
The tragedy of Macbeth

It ’s well known that William Shakespeare is a famous and great dramatist who has wrote many splendid dramas. If someone ask us what his four tragic dramas are,we may blurt out Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth without hesitation. All of the works could show Shakespeare’s great achievement in writing. I’m sure that most people are familiar with the classic sentence “To be or not to be, that’s a question” from Hamlet.

The tragedy of Macbeth was the last tragic drama of four, which was wrote in 1606. It represented the tragedy of destiny and man’s character. The story was happened in Scotland and England. The leading character was named Macbeth who was regarded as a hero of Scotland by people after beating King Norway’s army for defending Scotland, and King Lear wanted to give him rich awards and great honor. But it was sad that in the meantime Macbeth came across three ugly witches in the wild who attempted wickedly to tempt Macbeth to commit. They told Macbeth he would be The Thane of Cawdor soon and the king of Scotland eventually, but the bad thing was it was his friend Banquo’s sons, not his sons, who would be the king of Scotland after Macbeth. At the beginning, Macbeth thought this was unbelievable and felt really confused.

Before long King Duncan sent his nobleman Angus and Lennox to transmit his order that Macbeth was to be ennobled as The Thane of Cawdor soon. Obviously,Macbeth was so surprised and excited that he

held the foolish view that the three witches’ prediction was true. Hence he wrote a letter to tell his wife what the three ugly witches had said to him and they premeditated to kill King Duncan to displace him. Perhaps it was a wrong coincidence that King Duncan and his servants went to Macbeth ’s castle for a rest one night. Therefore,Macbeth got a good chance to rebel. The couple inebriated the two gatekeepers in King

Duncan ’s room and killed King Duncan noiselessly with their swords in the midnight. When the morning awaked the people in the castle,

everything surely been known in a little time. Macduff, the nobleman of Scotland, was the first who found King Duncan being killed. To conceal the truth, Macbeth made people mistakenly think that King Duncan was killed by the two gatekeepers and killed them immediately without asking others.

Soon after Macbeth been the king of Scotland successfully, but he also worried about what the three witches had told him. So he must kill his friend Banquo and Banquo’s sons to guarantee his sons would be the king after him. One night his conspiracy succeeded again, Banquo was killed by Macbeth’s flunky. But as an old saying goes“What is done by night appears by day.”Some people including Macduff gradually doubted that Macbeth was the rebel who killed King Duncan to usurp the power. As a loyal nobleman of King Duncan, he absconded to England secretly to find Prince Malcolm, King Duncan’s son. While Macbeth known it, he

was so angry that killed Macduff ’s son and wife cruelly. Macduff arrived in England successfully and found the prince, because of their great effort, they smoothly got the help from England kingdom and organized a strong army back to Scotland to defeat Macbeth. But at this emergency moment, Macbeth still firmly believed what the three ugly witches had said to him“Macbeth shall never be vanquished until Great Birnam woods move to high Dunsinane hill. Shall come against him.”“Be bloody, bold, and resolute, laugh to scorn the power of man,for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.” So as we can imagine where the miserable thing would go to next.

With a strong hatred, Malcolm and Macduff decided to launch an attack against Macbeth near Birnam woods finally. In order to mistake the enemy, Malcolm commanded the soldiers to cut down the tree branches to hide themselves. Just as the three witches had said before,the Birnam woods moved by soldiers’ hands. What’s worse,Macduff said he was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped( it means Macduff was

caesarian rather than born normally by his mother)Until now, Macbeth known his serious fault, what a cruel, greedy, foolish man he was and deeply regretted his former actions. As we can expected,Macbeth been killed by Macduff finally and Malcolm as his father King Duncan became the king of Scotland.

As far as I am concerned, the tragedy of Macbeth mostly causes by

his wild careerism. No matter how the three cunning witches bewitch his mind ,how mightily his wife encourages him to rebel. If he contents with what he has got from the King Lear and has a thankful heart to keep conscience, everything will be much different. It is normal for us to pursue power, but what we should remember in our hearts is never be excessive. Macbeth has to make mistakes one after another to make up for what he does before. Therefore,he gradually kills more and more people, actually he is often afraid of what he has done. Maybe after Adam and Eve eating the fruits on the tree of good and evil, human can’t avoid making mistakes.

From the drama we can see William Shakespeare character Macbeth in humanistic perspective. Macbeth is a full man not only should not be simply identified as a bad person, but also somewhat an innocent man who can arouse our sympathy. Although he kills many people,at least, for a long time he have grilled his conscience. In the end,due to his wild careerism keeps going on, what waits for him is finally finding being cheated by the three witches and lose his precious life sadly.

the Change of Macbeth’s Character

Macbeth was a marshal of King Dunken of Scotland, he and Banquo are the heroic warriors who fight loyally in support of his king against rebels. Upon returning from his victory, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches. The three witches prophesy that Macbeth shall be thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter, and that Banquo’s children will succeed him on the throne. Then Macbeth is led to perform wicked deeds by the prophecies of three witches and the machinations of his wife.

At the very beginning, we can see that Macbeth and his wife have a very good relationship. Before he comes back home, Macbeth has already send a letter home to Lady Macbeth to tell her the success of the war and the three witches’ prophesy. When Macbeth hesitate if murder Duncan or not, Lady Macbeth scolds him as coward. After

Duncan is killed, in order to clear the way to become the king, Macbeth plans to kill Banquo and his son. But he doesn’t tell his wife. Their relationship is going badly. And finally when his wife is dead, he is very cold, just saying: “she could have died hereafter; there would have been a time for such a word.” How comes a loving couple of the old days becomes strangers! It’s the blood-thirsty ambition that counts. Once he is crowned king, his brutal plans are made all the easier as he begins killing indiscriminately to ensure his throne. He is not subtle, nor effective as he riles the entire Scottish nobility against his tyrannous

ways and ultimately falls before the might of his own psychological pressure and the might of his opposition.

From this, I learn that sometimes ambition is not a good thing. And if you have a proper ambition, such as becoming a champion in a competition or getting the highest score in an exam, you should get it through proper means, such as practicing a lot and study hard but not through cheating.

The tragedy of Macbeth

It ’s well known that William Shakespeare is a famous and great dramatist who has wrote many splendid dramas. If someone ask us what his four tragic dramas are,we may blurt out Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth without hesitation. All of the works could show Shakespeare’s great achievement in writing. I’m sure that most people are familiar with the classic sentence “To be or not to be, that’s a question” from Hamlet.

The tragedy of Macbeth was the last tragic drama of four, which was wrote in 1606. It represented the tragedy of destiny and man’s character. The story was happened in Scotland and England. The leading character was named Macbeth who was regarded as a hero of Scotland by people after beating King Norway’s army for defending Scotland, and King Lear wanted to give him rich awards and great honor. But it was sad that in the meantime Macbeth came across three ugly witches in the wild who attempted wickedly to tempt Macbeth to commit. They told Macbeth he would be The Thane of Cawdor soon and the king of Scotland eventually, but the bad thing was it was his friend Banquo’s sons, not his sons, who would be the king of Scotland after Macbeth. At the beginning, Macbeth thought this was unbelievable and felt really confused.

Before long King Duncan sent his nobleman Angus and Lennox to transmit his order that Macbeth was to be ennobled as The Thane of Cawdor soon. Obviously,Macbeth was so surprised and excited that he

held the foolish view that the three witches’ prediction was true. Hence he wrote a letter to tell his wife what the three ugly witches had said to him and they premeditated to kill King Duncan to displace him. Perhaps it was a wrong coincidence that King Duncan and his servants went to Macbeth ’s castle for a rest one night. Therefore,Macbeth got a good chance to rebel. The couple inebriated the two gatekeepers in King

Duncan ’s room and killed King Duncan noiselessly with their swords in the midnight. When the morning awaked the people in the castle,

everything surely been known in a little time. Macduff, the nobleman of Scotland, was the first who found King Duncan being killed. To conceal the truth, Macbeth made people mistakenly think that King Duncan was killed by the two gatekeepers and killed them immediately without asking others.

Soon after Macbeth been the king of Scotland successfully, but he also worried about what the three witches had told him. So he must kill his friend Banquo and Banquo’s sons to guarantee his sons would be the king after him. One night his conspiracy succeeded again, Banquo was killed by Macbeth’s flunky. But as an old saying goes“What is done by night appears by day.”Some people including Macduff gradually doubted that Macbeth was the rebel who killed King Duncan to usurp the power. As a loyal nobleman of King Duncan, he absconded to England secretly to find Prince Malcolm, King Duncan’s son. While Macbeth known it, he

was so angry that killed Macduff ’s son and wife cruelly. Macduff arrived in England successfully and found the prince, because of their great effort, they smoothly got the help from England kingdom and organized a strong army back to Scotland to defeat Macbeth. But at this emergency moment, Macbeth still firmly believed what the three ugly witches had said to him“Macbeth shall never be vanquished until Great Birnam woods move to high Dunsinane hill. Shall come against him.”“Be bloody, bold, and resolute, laugh to scorn the power of man,for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.” So as we can imagine where the miserable thing would go to next.

With a strong hatred, Malcolm and Macduff decided to launch an attack against Macbeth near Birnam woods finally. In order to mistake the enemy, Malcolm commanded the soldiers to cut down the tree branches to hide themselves. Just as the three witches had said before,the Birnam woods moved by soldiers’ hands. What’s worse,Macduff said he was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped( it means Macduff was

caesarian rather than born normally by his mother)Until now, Macbeth known his serious fault, what a cruel, greedy, foolish man he was and deeply regretted his former actions. As we can expected,Macbeth been killed by Macduff finally and Malcolm as his father King Duncan became the king of Scotland.

As far as I am concerned, the tragedy of Macbeth mostly causes by

his wild careerism. No matter how the three cunning witches bewitch his mind ,how mightily his wife encourages him to rebel. If he contents with what he has got from the King Lear and has a thankful heart to keep conscience, everything will be much different. It is normal for us to pursue power, but what we should remember in our hearts is never be excessive. Macbeth has to make mistakes one after another to make up for what he does before. Therefore,he gradually kills more and more people, actually he is often afraid of what he has done. Maybe after Adam and Eve eating the fruits on the tree of good and evil, human can’t avoid making mistakes.

From the drama we can see William Shakespeare character Macbeth in humanistic perspective. Macbeth is a full man not only should not be simply identified as a bad person, but also somewhat an innocent man who can arouse our sympathy. Although he kills many people,at least, for a long time he have grilled his conscience. In the end,due to his wild careerism keeps going on, what waits for him is finally finding being cheated by the three witches and lose his precious life sadly.

the Change of Macbeth’s Character

Macbeth was a marshal of King Dunken of Scotland, he and Banquo are the heroic warriors who fight loyally in support of his king against rebels. Upon returning from his victory, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches. The three witches prophesy that Macbeth shall be thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter, and that Banquo’s children will succeed him on the throne. Then Macbeth is led to perform wicked deeds by the prophecies of three witches and the machinations of his wife.

At the very beginning, we can see that Macbeth and his wife have a very good relationship. Before he comes back home, Macbeth has already send a letter home to Lady Macbeth to tell her the success of the war and the three witches’ prophesy. When Macbeth hesitate if murder Duncan or not, Lady Macbeth scolds him as coward. After

Duncan is killed, in order to clear the way to become the king, Macbeth plans to kill Banquo and his son. But he doesn’t tell his wife. Their relationship is going badly. And finally when his wife is dead, he is very cold, just saying: “she could have died hereafter; there would have been a time for such a word.” How comes a loving couple of the old days becomes strangers! It’s the blood-thirsty ambition that counts. Once he is crowned king, his brutal plans are made all the easier as he begins killing indiscriminately to ensure his throne. He is not subtle, nor effective as he riles the entire Scottish nobility against his tyrannous

ways and ultimately falls before the might of his own psychological pressure and the might of his opposition.

From this, I learn that sometimes ambition is not a good thing. And if you have a proper ambition, such as becoming a champion in a competition or getting the highest score in an exam, you should get it through proper means, such as practicing a lot and study hard but not through cheating.


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