
Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

1. A) He aroused national excitement.

B) He killed 180 people and

destroyed more than 1,800 homes.

C) He set a fire causing death and lighting a wildfire.

D) He possessed adult pornography.

2. A) He was arrested in order to protect him.

B) His behavior aroused the whole nation’s rage.

C) His identity was not a secret any more.

D) He was taken to Morwell after being arrested.

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

3. A) A broken well leading to large oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

B) The high cost of tackling oil spill.

C) Large number of people and boats being sent to help with the oil spill.

D) The high compensation claims the oil company is facing.

4. A) $33m.

B) $450m.

C) More than


D) Less than $6.6m.

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

5. A) Employers.

B) Commuters.

C) Police.

D) Tourists.

6. A) Inflation.

B) Major domestic policy.

C) Pay decrease.

D) Employers’ cruel


7. A) They attempted to halt the whole network for train travel.

B) They were dissatisfied with proposed rise in unemployment.

C) They were unhappy with their working conditions.

D) They wanted to support workers from other unions.

四级新闻听力样题原文及答案 2016-02-04

答案:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B


Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. Authorities charged a man Friday with lighting one of Australia’s deadly wildfires and sent him to protective custody amid national anger that

fire-raisers may be to blame in the fire disasters that left more than 180 people dead. Police said the man was charged with the count of fire-raising causing death and lighting a wildfire near the town of Churchill, one of hundreds that raged through

southeastern Victoria State last weekend, police said. More than 180 people died and more than 1,800 homes were destroyed in the fire disasters. The

suspect’s identity was being kept secret for his own safety, Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Dannye Moloney told a news conference. He was

brought from Morwell, near the fire zone, to the state capital of Melbourne, Moloney said.

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

The oil company BP has revealed that the cost of tackling the oil spill from a broken well in the Gulf of Mexico has risen dramatically. It now stands at $350m, but it is still rising fast.

(The oil giant says its attempts to contain the spill are now costing around $33m a day. That’s five times more than a figure that was initially calculated.) But despite the huge expense it’s causing, BP has yet to make much progress in stemming the flow of oil. Nearly 12,000 people and more than 500 boats are being removed to try to skim and direct the oil.

Robotic devices have been used, so far, unsuccessfully to try to stop the leak5,000 feet below sea level, and the final bill could be in the billions, as there’s still the prospect of future compensation claims and possible fines.

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. More than 100,000 miners, railway workers and London bus drivers staged a one-day strike yesterday, creating chaos for British travelers on the worst day of industrial unrest for years.

The first strike in the railway industry lasted for four hours, in protest of proposed job cuts, and is expected to halt the whole network on the busiest day of the week for train travel. The bus strike will worsen Londoners’ suffering.

Bus drivers are protesting against new job practices and pay cuts as the bus system prepares for privatization.

Police saw chaos on the roads as commuters attempted to get to work by car. Hundreds of thousands of people were expected to stay at home to avoid the crush, likely to be made worse by bad weather. About 2 million people travel into London every day and most of them use public transport.

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

1. A) He aroused national excitement.

B) He killed 180 people and

destroyed more than 1,800 homes.

C) He set a fire causing death and lighting a wildfire.

D) He possessed adult pornography.

2. A) He was arrested in order to protect him.

B) His behavior aroused the whole nation’s rage.

C) His identity was not a secret any more.

D) He was taken to Morwell after being arrested.

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

3. A) A broken well leading to large oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

B) The high cost of tackling oil spill.

C) Large number of people and boats being sent to help with the oil spill.

D) The high compensation claims the oil company is facing.

4. A) $33m.

B) $450m.

C) More than


D) Less than $6.6m.

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

5. A) Employers.

B) Commuters.

C) Police.

D) Tourists.

6. A) Inflation.

B) Major domestic policy.

C) Pay decrease.

D) Employers’ cruel


7. A) They attempted to halt the whole network for train travel.

B) They were dissatisfied with proposed rise in unemployment.

C) They were unhappy with their working conditions.

D) They wanted to support workers from other unions.

四级新闻听力样题原文及答案 2016-02-04

答案:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B


Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. Authorities charged a man Friday with lighting one of Australia’s deadly wildfires and sent him to protective custody amid national anger that

fire-raisers may be to blame in the fire disasters that left more than 180 people dead. Police said the man was charged with the count of fire-raising causing death and lighting a wildfire near the town of Churchill, one of hundreds that raged through

southeastern Victoria State last weekend, police said. More than 180 people died and more than 1,800 homes were destroyed in the fire disasters. The

suspect’s identity was being kept secret for his own safety, Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Dannye Moloney told a news conference. He was

brought from Morwell, near the fire zone, to the state capital of Melbourne, Moloney said.

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

The oil company BP has revealed that the cost of tackling the oil spill from a broken well in the Gulf of Mexico has risen dramatically. It now stands at $350m, but it is still rising fast.

(The oil giant says its attempts to contain the spill are now costing around $33m a day. That’s five times more than a figure that was initially calculated.) But despite the huge expense it’s causing, BP has yet to make much progress in stemming the flow of oil. Nearly 12,000 people and more than 500 boats are being removed to try to skim and direct the oil.

Robotic devices have been used, so far, unsuccessfully to try to stop the leak5,000 feet below sea level, and the final bill could be in the billions, as there’s still the prospect of future compensation claims and possible fines.

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. More than 100,000 miners, railway workers and London bus drivers staged a one-day strike yesterday, creating chaos for British travelers on the worst day of industrial unrest for years.

The first strike in the railway industry lasted for four hours, in protest of proposed job cuts, and is expected to halt the whole network on the busiest day of the week for train travel. The bus strike will worsen Londoners’ suffering.

Bus drivers are protesting against new job practices and pay cuts as the bus system prepares for privatization.

Police saw chaos on the roads as commuters attempted to get to work by car. Hundreds of thousands of people were expected to stay at home to avoid the crush, likely to be made worse by bad weather. About 2 million people travel into London every day and most of them use public transport.


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