

How do you get to school?你怎样到达到达学校?

How does your father get to work? 你的爸爸怎样去上班?

I take the bus/train/subway to school. 我乘公共汽车/火车/地铁 去上学。

He goes to school by bus He goes to school on a bus他坐公交车去上学(三种)

He takes a bus to school

She goes to school by bike

She goes to school on a/the/his 他骑自行车去上学。

She rides a bike to school

I go to school on foot


I walk to school

He drives a car to work He goes to work by car 他开车去上班。

He goes to work in his Three hundred and sever 307 six hundred and fifty-five655

Hundreds of 数以百计的

Is this your new bike ? 这是你的新自行车吗?

Is this new bike yours? 这个新自行车是你的吗?

My home is 我家有千米(远)

How far is your home? 你家多远?

His home is from the school/here他家到学校大约有500米。 How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远?

I’m not sure=I don’t know 我不知道。

The bus ride take about 20 minutes 乘公交车花费大约20分钟。

It takes sb some time to do sth 某人花费多久做某事。

It takes me half an hour to get to school 我花费半个小时到达学校。

It’s good exercise 它是好的锻炼 take exercise 锻炼(词组)

Have a good day at school You too 祝你在学校度过愉快的一天,你也是

Do your friends ride their bikes to school 你的朋友骑自行车去上学吗?

He lives about five kilormeters from here 他住得离这大约有5千米。

How far does he live from here 他往得离这有多远?

What does he think of the 你觉得旅行怎么样?

How does he like the trip

Cross the river/bridge=Go across the river /bridge 过河/桥

For many students It’s easy to get to school 对许多学生来说到达学校是容易的。 For the students in one small village in China 对中国的一个小村子学生来说

There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats There is not a bridge and the river runs too quickly for 至于小船很难行驶 The school bus 校车

These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school 这些学生用索道过河去上学 My teacher is like a father to me 我的老师对我来说像爸爸(其实不是)

Many of the students (其中)许多学生。

Thanks for your last e-mail 谢谢你的上一封邮件。

It’s their dream to have a bridge拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。

Can their dream came true? 他们的梦想能实现吗?

Do you like your trip to school 你喜欢你的学校旅行吗?

Leave Sheng Yang 离开上海 Leare for Sheng Yang 离开去上海 He plays sports every day 他每天做运动。

Every day life 日常生活

He lives in Shang hai 他住在上海

Where does he live? 他住在哪?

At the bus stop 在公交车站。

stop doing sth 停止做某事

stop to do sth 停下来去做另外的事。

It’s a secret between us 它是我俩的秘密。

Between you and me 在你和我之间

He di 他不喜欢游泳。

He is unlike his friend 他不像他的朋友。

I’m afraid so 恐怕是这样

I’m afraid of my father 我怕我爸

He is afraid of taking a plane

He is afraid to take a plane

I’m afraid I can’t help you 我恐怕我不能帮你。


How do you get to school?你怎样到达到达学校?

How does your father get to work? 你的爸爸怎样去上班?

I take the bus/train/subway to school. 我乘公共汽车/火车/地铁 去上学。

He goes to school by bus He goes to school on a bus他坐公交车去上学(三种)

He takes a bus to school

She goes to school by bike

She goes to school on a/the/his 他骑自行车去上学。

She rides a bike to school

I go to school on foot


I walk to school

He drives a car to work He goes to work by car 他开车去上班。

He goes to work in his Three hundred and sever 307 six hundred and fifty-five655

Hundreds of 数以百计的

Is this your new bike ? 这是你的新自行车吗?

Is this new bike yours? 这个新自行车是你的吗?

My home is 我家有千米(远)

How far is your home? 你家多远?

His home is from the school/here他家到学校大约有500米。 How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远?

I’m not sure=I don’t know 我不知道。

The bus ride take about 20 minutes 乘公交车花费大约20分钟。

It takes sb some time to do sth 某人花费多久做某事。

It takes me half an hour to get to school 我花费半个小时到达学校。

It’s good exercise 它是好的锻炼 take exercise 锻炼(词组)

Have a good day at school You too 祝你在学校度过愉快的一天,你也是

Do your friends ride their bikes to school 你的朋友骑自行车去上学吗?

He lives about five kilormeters from here 他住得离这大约有5千米。

How far does he live from here 他往得离这有多远?

What does he think of the 你觉得旅行怎么样?

How does he like the trip

Cross the river/bridge=Go across the river /bridge 过河/桥

For many students It’s easy to get to school 对许多学生来说到达学校是容易的。 For the students in one small village in China 对中国的一个小村子学生来说

There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats There is not a bridge and the river runs too quickly for 至于小船很难行驶 The school bus 校车

These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school 这些学生用索道过河去上学 My teacher is like a father to me 我的老师对我来说像爸爸(其实不是)

Many of the students (其中)许多学生。

Thanks for your last e-mail 谢谢你的上一封邮件。

It’s their dream to have a bridge拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。

Can their dream came true? 他们的梦想能实现吗?

Do you like your trip to school 你喜欢你的学校旅行吗?

Leave Sheng Yang 离开上海 Leare for Sheng Yang 离开去上海 He plays sports every day 他每天做运动。

Every day life 日常生活

He lives in Shang hai 他住在上海

Where does he live? 他住在哪?

At the bus stop 在公交车站。

stop doing sth 停止做某事

stop to do sth 停下来去做另外的事。

It’s a secret between us 它是我俩的秘密。

Between you and me 在你和我之间

He di 他不喜欢游泳。

He is unlike his friend 他不像他的朋友。

I’m afraid so 恐怕是这样

I’m afraid of my father 我怕我爸

He is afraid of taking a plane

He is afraid to take a plane

I’m afraid I can’t help you 我恐怕我不能帮你。


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