The Prince of Egypt电影埃及王子简介

The Prince of Egypt

Egypt, eons of years ago: Pharao Seti commands all male hebrew babies to be drowned. A desperate mother places her son in a basket and lets the Hebrew god guide it along its way on the river. The basket is found by the Queen, and Moses is brought up as a brother to the heir of the throne, Ramses. Years later, the brothers, who grew up happily and wealthy, are split by Moses' recognition of his true heritage and the suppressing system his brother is about to inherit, willing to carry it on. Fleeing from the city in despair, Moses finds himself being called by God. He is given the task of being the messenger in order to free the Hebrews and to lead them into a country where milk and honey flow.



The meaning of Moses in Egypt is the child from water.

He is the son of one Hebrew slave, but adopted by the Egyptian Princess. He grew up as an Egyptian prince. However, love for Hebrew still existed deep inside his heart.



In ancient Egypt, Moses, the prince of Egypt, finds he is a Hebrew and that he was born a slave. After leaving Egypt and meeting Jethro. the high priest, and marrying Jethro's daughter, Tzporah, Moses must return to Egypt to free his people with the hands of God to lead him. The one problem is that his former brother, Ramses, is now the Pharaoh and won't give in to God's wonders. Now Moses will do anything, and that means ANYTHING to convince Ramses to let his people go. 在古埃及,摩西,埃及王子,发现他是一个希伯来语,他出生在一个奴隶。在离开埃及后,会议杰思罗。大祭司,和结婚杰思罗的女儿,Tzporah ,摩西必须回到埃及自由与上帝的手中,他带领他的人民。一个问题是,他以前的兄弟,拉美西斯,现在是法老,不会屈从于上帝的奇迹。现在摩西会做任何事,这意味着任何说服他的拉美西斯,让人们去。

The Prince of Egypt

Egypt, eons of years ago: Pharao Seti commands all male hebrew babies to be drowned. A desperate mother places her son in a basket and lets the Hebrew god guide it along its way on the river. The basket is found by the Queen, and Moses is brought up as a brother to the heir of the throne, Ramses. Years later, the brothers, who grew up happily and wealthy, are split by Moses' recognition of his true heritage and the suppressing system his brother is about to inherit, willing to carry it on. Fleeing from the city in despair, Moses finds himself being called by God. He is given the task of being the messenger in order to free the Hebrews and to lead them into a country where milk and honey flow.



The meaning of Moses in Egypt is the child from water.

He is the son of one Hebrew slave, but adopted by the Egyptian Princess. He grew up as an Egyptian prince. However, love for Hebrew still existed deep inside his heart.



In ancient Egypt, Moses, the prince of Egypt, finds he is a Hebrew and that he was born a slave. After leaving Egypt and meeting Jethro. the high priest, and marrying Jethro's daughter, Tzporah, Moses must return to Egypt to free his people with the hands of God to lead him. The one problem is that his former brother, Ramses, is now the Pharaoh and won't give in to God's wonders. Now Moses will do anything, and that means ANYTHING to convince Ramses to let his people go. 在古埃及,摩西,埃及王子,发现他是一个希伯来语,他出生在一个奴隶。在离开埃及后,会议杰思罗。大祭司,和结婚杰思罗的女儿,Tzporah ,摩西必须回到埃及自由与上帝的手中,他带领他的人民。一个问题是,他以前的兄弟,拉美西斯,现在是法老,不会屈从于上帝的奇迹。现在摩西会做任何事,这意味着任何说服他的拉美西斯,让人们去。


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