

  I read" Aesop's Fables" this book, I am most meaningful one titled" the tortoise and the hare". It tells us a truth, that is: the pride makes people lag behind, make efforts to the weak can overcome the pride.

  Rabbit although ran very fast, but very proud of, think of themselves as fully deserve the title. Therefore, on the runway and is played, it is sleeping. Turtle although climbed very slowly, but it can make efforts, not a bit laches, with indomitable spirit, step by step forward to climb. This is hard work pays off, eventually the turtle with amazing perseverance conquer the proud rabbit. Win the championship.

  I must learn turtle unremittingly make efforts and spirit, my academic performance is a step, a step to a peak.

  Today I watched" the tortoise and the hare" the story, it is selected from the group consisting of" Aesop's Fables". This story introduces the tortoise and the hare race, because they underestimate the enemy, midway lazy rest, so the tortoise just step it, at last the tortoise to victory.

  The story is very ordinary, but it left me a deep impression, give me inspiration. The tortoise in all animal, crawl speed is very slow, but the rabbit was running expert, but lost to the turtle rabbit. What are the reasons? Because the rabbit and lazy, but the tortoise has never stopped moving, the final victory.

  We students should also like a turtle learning. Daily life and learning, not lazy, but to stand on solid ground, efforts to move forward, so that to succeed.

  Read" the tortoise and the hare" the fairy story, I got an inspiration.

  The rabbit is running fast, but it is very proud, almost to the end of time, it went to sleep. Turtle although climb slowly, but constantly advancing, the final victory. Because the tortoise has unremittingly, target specificity of spirit. Contact real life, our clasome students learn some very good, but he was the first unit to do well in the examination, only second unit test to more than 70 points. This is because he is too proud. I once did very badly, but I keep trying, serious study. Later it got good grades fruit. There are a few classmates smatter. After claI ask them a question, they don't really know. I have patience, careful to teach them. He learned later to thank me, I say:" you don't smatter, this is not about who is not good, but for your own good. There do not understand the words, ask the students, ask the teacher." I'm from" modesty helps one to make progress, conceit makes one lag behind." It was a very big inspiration.

  I should have no matter what should unremittingly!

  " The tortoise and the hare" the story is almost make known to every family. Today, I opened the" 365 night" the story of this book, carefully read


  The book deeply impressed me ,because i leaned much more from it ,the book mainly said about a competition between tortoise and rabbit,rabbit must be winner if it can take the competition seriousely,but it lose the game finally .I'm going to summerise the reasons as follows: the rabbit is too conceited ,it is not a good thing that to be over proud of oneself ,beause it is  easy to lose one's direction .secondly,the rabbit is sure to slight the tortoise,this point is the fatal to the rabbit ,you know every creature's potential is boundless,not except the tortoise,from the book we can see the tortoise make good use of the time that rabbit waste to sleep ,so time is everything,lastly,the tortoise is insistant,it has persistence to last ,this kind of  quality is inspired,so we should learn from the story that persistence is most important,smile last is winner.

* 龟兔赛跑读后感

* 龟兔赛跑读后感400字

* 龟兔赛跑读后感500字


  I read" Aesop's Fables" this book, I am most meaningful one titled" the tortoise and the hare". It tells us a truth, that is: the pride makes people lag behind, make efforts to the weak can overcome the pride.

  Rabbit although ran very fast, but very proud of, think of themselves as fully deserve the title. Therefore, on the runway and is played, it is sleeping. Turtle although climbed very slowly, but it can make efforts, not a bit laches, with indomitable spirit, step by step forward to climb. This is hard work pays off, eventually the turtle with amazing perseverance conquer the proud rabbit. Win the championship.

  I must learn turtle unremittingly make efforts and spirit, my academic performance is a step, a step to a peak.

  Today I watched" the tortoise and the hare" the story, it is selected from the group consisting of" Aesop's Fables". This story introduces the tortoise and the hare race, because they underestimate the enemy, midway lazy rest, so the tortoise just step it, at last the tortoise to victory.

  The story is very ordinary, but it left me a deep impression, give me inspiration. The tortoise in all animal, crawl speed is very slow, but the rabbit was running expert, but lost to the turtle rabbit. What are the reasons? Because the rabbit and lazy, but the tortoise has never stopped moving, the final victory.

  We students should also like a turtle learning. Daily life and learning, not lazy, but to stand on solid ground, efforts to move forward, so that to succeed.

  Read" the tortoise and the hare" the fairy story, I got an inspiration.

  The rabbit is running fast, but it is very proud, almost to the end of time, it went to sleep. Turtle although climb slowly, but constantly advancing, the final victory. Because the tortoise has unremittingly, target specificity of spirit. Contact real life, our clasome students learn some very good, but he was the first unit to do well in the examination, only second unit test to more than 70 points. This is because he is too proud. I once did very badly, but I keep trying, serious study. Later it got good grades fruit. There are a few classmates smatter. After claI ask them a question, they don't really know. I have patience, careful to teach them. He learned later to thank me, I say:" you don't smatter, this is not about who is not good, but for your own good. There do not understand the words, ask the students, ask the teacher." I'm from" modesty helps one to make progress, conceit makes one lag behind." It was a very big inspiration.

  I should have no matter what should unremittingly!

  " The tortoise and the hare" the story is almost make known to every family. Today, I opened the" 365 night" the story of this book, carefully read


  The book deeply impressed me ,because i leaned much more from it ,the book mainly said about a competition between tortoise and rabbit,rabbit must be winner if it can take the competition seriousely,but it lose the game finally .I'm going to summerise the reasons as follows: the rabbit is too conceited ,it is not a good thing that to be over proud of oneself ,beause it is  easy to lose one's direction .secondly,the rabbit is sure to slight the tortoise,this point is the fatal to the rabbit ,you know every creature's potential is boundless,not except the tortoise,from the book we can see the tortoise make good use of the time that rabbit waste to sleep ,so time is everything,lastly,the tortoise is insistant,it has persistence to last ,this kind of  quality is inspired,so we should learn from the story that persistence is most important,smile last is winner.

* 龟兔赛跑读后感

* 龟兔赛跑读后感400字

* 龟兔赛跑读后感500字


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