
虚拟化技术与多任务以及超线程技术是完全不同的。多任务是指在一个操作系统中多个程序同时一起运行,而在虚拟化技术中,则可以同时运行多个操作系统,而且每一个操作系统中都有多个程序运行,每一个操作系统都运行在一个虚拟的CPU 或者是虚拟主机上;而超线程技术只是单CPU 模拟双CPU 来平衡程序运行性能,这两个模拟出来的CPU 是不能分离的,只能协同工作。

Virtualization technology and multi task and hyper threading

technology is completely different. Multi task refers to an operating system in multiple programs simultaneously run together, and in the virtualization technology, you can run multiple operating system at the same time, and each operating system has a plurality of operating procedures, each operating system runs in a virtual CPU or virtual host the hyper threading technology; only a single CPU simulation of double CPU to balance the running performance, the two simulation of the CPU cannot be separated, can only work together.

虚拟化技术也与VMware Workstation等同样能达到虚拟效果的软件不同,是一个巨大的技术进步,具体表现在减少软件虚拟机相关开销和支持更广泛的操作系统方面。

Virtualization technology and VMware Workstation to achieve the same effect of virtual software is different, is a great technical progress, operating system specific performance more widely in reducing the overhead of software virtual machine and support the. 纯软件虚拟化解决方案存在很多限制。“客户”操作系统很多情况下是通过VMM(Virtual Machine Monitor,虚拟机监视器)来与硬件进行通信,由VMM 来决定其对系统上所有虚拟机的访问。(注意,大多数处理器和内存访问独立于VMM ,只在发生特定事件时才会涉及VMM ,如页面错

误。)在纯软件虚拟化解决方案中,VMM 在软件套件中的位置是传统意义上操作系统所处的位置,而操作系统的位置是传统意义上应用程序所处的位置。

Pure software virtualization solutions exist many restrictions. "Customers" operating system in many cases by VMM (Virtual

Machine Monitor, a virtual machine monitor) to communicate with the hardware, VMM determined by its access to all of the virtual machine system. (note, most of the processor and the memory access is

independent of the VMM, only on specific events involving VMM, such as a page fault.) In pure software virtualization solution, VMM in software package is the position of traditional operating system

location, and the location of the operating system is the application of traditional location.

虚拟化技术是一套解决方案。完整的情况需要CPU 、主板芯片组、BIOS 和软件的支持,例如VMM 软件或者某些操作系统本身。即使只是CPU 支持虚拟化技术,在配合VMM 的软件情况下,也会比完全不支持虚拟化技术的系统有更好的性能。

Virtualization technology is a set of solutions. Integrity of the CPU, motherboard chipset, BIOS and software support, such as VMM software or operating system itself. Even CPU support virtualization technology, in conjunction with the VMM software under the condition, the performance will be better than the system does not support virtualization technology.

两大CPU 巨头Intel 和AMD 都想方设法在虚拟化领域中占得先机,但是AMD 的虚拟化技术在时间上要比Intel 落后几个月。Intel 自2005年末开始便在其处理器产品线中推广应用Intel Virtualization

Technology(Intel VT)虚拟化技术。

Two CPU giant Intel and AMD try various devices to takes the

initiative in the field of virtualization, but AMD virtualization technology in time than Intel months behind. Intel will start in the processor

product line in the application of Intel Virtualization Technology since the end of 2005 (Intel VT) virtualization technology.

而AMD 方面也已经发布了支持AMD Virtualization Technology(AMD VT )虚拟化技术的一系列处理器产品,包括Socket S1接口的Turion 64 X2系列以及Socket AM2接口的Athlon 64 X2系列和Athlon 64 FX系列等等,并且绝大多数的AMD 下一代主流处理器,包括即将发布的Socket F接口的Opteron 都将支持AMD VT虚拟化技术。

AMD has also announced support for AMD Virtualization Technology (AMD VT) a series of processor virtualization technology, including the Socket S1 interface Turion 64 X2 series and Socket AM2 interface Athlon X2 Athlon FX 64 series and 64 series and so on, and most of the next generation of AMD processor, including the upcoming

release Socket F interface Opteron will support AMD VT virtualization technology.

虚拟化技术与多任务以及超线程技术是完全不同的。多任务是指在一个操作系统中多个程序同时一起运行,而在虚拟化技术中,则可以同时运行多个操作系统,而且每一个操作系统中都有多个程序运行,每一个操作系统都运行在一个虚拟的CPU 或者是虚拟主机上;而超线程技术只是单CPU 模拟双CPU 来平衡程序运行性能,这两个模拟出来的CPU 是不能分离的,只能协同工作。

Virtualization technology and multi task and hyper threading

technology is completely different. Multi task refers to an operating system in multiple programs simultaneously run together, and in the virtualization technology, you can run multiple operating system at the same time, and each operating system has a plurality of operating procedures, each operating system runs in a virtual CPU or virtual host the hyper threading technology; only a single CPU simulation of double CPU to balance the running performance, the two simulation of the CPU cannot be separated, can only work together.

虚拟化技术也与VMware Workstation等同样能达到虚拟效果的软件不同,是一个巨大的技术进步,具体表现在减少软件虚拟机相关开销和支持更广泛的操作系统方面。

Virtualization technology and VMware Workstation to achieve the same effect of virtual software is different, is a great technical progress, operating system specific performance more widely in reducing the overhead of software virtual machine and support the. 纯软件虚拟化解决方案存在很多限制。“客户”操作系统很多情况下是通过VMM(Virtual Machine Monitor,虚拟机监视器)来与硬件进行通信,由VMM 来决定其对系统上所有虚拟机的访问。(注意,大多数处理器和内存访问独立于VMM ,只在发生特定事件时才会涉及VMM ,如页面错

误。)在纯软件虚拟化解决方案中,VMM 在软件套件中的位置是传统意义上操作系统所处的位置,而操作系统的位置是传统意义上应用程序所处的位置。

Pure software virtualization solutions exist many restrictions. "Customers" operating system in many cases by VMM (Virtual

Machine Monitor, a virtual machine monitor) to communicate with the hardware, VMM determined by its access to all of the virtual machine system. (note, most of the processor and the memory access is

independent of the VMM, only on specific events involving VMM, such as a page fault.) In pure software virtualization solution, VMM in software package is the position of traditional operating system

location, and the location of the operating system is the application of traditional location.

虚拟化技术是一套解决方案。完整的情况需要CPU 、主板芯片组、BIOS 和软件的支持,例如VMM 软件或者某些操作系统本身。即使只是CPU 支持虚拟化技术,在配合VMM 的软件情况下,也会比完全不支持虚拟化技术的系统有更好的性能。

Virtualization technology is a set of solutions. Integrity of the CPU, motherboard chipset, BIOS and software support, such as VMM software or operating system itself. Even CPU support virtualization technology, in conjunction with the VMM software under the condition, the performance will be better than the system does not support virtualization technology.

两大CPU 巨头Intel 和AMD 都想方设法在虚拟化领域中占得先机,但是AMD 的虚拟化技术在时间上要比Intel 落后几个月。Intel 自2005年末开始便在其处理器产品线中推广应用Intel Virtualization

Technology(Intel VT)虚拟化技术。

Two CPU giant Intel and AMD try various devices to takes the

initiative in the field of virtualization, but AMD virtualization technology in time than Intel months behind. Intel will start in the processor

product line in the application of Intel Virtualization Technology since the end of 2005 (Intel VT) virtualization technology.

而AMD 方面也已经发布了支持AMD Virtualization Technology(AMD VT )虚拟化技术的一系列处理器产品,包括Socket S1接口的Turion 64 X2系列以及Socket AM2接口的Athlon 64 X2系列和Athlon 64 FX系列等等,并且绝大多数的AMD 下一代主流处理器,包括即将发布的Socket F接口的Opteron 都将支持AMD VT虚拟化技术。

AMD has also announced support for AMD Virtualization Technology (AMD VT) a series of processor virtualization technology, including the Socket S1 interface Turion 64 X2 series and Socket AM2 interface Athlon X2 Athlon FX 64 series and 64 series and so on, and most of the next generation of AMD processor, including the upcoming

release Socket F interface Opteron will support AMD VT virtualization technology.


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