, to strengthen the practice of education for lawyers, so that the majority of lawyers to firmly establish the right ideals and beliefs and practice the concept of in accordance with the law, to firmly establish the overall awareness and sense of responsibility. Enhance the general counsel's professional identity, a sense of responsibility and sense of honor. Continue to improve the party and government organs, judicial system, social media and personal supervision mechanism, China's legal profession to the construction of the health of the network of social supervision and orderly development, driven by the rapid development of China's law culture. IV Conclusion Mr. Zhang Sizhi that

































Province Lawyers excellent essays collected and published to the reconstruction ofChina's legal culture as an opportunity to change our country lawyer image Summary The development of a socio-professional groups, need the support of culture, the legal profession is no exception. The nature of the legal culture determines the lawyer faithful to the law is bound to establish, maintain proper implementation of laws, maintain social fairness and justice, values and achieve strict compliance with the social image of the professional standards in legal practice. But our lawyers in the cultural construction of many shortcomings, the social image of our lawyers naturally not satisfactory. [Abstract] a social and professional groups, development requires the support of culture, the legal profession is no exception. The nature of the legal culture determines the lawyer faithful to the law is bound to establish, maintain proper implementation of laws, maintain social fairness and justice, values and achieve strict compliance with the social image of the professional standards in legal practice. But our lawyers in the cultural construction of many shortcomings, the social image of our lawyers naturally not satisfactory. Therefore necessary to build our lawyers cultural systems, remodeling lawyers and social image. Key words culture; lawyers culture; lawyer image

Futurist prediction: the 21st century will be the century of a culture shock. At present, human society has begun to economic social transition to cultural society. A nation's development needs the support of culture, the culture has become the soul of a nation.Development of a socio-professional groups, also need the support of culture, culture is the life of this group. The group of lawyers in China after 20 years of development practice, accumulation, filter, discard, and sublimation, has matured, the legal culture has gradually become a unique new branches from the loose ends of the

social and cultural. A lawyer cultural connotation

Culture, law, lawyers, and culture in the three different sectors of the surface, the connotation present relationship into related concepts, analysis of the legal culture is inseparable from the definition of the cultural, legal and cultural meaning. (A) cultural and legal culture In Chinese, the

Legal culture, the concept of legal culture, is the legal components of the legal culture.Lawyer culture is the sum of the spiritual wealth lawyer occupational groups in the socialist economic and political systems, to create long-term legal services practice.What is the legal culture, there are many scholars discussed Mr. Song Zhanwen that

30 years of reform and opening up, the lawyer culture in China has made great progress.Lawyers is growing, the initial formation of the high quality of the legal profession groups; rapid pace of development of the Bar organizations, the degree of specialization, scale continuous improvement; expanding the field of legal services, lawyers functional role has become increasingly prominent. However, due to deficiencies, the day after we did not get enough attention and nurturing, the lawyer culture in China is relatively backward, still can not meet the requirements of the lawyer industry and the construction of the rule of law, there are many drawbacks.

(A) The lawyer of a lack of overall quality and thought astray

First on the terms of legal knowledge, our lawyers showing variation in levels. Legal literacy is the most basic quality of a legal worker. Held annually by the State Judicial Examination and practical training of lawyers may be able to improve the lawyer's legal knowledge to a certain extent, but this is not a far cry from from the requirements of the socialist legal culture. Lawyer with basic knowledge of law school process, educational institutions mostly focus on imparting knowledge of the law, while ignoring the law on the legal should the inculcation of beliefs, not to mention the lawyers who do not have the specialized legal and professional education, resulting in the current team of lawyers The lack of legal habit of thinking and scientific methodology, many lawyers, agent cases are often the first consideration is the human relationship, not a legal requirement seriously affect the solemnity of the law and the nobility. Secondly, a lot of lawyers practicing the concept of the existence of errors rarely seriously understand and practice the culture of lawyers.

Today's legal services market in general is a bit confusing. Industrial and commercial registration, patents, trademarks, tax agents, legal adviser of legal services agencies belong to the implementation and management of various government departments, legal services market has been artificially split, chaos rules, constraints and hindered the expansion of the scope of the practice of law. Lawyer in the field of long-term fragmentation, trade monopoly, and practicing non-standard situation has seriously affected the healthy development of the legal services market. [1] in such a market for legal services, cultural development speed of Chinese lawyers can be imagined. To build our country lawyer cultural systems, remodeling the image of lawyers society Lawyer cultural development of lawyers' business philosophy and spiritual connotations; lawyer culture is the legal management of the value of navigator; lawyer culture is a lawyer just to practice mind constraints. [2] lawyer cultural construction not only the relationship between lawyer personal development of lawyer industry, but also on the process of legal construction of China. In order to enable us to legal profession to the rapid development of the cause of socialist rule of law to a higher level to improve the lawyer cultural systems without delay.

(A) to strengthen professional ethics, to establish the beliefs of the lawyer for legal

The core of the quality of professional ethics is honesty, integrity determines the rise and fall of a lawyer.

(C) Self - discipline and the combination of the two-pronged approach to improve legal and cultural construction

The legal profession is a relatively strong self-discipline industry. In the cultural construction of solicitors, must play the role of lawyer self-regulatory organization - Bar Association, to strengthen the practice of education for lawyers, so that the majority of lawyers to firmly establish the right ideals and beliefs and practice the concept of in accordance with the law, to firmly establish the overall awareness and sense of responsibility. Enhance the general counsel's professional identity, a sense of responsibility and sense of honor. Continue to improve the party and government organs, judicial system, social media and personal supervision mechanism, China's legal profession to the construction of the health of the network of social supervision and orderly development, driven by the rapid development of China's law culture. IV Conclusion Mr. Zhang Sizhi that


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