


无论是考研也好,还是四六级考试,作文都是属于分值比较大的专项。文都教育的都教授在考前就给大家作了权威方面的预测,预测的题目是知识与经验(knowledge and experience),这里的经验和实践是一个语义,可以做为同义替换的词。凡是用心关注并准备的童鞋完成该作文完全不成问题。但是如果写出一篇出彩的文章,就需要掌握一些好的句型和结构,通过背诵,改写,套用才能达到。任何知识的习得都是由少到多,慢慢积累的过程。




As is known to all, knowledge is power, which can be acquired from lots of sources. we could gain it from books, TV, radio and so on, but we have little chance to undergo in daily life. Thus, the practice is the key to the knowledge. If it is not put into use, knowledge remains theoretical and useless.


因为题干是给出一句名言要求大家来阐述其所句包含的哲理性。多数情况下,我们需要用到这样一个表达即“众所周知”,如果大家平时没有积累的话,一般只会说“we all know that”,这样的表达虽不算错,但是不够出彩,吸引不到阅读老师的眼光。

1) as is known to all;

2) It is a truth universally acknowledged that;

3) Generally there is a belief that;

4) It is widely believed that;

5) It is commonly accepted that;


put theory into use/practice 理论投入到实践中:

have little chance to undergo 很少有机会去经历:


Take my personal experience for example, l love swimming very much from my childhood, but I have an innate to fear water. So I just learned about so many theoretical swimming skills from the book and television while I never jump into the water to practice. Until my father forced me to proved myself, I realized that the practice is of great importance.Some people are unwilling to attempt to do something, as they are afraid of making a mistake.As a matter of fact, I deem that making errors is the best method to learn.


take sth for example: 以„„为例

have an innate....天生„„

force sb to do sth: 强迫某人去做某事

be of great importance/significance „„很重要

be unwilling to do sth / be reluctance to do sth: 不情愿做某事

attempt to do sth 试图去做某事

make a mistake/make errors 犯错

as a matter of fact: 实际上

I deem that: 我认为


What’s more, if we want to get some new progress, it is essential to go into action. At last, one can put the thoughts and insights obtained through learning books into practical experience, letting an already meaningful experience more practical. Therefore, that is why I’m convinced that knowledge gained from practical experience is more significant than that obtained from reading books.


go into action: 投入行动

I’m convinced that= I believe that 我认为



无论是考研也好,还是四六级考试,作文都是属于分值比较大的专项。文都教育的都教授在考前就给大家作了权威方面的预测,预测的题目是知识与经验(knowledge and experience),这里的经验和实践是一个语义,可以做为同义替换的词。凡是用心关注并准备的童鞋完成该作文完全不成问题。但是如果写出一篇出彩的文章,就需要掌握一些好的句型和结构,通过背诵,改写,套用才能达到。任何知识的习得都是由少到多,慢慢积累的过程。




As is known to all, knowledge is power, which can be acquired from lots of sources. we could gain it from books, TV, radio and so on, but we have little chance to undergo in daily life. Thus, the practice is the key to the knowledge. If it is not put into use, knowledge remains theoretical and useless.


因为题干是给出一句名言要求大家来阐述其所句包含的哲理性。多数情况下,我们需要用到这样一个表达即“众所周知”,如果大家平时没有积累的话,一般只会说“we all know that”,这样的表达虽不算错,但是不够出彩,吸引不到阅读老师的眼光。

1) as is known to all;

2) It is a truth universally acknowledged that;

3) Generally there is a belief that;

4) It is widely believed that;

5) It is commonly accepted that;


put theory into use/practice 理论投入到实践中:

have little chance to undergo 很少有机会去经历:


Take my personal experience for example, l love swimming very much from my childhood, but I have an innate to fear water. So I just learned about so many theoretical swimming skills from the book and television while I never jump into the water to practice. Until my father forced me to proved myself, I realized that the practice is of great importance.Some people are unwilling to attempt to do something, as they are afraid of making a mistake.As a matter of fact, I deem that making errors is the best method to learn.


take sth for example: 以„„为例

have an innate....天生„„

force sb to do sth: 强迫某人去做某事

be of great importance/significance „„很重要

be unwilling to do sth / be reluctance to do sth: 不情愿做某事

attempt to do sth 试图去做某事

make a mistake/make errors 犯错

as a matter of fact: 实际上

I deem that: 我认为


What’s more, if we want to get some new progress, it is essential to go into action. At last, one can put the thoughts and insights obtained through learning books into practical experience, letting an already meaningful experience more practical. Therefore, that is why I’m convinced that knowledge gained from practical experience is more significant than that obtained from reading books.


go into action: 投入行动

I’m convinced that= I believe that 我认为


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