
A:good afternoon! Wlcome to Radio English Service. This is Happy

Channel,fm1.1. I am your friend Athena.

B: I am your friend Johnny

A:It’s a fine day, right?

B: yes, it is a great sunny day , I like it so much.

A:So do I ahhahah

B:My partner is gonna be crazy ha? But forget it .let’s back to the topic.

A:hey Johny. These days Ive listened to a song of an American music with very strong rhythm.Let’s us charge your own brain in the fast rhythm life.

B: yup now what we R listening to is UPTOWN FUNK from Bruno Mars.Do you like it ?

A: yes I think it is the song I can dance till my death

B: This song once won the title in the billboard and Tylor swift who defended for seven weeks in the billborad.Also, Bruno Mars was defending single top for 14 weeks.

A:The whole song can only ues HOT to dscribe.He also sang some sofe song ,such as Just The Way You Are and Nothing On You.

B:So I think he is a talented and creating singer.he is really awesome. A:What I wanna introduce the singer is Bruno Mars.

B:yes .For getting power in this busy life . I hope you guys like it .

Time always pass so fast.our program will say goodbye to you soon.thank u so much for listening. Let’s Be There Or Be Square in the next time.bye bye

A:good afternoon! Wlcome to Radio English Service. This is Happy

Channel,fm1.1. I am your friend Athena.

B: I am your friend Johnny

A:It’s a fine day, right?

B: yes, it is a great sunny day , I like it so much.

A:So do I ahhahah

B:My partner is gonna be crazy ha? But forget it .let’s back to the topic.

A:hey Johny. These days Ive listened to a song of an American music with very strong rhythm.Let’s us charge your own brain in the fast rhythm life.

B: yup now what we R listening to is UPTOWN FUNK from Bruno Mars.Do you like it ?

A: yes I think it is the song I can dance till my death

B: This song once won the title in the billboard and Tylor swift who defended for seven weeks in the billborad.Also, Bruno Mars was defending single top for 14 weeks.

A:The whole song can only ues HOT to dscribe.He also sang some sofe song ,such as Just The Way You Are and Nothing On You.

B:So I think he is a talented and creating singer.he is really awesome. A:What I wanna introduce the singer is Bruno Mars.

B:yes .For getting power in this busy life . I hope you guys like it .

Time always pass so fast.our program will say goodbye to you soon.thank u so much for listening. Let’s Be There Or Be Square in the next time.bye bye


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