
Unit 1 Where is this?

Hello! It’s time to go,

To see new places,

And do fun things.

Are you ready?

Let ’s go!

Lesson 1

1. Listen to the text. Then read it aloud.

In the City


Do you see many tall buildings? Do you see many police? Cars and buses are going up and down the streets. Police officers are busy directing traffic.

Where is this? It ’s the city!

You can buy books in a big bookstore. You can see films in a cinama. You can go shopping in a big supermarket.

Do you want to row a boat? You can go to the park. Do you want to see animals? You can go to the zoo. Are you hungry? Go to a restaurant.

I love visiting the city!

2. Answer the questions.

(1) What do you like about the city?

(2) Would you like to live in the city?

3. Listen, read and write.

Unit 1 Where is this?

Hello! It’s time to go,

To see new places,

And do fun things.

Are you ready?

Let ’s go!

Lesson 1

1. Listen to the text. Then read it aloud.

In the City


Do you see many tall buildings? Do you see many police? Cars and buses are going up and down the streets. Police officers are busy directing traffic.

Where is this? It ’s the city!

You can buy books in a big bookstore. You can see films in a cinama. You can go shopping in a big supermarket.

Do you want to row a boat? You can go to the park. Do you want to see animals? You can go to the zoo. Are you hungry? Go to a restaurant.

I love visiting the city!

2. Answer the questions.

(1) What do you like about the city?

(2) Would you like to live in the city?

3. Listen, read and write.


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