智能家居是利用先进的计算机技术、网络通讯技术、综合布线技术、依照人体工程学原理,融合个性需求,将与家居生活有关的各个子系统如安防、灯光控制、窗帘控制、煤气阀控制、信息家电、场景联动、地板采暖等有机地结合在一起,通过网络化综合智能控制和管理,实现“以人为本”的全新家居生活体验。 基本介绍
智能家居是人们的一种居住环境,其以住宅为平台安装有智能家居系统,实现家庭生活更加安全,节能,智能,便利和舒适。以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、 智能家居-系统设计方案安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的管理系统,提升家居安全性、便利性、舒适性、艺术性,并实现环保节能的居住环境。
又称智能住宅,在国外常用Smart Home表示。与智能家居含义近似的有家庭自动化(Home Automation )、电子家庭(Electronic Home 、E-home )、数字家园(Digital Family)、家庭网络(Home Net/Networks for Home)、网络家居(Network Home )、智能家庭/建筑(Intelligent Home/Building),在我国香港和台湾等地区,还有数码家庭、数码家居等称法。
2.1 随意照明
控制随意照明控制,按几下按钮就能调节所有房间的照明,各种梦幻灯光,可以随心创造!智能照明系统具有软启功能,能使灯光渐亮渐暗; 灯光调光可实现调亮调暗功能, 让你和家人分享温馨与浪漫, 同时具有节能和环保的效果;全开全关功能可轻松实现灯和电器的一键全关和一键全开功能,并具有亮度记忆功能。
2.2 简单安装
2.3 可扩展性
3.1 一 遥控控制
您可以使用遥控器来控制家中灯光,热水器,电动窗帘,饮水机,空调等设备的开启和关闭;通过这支遥控器的显示屏可以在一楼(或客厅)来查询并显示出二楼(或卧室)灯光电器的开启关闭状态;同时这支遥控器还可以控制家中的红外电器诸如:电视, DVD ,音响等红外电器设备――万能遥控器。
3.2 二 电话远程控制
3.3 三 定时控制
您可以提前设定某些产品的自动开启关闭时间,如:电热水器每天晚上 20:30 分自动开启加热, 23:30 分自动断电关闭,保证您在享受热水洗浴的同时,也带来省电,舒适和时尚。当然电动窗帘的自动开启关闭时间更不在话下。
3.4 四 集中控制
3.5 五 场景控制
3.6 六 网络远程控制
在办公室,在出差的外地,只要是有网络的地方,您都可以通过 Internet 来登陆到您的家中,在网络世界中通过一个固定的智能家居控制界面来您家中的电器,提供一个免费动态域名。主要用于远程网络控制和电器工作状态信息查询,例如您出差在外地,利用外地网络计算机,登陆相关的IP 地址,您就可以控制远在千里之外您自家的灯光,电器,在返回住宅上飞机之前,将您家中的空调或是热水器打开„
3.7 七 全球视频监控功能
在任何时间、任何地点直接透过局域网络或宽带网络,使用浏览器(如IE ),进行远程影像监控,语音通话。另外还支持远程PC 机、本地SD 卡存储,移动侦测邮件传输、FTP 传输,对于家庭用远程影音拍摄与拍照更可达成专业的安全防护与乐趣。
3.8 八 安防报警功能
3.9 九 影音设备共享功能
家庭影音控制系统包括家庭影视交换中心(视频共享)和背景音乐系统(音频共享)。是家庭娱乐的多媒体平台,它运用先进的微电脑技术、无线遥控技术和红外遥控技术,在程序指令的精确控制下,把机顶盒、卫星接收机、 DVD 、电脑等多路信号源,能够根据用户的需要,发送到每一个房间的电视机、音响等终端设备上 , 实现一机共享客厅的多种视听设备。您的家庭就是一个独特设计
的AV 影视交换中心。
客厅的DVD 影碟机、数字电视机顶盒、卫星电视接收机等任意4种视听设备共享到5个房间观看并可以遥控;(卧室房、卫生间、书房等房间任选其二加上客厅) 为您家中的CD/TV/FM/MP3 音源(或数字电视机顶盒、卫星电视机顶盒、IPTV 、网络在线电影、DVD 等)音视频设备解决共享问题,为您解决音视频设备的异地遥控、换台、音量操作目的,如同您在卧室安装一个数字电视机顶盒(VCD 、DVD )卫星电视机顶盒一样的效果,及其方便。
3.10 十 背景音乐系统
简单地说,就在任何一间房子里,包括客厅、卧室、厨房或卫生间,均可布上背景音乐线,通过 1 个或多个音源,(CD/TV/FM/MP3 音源) 可以让每个房间都能听到美妙的背景音乐
配合AV 影视交换产品,可以用最低的成本,不仅实现了每个房间音频和视频信号的共享,而且可以各房间独立的遥控选择背景音乐信号源,可以远程开机、关机、换台、快进、快退等,是音视频、背景音乐共享和远程控制的最佳的性价比设计方案!
3.11 十一 数字家庭娱乐系统
3.12 十二 综合布线系统
是通过一个总管理箱将电话线、有线电视线、宽带网络线、音响线等被称为弱电的各种线统一规划在一个有序的状态下,以统一管理居室内的电话、传真、电脑、电视、影碟机、安防监控设备和其他的网络信息家电,使之功能更强大、使用更方便、维护更容易、更易扩展新用途. 实现电话分机,局域网组建,有线电视共享等。
3.13 十三 指纹锁
您一定有过这样的尴尬:由于某种原因忘记带了家中的房门钥匙,或是家中亲人或客人造访,您恰恰不能立即赶回等等! 如果这个时候能在单位或遥远的外地用手机或是电话将房门打开,该是多么方便呀!
3.14 十四 新风空气调节
3.15 十五 宠物保姆
1999年3月10日, 微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨在深圳宣布了" 维纳斯计划" 。这是一项专门针对中国信息产业和家电市场, 为中国量身定做的数字生活家电的解决方案。目标是要开发一个新的基于微软Windows CE操作系统的集计算、娱乐、教育、交流、通信和网上冲浪等功能于一体或相结合的产品。其产品最大的特点是价格便宜, 易学易用, 可满足非PC(个人电脑、微机) 用户使用电脑和上网的需求。它是界于电脑和家电之间的产品。
6.1 控制网络
6.2 信息网络
在信息网络上传输的主要是音频和视频信号,它们的频率带宽一般要高达数兆赫兹,因此要求信息网络上的信息传输速率比较高,普遍应达到10 Mbps 以上。但相对说来,它的可靠性要求没有控制信息那么高。因为视音频信息在传输的前后都有一定的处理(如信号的压缩和编码/解压缩和解码) ,这些处理都有一定的容错能力,而且即使有瞬时的错误,也只是影响瞬时的声音或图像的错误,而对设备以后的运行几乎没有影响。因此信息网络在技术上需要解决的主要问题是传输速率(即带宽),即在可能的条件下,尽可能提高信息网络的带宽。 智能家居是通过统一的网络总线和控制平台将家庭的电器设备、灯光控制系统、安全控制系统、能源管理系统等连成一体的。目前智能家居的发展趋势是由集中控制到分布控制,与集中式控制相比,分布式控制不仅能减少布线,而且能提高系统的可靠性,当某一个节点出现故障时,只需将该节点从网络中拿走,而其它节点不受影响。
smart home
Smart home is the use of advanced computer technology, network
communication technology, integrated wiring technology, in accordance with the principle of human body engineering, incorporating personality needs, will and household life on various subsystems, such as security, lighting control, curtain control, gas valve control, information appliances, linkage, floor heating, such as organically unifies in together, through network integrated intelligent control and management, implement "people-oriented" new household life experience.
Basic introduction
Smart home is one of the people living environment, the platform installation for housing is intelligent household system, realize the family life safer, energy efficient, intelligent, convenient and comfortable. To housing as a platform, the use of integrated wiring technology, network communication technology, smart home
system design scheme of safety technology, automatic control technology, audio and video technology to integrate the household life related facilities, schedule to build
efficient residential facilities and family affairs management system, improve home security, convenience, comfort, artistry, and realize environmental protection and energy saving living environment.
Also called Smart Home, usually in Smart Home abroad. With Intelligent
household meaning approximate Home Automation, Home Automation, Electronic Family (Electronic Home, E - Home), Digital Home, Digital Family), the Home Network (Home Net/Networks for Home), Network, Home Network (Home),
Intelligent Home/Building (Intelligent Home/Building), Hong Kong and Taiwan and other regions in our country, and Digital Home, Digital Home, etc. Mr. Main features
2.1 lighting at will
Control arbitrary lighting control, press a few buttons can adjust all the room lighting, lighting, all kinds of dream can create! Intelligent lighting system can have soft qi gong, can make the lights coming on gradually; Light dimmer can realize the dim light function, let you and your family to share warmth and romantic, at the same time, the effect of energy saving and environmental protection; Fully open barrier function can easily implement lights and appliances for a key barrier and a key open function, and has a brightness memory function.
2.2 easy to install
Smart home system can realize simply to install, without having to destroy the wall, don't have to buy a new electrical equipment, the system can be completely with your home's existing electrical equipment, such as lamps and lanterns, telephone and home appliances to connect. All kinds of electrical appliances and other intelligent subsystem can be control in the home, also can fully meet the remote control.
2.3 extensibility
Smart home system is the system can be extended, initially, your smart home system can only with lighting or the current commonly used electrical equipment connection, can connect to other devices in the future, in order to adapt to the new intelligent life need.
Even when your home is decorated also can be easily upgraded to a smart home. Wireless control of smart home system can not destroy original decoration, as long as the corresponding module can be installed in the place such as some outlet to realize intelligent control, much less damage to the original building metope.
The main function
3.1 a remote control
You can use the remote control to control the lighting in the home, water heater, electric curtain, water dispensers, air conditioning equipment such as opening and closing; Through the display of the remote control can (or) sitting room on the first floor to query and show () or bedroom on the second floor lighting appliances open closed; At the same time, the remote control can control the infrared electric appliance in the home such as TV, DVD, audio and other infrared electric equipment, universal remote control.
3.2 two telephone remote control
High encryption (phone recognition) multi-function voice telephone remote control function, when you travel or work outside in the home, you can through
mobile phones, fixed telephone to control home air conditioning and curtain, lighting appliances, make the cooling or heating for the customer in advance or open and closed, via mobile phone or fixed phone know home circuit is normal, all kinds of household electrical appliances (such as food in the refrigerator, etc.) can also be learned that indoor air quality (similar smoke detector can be installed outside the house appliances) to control the Windows and ultraviolet radiation sterilization device for ventilation or sterilization, moreover, according to the merits of the outside weather proper humidification indoor air and the use of air conditioning and other facilities of the room to heat up. Master is not at home, also can be automatically by cell phone or landline watering plants, feeding your pet, etc. Control of the bedroom cabinet to clothing, shoes, bedding, and other sterilization, drying, etc.
3.3 three timing control
You can set certain products automatically open shutoff time ahead of time, such as: electric water heater every night 20:30 points automatically open heating, power 30 points automatically shut down, to ensure you enjoy the hot water bath at the same time, also save electricity, comfortable and fashion. Electric curtains open automatically closing time is, of course, much more.
3.4 four centralized control
You can in the porch place that take the door open at the same time the sitting room, dining-room and kitchen lights, kitchen appliances such as treasure, especially at night you can control the lights of the sitting room and bathroom appliances in the bedroom, convenient and safe, can also track the status of their work.
3.5 five scene control
You gently touch a button, several kinds of lighting, electrical appliances automatically perform in your "mind", make you feel and enjoy fashionable life perfect and simple science and technology, high efficiency
3.6 six network remote control
In the office, on a business trip abroad, as long as there is a network of place, you can through the Internet to log in to your home, in the network world through a fixed of smart home control interface to your household electric appliances, provide a free dynamic DNS. Is mainly used for remote network control and electric work status information query, you are on a business trip in abroad, for example, using the
nonlocal network computer, log in the IP address of the relevant, in far away you can control your own lighting, electrical appliances, before return home on a plane, will you home air conditioning or open the water heater...
3.7 seven global video monitoring function
At any time, any place directly through local area network or broadband network, using a browser (IE), remote video monitoring, voice calls. Also support remote PC,
local SD card storage, motion detecting, mail transfer, FTP transmission for family use remote video and photo shooting more can achieve professional safety and pleasure.
3.8 eight security alarm function
When a case of, can automatically dial the telephone, and gang related
appliances do alarm processing
3.9 9 av equipment sharing
Home video control system including family film and television exchange center (video sharing) and background music system (audio sharing). Is family entertainment multimedia platform, it USES advanced microcomputer technology, wireless remote control technology and infrared remote control technology, under the precise control of program instruction, the set-top boxes, satellite receiver, DVD, computer, such as multi-channel signal source, can according to the needs of users, is sent to every room on terminal equipment such as TV, acoustics, realization of the sharing of the sitting room used a variety of audio and video equipment. Your family is a unique design of AV video exchange center.
The DVD players of the sitting room, digital TV set-top boxes, satellite TV receiver and any kind of audio-visual equipment sharing 4 to 5 rooms to watch and can be remote control; (such as bedroom, study room, toilet room optional second plus a sitting room) for you in the home of CD/TV/FM/MP3 audio source (or digital TV set-top boxes, satellite TV set-top boxes, IPTV, online movies, DVD, etc.) share audio and video equipment to solve the problem, for you to solve different remote control, audio and video equipment in Taiwan, the volume operation purpose, as you install a digital TV set-top box in the bedroom (VCD, DVD) the same effect as satellite television set-top boxes, and convenient.
31.0 background music system
In simple terms, in any other houses, including the sitting room, bedroom,
kitchen or bathroom, background music on the lines are, by one or more of the sound
source, (CD/TV/FM/MP3 audio) can make a wonderful background music can be heard in every room
Cooperate with AV video exchange of products, can use the lowest cost, not only realize the video and audio signals are Shared in every room, and can choose the background music of each room independent signal source, can remotely boot, shutdown, change channels, fast forward, fast return, such as audio and video, the background music sharing and the best ratio of design scheme of the remote control!
3.11 11 digital home entertainment system
"Digital entertainment" is a study of using computer as a home entertainment center, or sitting room advocate lie on a big screen TV broadcast and display the
amount of content from the Internet in Shanghai music, film and television resources, TV, games, resources, information resources and so on. After installation "laughter xianju digital entertainment terminal", the place such as sitting room, bedroom, living room, the family can get audio-visual entertainment content. Simple installation, use online panel and the super five kinds of thread connection equipment.
3.12 twelve integrated wiring system
Is through a total management cases will be attentive telephone line, cable, broadband networks, such as audio line is called the weak current line of unified
planning in an orderly state, in a unified management inside the bedroom of telephone, fax, computer, TV, VCD, security monitoring equipment, and other network
information home appliances, make the function more powerful, use more convenient, easier maintenance, are more likely to expand new USES. Realize the telephone extension, LAN construction, the sharing of the cable.
3.13 13 fingerprint lock
Embarrassing: you must have had for some reason forgot to bring the key to the door of home, or to visit relatives in the home or guest, you just can't immediately back to wait! If the time can in the unit or distant remotely by phone or the phone will
open the door, how convenient it is!!!
And in the unit or distant remotely by phone or phone home "query," refers to the digital fingerprint lock state of "open, close", if let you feel more safe! The world's leading biometric fingerprint technology and password technology perfect
combination of three independent way to open the door: fingerprint, password and mechanical keys, safe and convenient
3.14 the fourteenth air air conditioning
Neither have a device to open the window all day (some toilet is closed), the timing for you to change the filtered fresh air which (outside air filtered recently, at the same time to the house of polluted air excluded).
3.15 15 pet nanny
Dial the telephone of home, you can give your beloved pet feeding, can hear its voice, this is a how fun and fashion life! Developed with high-tech level, operation simple telephone remote control, automatic timing control, remote control of pet feeding machine...
The development course
On March 10, 1999, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced the "Venus project" in shenzhen. This is a specifically for the Chinese information industry and home appliances market, tailor made for the Chinese digital life appliance solutions. Goal is to develop a new set of calculation based on the Microsoft Windows CE operating system, entertainment, education, communication, communication, and surfing the Internet, and other functions in one or a combination of products. The most obvious feature of the product is cheap, easy to learn and easy to use, can satisfy the PC (personal computer), computer user's demand to use the computer and the Internet. It is between computer and home appliance products.
The two most
6.1 control network
Such as intelligent household shown in the right part of the basic structure of the system, it is mainly to control all kinds of equipment running status in the family, such as the lights/the lights and light control, start/stop and the temperature of the air conditioning and air volume control, home security system of signal acquisition and execution, all kinds of switch quantity input, electric curtain open/close control, indoor detection of various physical quantities (such as temperature, humidity, all kinds of gas content, etc.), and four tables (gas meter, electricity meter, water meter, and the heat of the heat meter) the output of the data and instructions, etc.
6.2 information network
On the information network transmission is mainly audio and video signals, whose frequency bandwidth typically up to several GHZ, therefore requires
information on the network information transmission rate is higher, generally should reach more than 10 megabits per second. But relatively speaking, the reliability requirement is not so high control information. Because audio information in the transport before and after a certain processing, such as signal compression and
decoding and encoding/decompression), these processing has certain ability of fault tolerance, and even with the instantaneous error, is also affect the instantaneous sound or image of the error, and will have little impact on equipment running after.
Therefore information network in technology transfer rate is the main problem that need to be solved (bandwidth), namely under the condition of possible, as far as possible to improve the information network bandwidth.
Smart home is through unified network bus and the control platform to
household electrical appliances, lighting control system, security control system becomes an organic whole repeatedly, energy management system, etc. The current development trend of the smart home is controlled by the centralized control to the distribution, compared with the centralized control and distributed control can not only reduce the wiring, and can improve the reliability of the system, when a certain node failure, just will take away from the network, the node and other nodes are not affected.
智能家居是利用先进的计算机技术、网络通讯技术、综合布线技术、依照人体工程学原理,融合个性需求,将与家居生活有关的各个子系统如安防、灯光控制、窗帘控制、煤气阀控制、信息家电、场景联动、地板采暖等有机地结合在一起,通过网络化综合智能控制和管理,实现“以人为本”的全新家居生活体验。 基本介绍
智能家居是人们的一种居住环境,其以住宅为平台安装有智能家居系统,实现家庭生活更加安全,节能,智能,便利和舒适。以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、 智能家居-系统设计方案安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的管理系统,提升家居安全性、便利性、舒适性、艺术性,并实现环保节能的居住环境。
又称智能住宅,在国外常用Smart Home表示。与智能家居含义近似的有家庭自动化(Home Automation )、电子家庭(Electronic Home 、E-home )、数字家园(Digital Family)、家庭网络(Home Net/Networks for Home)、网络家居(Network Home )、智能家庭/建筑(Intelligent Home/Building),在我国香港和台湾等地区,还有数码家庭、数码家居等称法。
2.1 随意照明
控制随意照明控制,按几下按钮就能调节所有房间的照明,各种梦幻灯光,可以随心创造!智能照明系统具有软启功能,能使灯光渐亮渐暗; 灯光调光可实现调亮调暗功能, 让你和家人分享温馨与浪漫, 同时具有节能和环保的效果;全开全关功能可轻松实现灯和电器的一键全关和一键全开功能,并具有亮度记忆功能。
2.2 简单安装
2.3 可扩展性
3.1 一 遥控控制
您可以使用遥控器来控制家中灯光,热水器,电动窗帘,饮水机,空调等设备的开启和关闭;通过这支遥控器的显示屏可以在一楼(或客厅)来查询并显示出二楼(或卧室)灯光电器的开启关闭状态;同时这支遥控器还可以控制家中的红外电器诸如:电视, DVD ,音响等红外电器设备――万能遥控器。
3.2 二 电话远程控制
3.3 三 定时控制
您可以提前设定某些产品的自动开启关闭时间,如:电热水器每天晚上 20:30 分自动开启加热, 23:30 分自动断电关闭,保证您在享受热水洗浴的同时,也带来省电,舒适和时尚。当然电动窗帘的自动开启关闭时间更不在话下。
3.4 四 集中控制
3.5 五 场景控制
3.6 六 网络远程控制
在办公室,在出差的外地,只要是有网络的地方,您都可以通过 Internet 来登陆到您的家中,在网络世界中通过一个固定的智能家居控制界面来您家中的电器,提供一个免费动态域名。主要用于远程网络控制和电器工作状态信息查询,例如您出差在外地,利用外地网络计算机,登陆相关的IP 地址,您就可以控制远在千里之外您自家的灯光,电器,在返回住宅上飞机之前,将您家中的空调或是热水器打开„
3.7 七 全球视频监控功能
在任何时间、任何地点直接透过局域网络或宽带网络,使用浏览器(如IE ),进行远程影像监控,语音通话。另外还支持远程PC 机、本地SD 卡存储,移动侦测邮件传输、FTP 传输,对于家庭用远程影音拍摄与拍照更可达成专业的安全防护与乐趣。
3.8 八 安防报警功能
3.9 九 影音设备共享功能
家庭影音控制系统包括家庭影视交换中心(视频共享)和背景音乐系统(音频共享)。是家庭娱乐的多媒体平台,它运用先进的微电脑技术、无线遥控技术和红外遥控技术,在程序指令的精确控制下,把机顶盒、卫星接收机、 DVD 、电脑等多路信号源,能够根据用户的需要,发送到每一个房间的电视机、音响等终端设备上 , 实现一机共享客厅的多种视听设备。您的家庭就是一个独特设计
的AV 影视交换中心。
客厅的DVD 影碟机、数字电视机顶盒、卫星电视接收机等任意4种视听设备共享到5个房间观看并可以遥控;(卧室房、卫生间、书房等房间任选其二加上客厅) 为您家中的CD/TV/FM/MP3 音源(或数字电视机顶盒、卫星电视机顶盒、IPTV 、网络在线电影、DVD 等)音视频设备解决共享问题,为您解决音视频设备的异地遥控、换台、音量操作目的,如同您在卧室安装一个数字电视机顶盒(VCD 、DVD )卫星电视机顶盒一样的效果,及其方便。
3.10 十 背景音乐系统
简单地说,就在任何一间房子里,包括客厅、卧室、厨房或卫生间,均可布上背景音乐线,通过 1 个或多个音源,(CD/TV/FM/MP3 音源) 可以让每个房间都能听到美妙的背景音乐
配合AV 影视交换产品,可以用最低的成本,不仅实现了每个房间音频和视频信号的共享,而且可以各房间独立的遥控选择背景音乐信号源,可以远程开机、关机、换台、快进、快退等,是音视频、背景音乐共享和远程控制的最佳的性价比设计方案!
3.11 十一 数字家庭娱乐系统
3.12 十二 综合布线系统
是通过一个总管理箱将电话线、有线电视线、宽带网络线、音响线等被称为弱电的各种线统一规划在一个有序的状态下,以统一管理居室内的电话、传真、电脑、电视、影碟机、安防监控设备和其他的网络信息家电,使之功能更强大、使用更方便、维护更容易、更易扩展新用途. 实现电话分机,局域网组建,有线电视共享等。
3.13 十三 指纹锁
您一定有过这样的尴尬:由于某种原因忘记带了家中的房门钥匙,或是家中亲人或客人造访,您恰恰不能立即赶回等等! 如果这个时候能在单位或遥远的外地用手机或是电话将房门打开,该是多么方便呀!
3.14 十四 新风空气调节
3.15 十五 宠物保姆
1999年3月10日, 微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨在深圳宣布了" 维纳斯计划" 。这是一项专门针对中国信息产业和家电市场, 为中国量身定做的数字生活家电的解决方案。目标是要开发一个新的基于微软Windows CE操作系统的集计算、娱乐、教育、交流、通信和网上冲浪等功能于一体或相结合的产品。其产品最大的特点是价格便宜, 易学易用, 可满足非PC(个人电脑、微机) 用户使用电脑和上网的需求。它是界于电脑和家电之间的产品。
6.1 控制网络
6.2 信息网络
在信息网络上传输的主要是音频和视频信号,它们的频率带宽一般要高达数兆赫兹,因此要求信息网络上的信息传输速率比较高,普遍应达到10 Mbps 以上。但相对说来,它的可靠性要求没有控制信息那么高。因为视音频信息在传输的前后都有一定的处理(如信号的压缩和编码/解压缩和解码) ,这些处理都有一定的容错能力,而且即使有瞬时的错误,也只是影响瞬时的声音或图像的错误,而对设备以后的运行几乎没有影响。因此信息网络在技术上需要解决的主要问题是传输速率(即带宽),即在可能的条件下,尽可能提高信息网络的带宽。 智能家居是通过统一的网络总线和控制平台将家庭的电器设备、灯光控制系统、安全控制系统、能源管理系统等连成一体的。目前智能家居的发展趋势是由集中控制到分布控制,与集中式控制相比,分布式控制不仅能减少布线,而且能提高系统的可靠性,当某一个节点出现故障时,只需将该节点从网络中拿走,而其它节点不受影响。
smart home
Smart home is the use of advanced computer technology, network
communication technology, integrated wiring technology, in accordance with the principle of human body engineering, incorporating personality needs, will and household life on various subsystems, such as security, lighting control, curtain control, gas valve control, information appliances, linkage, floor heating, such as organically unifies in together, through network integrated intelligent control and management, implement "people-oriented" new household life experience.
Basic introduction
Smart home is one of the people living environment, the platform installation for housing is intelligent household system, realize the family life safer, energy efficient, intelligent, convenient and comfortable. To housing as a platform, the use of integrated wiring technology, network communication technology, smart home
system design scheme of safety technology, automatic control technology, audio and video technology to integrate the household life related facilities, schedule to build
efficient residential facilities and family affairs management system, improve home security, convenience, comfort, artistry, and realize environmental protection and energy saving living environment.
Also called Smart Home, usually in Smart Home abroad. With Intelligent
household meaning approximate Home Automation, Home Automation, Electronic Family (Electronic Home, E - Home), Digital Home, Digital Family), the Home Network (Home Net/Networks for Home), Network, Home Network (Home),
Intelligent Home/Building (Intelligent Home/Building), Hong Kong and Taiwan and other regions in our country, and Digital Home, Digital Home, etc. Mr. Main features
2.1 lighting at will
Control arbitrary lighting control, press a few buttons can adjust all the room lighting, lighting, all kinds of dream can create! Intelligent lighting system can have soft qi gong, can make the lights coming on gradually; Light dimmer can realize the dim light function, let you and your family to share warmth and romantic, at the same time, the effect of energy saving and environmental protection; Fully open barrier function can easily implement lights and appliances for a key barrier and a key open function, and has a brightness memory function.
2.2 easy to install
Smart home system can realize simply to install, without having to destroy the wall, don't have to buy a new electrical equipment, the system can be completely with your home's existing electrical equipment, such as lamps and lanterns, telephone and home appliances to connect. All kinds of electrical appliances and other intelligent subsystem can be control in the home, also can fully meet the remote control.
2.3 extensibility
Smart home system is the system can be extended, initially, your smart home system can only with lighting or the current commonly used electrical equipment connection, can connect to other devices in the future, in order to adapt to the new intelligent life need.
Even when your home is decorated also can be easily upgraded to a smart home. Wireless control of smart home system can not destroy original decoration, as long as the corresponding module can be installed in the place such as some outlet to realize intelligent control, much less damage to the original building metope.
The main function
3.1 a remote control
You can use the remote control to control the lighting in the home, water heater, electric curtain, water dispensers, air conditioning equipment such as opening and closing; Through the display of the remote control can (or) sitting room on the first floor to query and show () or bedroom on the second floor lighting appliances open closed; At the same time, the remote control can control the infrared electric appliance in the home such as TV, DVD, audio and other infrared electric equipment, universal remote control.
3.2 two telephone remote control
High encryption (phone recognition) multi-function voice telephone remote control function, when you travel or work outside in the home, you can through
mobile phones, fixed telephone to control home air conditioning and curtain, lighting appliances, make the cooling or heating for the customer in advance or open and closed, via mobile phone or fixed phone know home circuit is normal, all kinds of household electrical appliances (such as food in the refrigerator, etc.) can also be learned that indoor air quality (similar smoke detector can be installed outside the house appliances) to control the Windows and ultraviolet radiation sterilization device for ventilation or sterilization, moreover, according to the merits of the outside weather proper humidification indoor air and the use of air conditioning and other facilities of the room to heat up. Master is not at home, also can be automatically by cell phone or landline watering plants, feeding your pet, etc. Control of the bedroom cabinet to clothing, shoes, bedding, and other sterilization, drying, etc.
3.3 three timing control
You can set certain products automatically open shutoff time ahead of time, such as: electric water heater every night 20:30 points automatically open heating, power 30 points automatically shut down, to ensure you enjoy the hot water bath at the same time, also save electricity, comfortable and fashion. Electric curtains open automatically closing time is, of course, much more.
3.4 four centralized control
You can in the porch place that take the door open at the same time the sitting room, dining-room and kitchen lights, kitchen appliances such as treasure, especially at night you can control the lights of the sitting room and bathroom appliances in the bedroom, convenient and safe, can also track the status of their work.
3.5 five scene control
You gently touch a button, several kinds of lighting, electrical appliances automatically perform in your "mind", make you feel and enjoy fashionable life perfect and simple science and technology, high efficiency
3.6 six network remote control
In the office, on a business trip abroad, as long as there is a network of place, you can through the Internet to log in to your home, in the network world through a fixed of smart home control interface to your household electric appliances, provide a free dynamic DNS. Is mainly used for remote network control and electric work status information query, you are on a business trip in abroad, for example, using the
nonlocal network computer, log in the IP address of the relevant, in far away you can control your own lighting, electrical appliances, before return home on a plane, will you home air conditioning or open the water heater...
3.7 seven global video monitoring function
At any time, any place directly through local area network or broadband network, using a browser (IE), remote video monitoring, voice calls. Also support remote PC,
local SD card storage, motion detecting, mail transfer, FTP transmission for family use remote video and photo shooting more can achieve professional safety and pleasure.
3.8 eight security alarm function
When a case of, can automatically dial the telephone, and gang related
appliances do alarm processing
3.9 9 av equipment sharing
Home video control system including family film and television exchange center (video sharing) and background music system (audio sharing). Is family entertainment multimedia platform, it USES advanced microcomputer technology, wireless remote control technology and infrared remote control technology, under the precise control of program instruction, the set-top boxes, satellite receiver, DVD, computer, such as multi-channel signal source, can according to the needs of users, is sent to every room on terminal equipment such as TV, acoustics, realization of the sharing of the sitting room used a variety of audio and video equipment. Your family is a unique design of AV video exchange center.
The DVD players of the sitting room, digital TV set-top boxes, satellite TV receiver and any kind of audio-visual equipment sharing 4 to 5 rooms to watch and can be remote control; (such as bedroom, study room, toilet room optional second plus a sitting room) for you in the home of CD/TV/FM/MP3 audio source (or digital TV set-top boxes, satellite TV set-top boxes, IPTV, online movies, DVD, etc.) share audio and video equipment to solve the problem, for you to solve different remote control, audio and video equipment in Taiwan, the volume operation purpose, as you install a digital TV set-top box in the bedroom (VCD, DVD) the same effect as satellite television set-top boxes, and convenient.
31.0 background music system
In simple terms, in any other houses, including the sitting room, bedroom,
kitchen or bathroom, background music on the lines are, by one or more of the sound
source, (CD/TV/FM/MP3 audio) can make a wonderful background music can be heard in every room
Cooperate with AV video exchange of products, can use the lowest cost, not only realize the video and audio signals are Shared in every room, and can choose the background music of each room independent signal source, can remotely boot, shutdown, change channels, fast forward, fast return, such as audio and video, the background music sharing and the best ratio of design scheme of the remote control!
3.11 11 digital home entertainment system
"Digital entertainment" is a study of using computer as a home entertainment center, or sitting room advocate lie on a big screen TV broadcast and display the
amount of content from the Internet in Shanghai music, film and television resources, TV, games, resources, information resources and so on. After installation "laughter xianju digital entertainment terminal", the place such as sitting room, bedroom, living room, the family can get audio-visual entertainment content. Simple installation, use online panel and the super five kinds of thread connection equipment.
3.12 twelve integrated wiring system
Is through a total management cases will be attentive telephone line, cable, broadband networks, such as audio line is called the weak current line of unified
planning in an orderly state, in a unified management inside the bedroom of telephone, fax, computer, TV, VCD, security monitoring equipment, and other network
information home appliances, make the function more powerful, use more convenient, easier maintenance, are more likely to expand new USES. Realize the telephone extension, LAN construction, the sharing of the cable.
3.13 13 fingerprint lock
Embarrassing: you must have had for some reason forgot to bring the key to the door of home, or to visit relatives in the home or guest, you just can't immediately back to wait! If the time can in the unit or distant remotely by phone or the phone will
open the door, how convenient it is!!!
And in the unit or distant remotely by phone or phone home "query," refers to the digital fingerprint lock state of "open, close", if let you feel more safe! The world's leading biometric fingerprint technology and password technology perfect
combination of three independent way to open the door: fingerprint, password and mechanical keys, safe and convenient
3.14 the fourteenth air air conditioning
Neither have a device to open the window all day (some toilet is closed), the timing for you to change the filtered fresh air which (outside air filtered recently, at the same time to the house of polluted air excluded).
3.15 15 pet nanny
Dial the telephone of home, you can give your beloved pet feeding, can hear its voice, this is a how fun and fashion life! Developed with high-tech level, operation simple telephone remote control, automatic timing control, remote control of pet feeding machine...
The development course
On March 10, 1999, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced the "Venus project" in shenzhen. This is a specifically for the Chinese information industry and home appliances market, tailor made for the Chinese digital life appliance solutions. Goal is to develop a new set of calculation based on the Microsoft Windows CE operating system, entertainment, education, communication, communication, and surfing the Internet, and other functions in one or a combination of products. The most obvious feature of the product is cheap, easy to learn and easy to use, can satisfy the PC (personal computer), computer user's demand to use the computer and the Internet. It is between computer and home appliance products.
The two most
6.1 control network
Such as intelligent household shown in the right part of the basic structure of the system, it is mainly to control all kinds of equipment running status in the family, such as the lights/the lights and light control, start/stop and the temperature of the air conditioning and air volume control, home security system of signal acquisition and execution, all kinds of switch quantity input, electric curtain open/close control, indoor detection of various physical quantities (such as temperature, humidity, all kinds of gas content, etc.), and four tables (gas meter, electricity meter, water meter, and the heat of the heat meter) the output of the data and instructions, etc.
6.2 information network
On the information network transmission is mainly audio and video signals, whose frequency bandwidth typically up to several GHZ, therefore requires
information on the network information transmission rate is higher, generally should reach more than 10 megabits per second. But relatively speaking, the reliability requirement is not so high control information. Because audio information in the transport before and after a certain processing, such as signal compression and
decoding and encoding/decompression), these processing has certain ability of fault tolerance, and even with the instantaneous error, is also affect the instantaneous sound or image of the error, and will have little impact on equipment running after.
Therefore information network in technology transfer rate is the main problem that need to be solved (bandwidth), namely under the condition of possible, as far as possible to improve the information network bandwidth.
Smart home is through unified network bus and the control platform to
household electrical appliances, lighting control system, security control system becomes an organic whole repeatedly, energy management system, etc. The current development trend of the smart home is controlled by the centralized control to the distribution, compared with the centralized control and distributed control can not only reduce the wiring, and can improve the reliability of the system, when a certain node failure, just will take away from the network, the node and other nodes are not affected.