
应聘导游英语面试 【网络综合 - 英语口语】




1) Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background.


2) I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation. 毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校。

3) Have you any experience as a tourist guide?


4) What do you think are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?


5) I guided a few foreign tourists around Beijing last year as a part-time job. 去年我带领一些外国游客在北京观光,那是兼职工作。

6) I抎 like to be an overseas tour guide someday.


7) I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible.


8) Are there still any vacancies?


9) I will make an announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings. 我会提醒他们检查他们的携带物品。


(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

Dialogue 1

I: It says here that you graduated from Beijing Normal University with a major in English Language and Literature.

A: Right. Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background.

I: Yes.

A: But I want to be a tour guide very much because I like traveling and meeting various kinds of people. So I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation and I have gotten a qualification certificate.

I: So you must be an extravert?

A: Yes, I always enjoy being with a group of people and chatting with them. I: What do you think are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?

A: A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

I: Don抰 you consider it a hard work?

A: Hard but interesting, I think.

I: Have you any experience as a tourist guide? A: Yes, I usually guided foreign tourists around Beijing when I was in University. I: Have you ever learned any other foreign languages other than English? A: Yes, I have learned a little French and Japanese as well.

I: 上面说你毕业于北京师范大学英语语言文学专业。

A: 对。你可能认为我的教育背景并不适合这份工作。

I: 是的。

A: 但是我很想当一名导游,因为我喜欢旅游,也喜欢和各种各样的人打交道,所以毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校,而且已经获得了资格证书。

I: 看来你是个外向的人?

A: 对,我喜欢和大家一起畅谈。

I: 你认为导游的职责是什么?

A: 作为一名导游要安排和协调旅游活动,并为游客提供交通、膳宿、观光、购物和娱乐服务。

I: 你不认为这是一份非常辛苦的工作吗?

A: 虽然艰苦但很有趣。

I: 你有做导游的工作经验吗?

A: 有,在大学期间我经常带领外国游客游览北京。

I: 除了英语,你还学过别的外国语吗?


Dialogue 2

I: Have you ever worked as a tour guide?

A: I have a little experience. I guided a few foreign tourists around Beijing last year as a part-time job. I showed them to the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, and the Summer Palace.

I: Then you may know that it抯 hard work.

A: Yes, I know. A friend of mine is a guide. He talked with me about his work, but I don抰 mind working hard.

I: Have you applied with any other companies?

A: No, this is my first.

I: Is there anything you want to ask about?

A: I抎 like to be an overseas tour guide someday. Would there ever be any chance of that?

I: Certainly. There抣l be a good chance of that if you work for this company. Not right away, of course, but in a few years, after you learn more about our business, you may go overseas with a tour group. Any questions?

A: Yes. When can I get the decision? I hope you can give me a definite answer as

soon as possible. If I turned down, I’ll have to secure a position elsewhere. I: All right, then. We’ll get in touch with you within a week. Thank you for coming today, Mr. Sun.

A: Thank you. Good-bye.

I: Good-bye.

I: 你当过导游吗?

A: 我有一点经验。去年我带领一些外国旅客在北京观光,那是份兼职工作。我带领他们去了长城、故宫和颐和园。

I: 那你可能知道这是份辛苦的工作。

A: 是的,我知道。我有一个朋友是导游。他跟我谈过他的工作,但我不介意工作辛苦。 I: 你向其它公司申请过吗?

A: 没有,这是第一次。

I: 你有什么事情想问吗?

A: 我希望有天能做国际导游。将来我会有这样的机会吗?

I: 当然有。如果你在这家公司工作,就会有好机会。当然不是马上就有, 但是往后几年,在你学到更多本公司的业务后,你就可以带团去国外了。还有什么问题吗? A: 哦,我何时能知道你们的决定呢?我希望您能尽快给我一个明确的答复。如果我被拒绝了,我还得去别的地方找工作。

I: 好,我在一周之内会与你联络。谢谢你过来,孙先生。


I: 再见。

Dialogue 3

A: Excuse me, I am Sunlin. I am here about your advertisement for a tourist guide. Are there still any vacancies?

I: Yes. One more is needed.

A: Oh, I抦 so lucky. I want to apply for it.

I: But do you have any experience like that?

A: Yes. I have been a guide for two years.

I: OK. Then I want to ask you some questions about the tourist guide. If there was an accident, for example a tourist falls ill, what would you do?

A: I think I will call the office to send someone to meet us, and escort that person to the nearest hospital without interrupting our trip.

I: If one of them forgot a camera in a restaurant, would you let the tourist bus go back?

A: No. In fact, prior to their boarding the bus and their getting off the bus, I will make an announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings. I: Well, it seems that you have all the practical experience to handle these cases. I am very glad to welcome you into our company.

A: Thank you. It抯 my honor.

A: 你好,我是孙林。我是为贵公司登的招聘导游的广告而来,还有空缺吗?

I: 有,还需要一名。

A: 哦,我太幸运了。我想申请这个职位。

I: 但你有那方面的经验吗?

A: 有,我当过两年的导游。

I: 好,我想问你几个有关导游的问题。如果出现了意外,比如一个旅游者病倒了,你该怎么办?

A: 我想我会打电话叫公司派人来接应我们,护送那个人到最近的医院,不至于打乱我们的旅行计划。

I: 如果有人把相机落在了饭店,你会让旅游车返回去吗?

A: 不会的。实际上,在他们上车和下车之前,我都会提醒他们检查他们的物品。 I: 那好,看来你有处理这方面事情的所有实际经验。我非常欢迎你来我们公司。 A: 谢谢,这也是我的荣幸。

overseas 海外的,国外的 literature 文学

tourism 旅游,观光 extravert 个性外向的人

coordinate 调整,协调 transportation 交通

the Imperial Palace 故宫 the Summer Palace 颐和园

turn down 拒绝 sightseeing 观光,游览

accommodation 膳宿 elsewhere 别的地方

scheme 方案,计划 the Forbidden City 紫禁城

the Temple of Heaven 天坛 interrupt 中断,打断

announcement 宣告 belongings 携带物品


3) Have you any experience as a tourist guide?

Have you ever worked as

Have you ever been

Do you have experience as





4)Have you applied with any other companies?

for another position

for another job

你申请过别的 公司 吗?



5) I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible.

let me know the final decision

tell me the result

inform me of your decision

我希望你能尽快 给我一个确切的答复。





Have you ever worked as a tour guide?



I have a little experience. I guided a few foreign tourists around Beijing last year as a part-time job. I showed them to the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, and the Summer Palace.



Then you may know that it`s hard work.



Yes, I know. A friend of mine is a guide. He talked with me about his work, but I don`t mind working hard.

是的,我知道。我有一个朋友是导游。他跟我谈过他的工作,但我不介意工作辛苦。 Interviewer:

Have you applied with any other companies?



No, this is my first.



Is there anything you want to ask about?



I`d like to be an overseas tour guide someday. Would there ever be any chance of that?



Certainly. There`ll be a good chance of that if you work for this company. Not right away, of course, but in a few years, after you learn more about our business, you may go overseas with a tour group. Any questions?



Yes. When can I get the decision? I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible. If I`m turned down, I’ll have to secure a position elsewhere.



All right, then. We`ll get in touch with you within a week. Thank you for coming today, Mr. Sun.



Thank you. Good-bye.





应聘导游英语面试 【网络综合 - 英语口语】




1) Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background.


2) I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation. 毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校。

3) Have you any experience as a tourist guide?


4) What do you think are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?


5) I guided a few foreign tourists around Beijing last year as a part-time job. 去年我带领一些外国游客在北京观光,那是兼职工作。

6) I抎 like to be an overseas tour guide someday.


7) I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible.


8) Are there still any vacancies?


9) I will make an announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings. 我会提醒他们检查他们的携带物品。


(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

Dialogue 1

I: It says here that you graduated from Beijing Normal University with a major in English Language and Literature.

A: Right. Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background.

I: Yes.

A: But I want to be a tour guide very much because I like traveling and meeting various kinds of people. So I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation and I have gotten a qualification certificate.

I: So you must be an extravert?

A: Yes, I always enjoy being with a group of people and chatting with them. I: What do you think are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?

A: A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

I: Don抰 you consider it a hard work?

A: Hard but interesting, I think.

I: Have you any experience as a tourist guide? A: Yes, I usually guided foreign tourists around Beijing when I was in University. I: Have you ever learned any other foreign languages other than English? A: Yes, I have learned a little French and Japanese as well.

I: 上面说你毕业于北京师范大学英语语言文学专业。

A: 对。你可能认为我的教育背景并不适合这份工作。

I: 是的。

A: 但是我很想当一名导游,因为我喜欢旅游,也喜欢和各种各样的人打交道,所以毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校,而且已经获得了资格证书。

I: 看来你是个外向的人?

A: 对,我喜欢和大家一起畅谈。

I: 你认为导游的职责是什么?

A: 作为一名导游要安排和协调旅游活动,并为游客提供交通、膳宿、观光、购物和娱乐服务。

I: 你不认为这是一份非常辛苦的工作吗?

A: 虽然艰苦但很有趣。

I: 你有做导游的工作经验吗?

A: 有,在大学期间我经常带领外国游客游览北京。

I: 除了英语,你还学过别的外国语吗?


Dialogue 2

I: Have you ever worked as a tour guide?

A: I have a little experience. I guided a few foreign tourists around Beijing last year as a part-time job. I showed them to the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, and the Summer Palace.

I: Then you may know that it抯 hard work.

A: Yes, I know. A friend of mine is a guide. He talked with me about his work, but I don抰 mind working hard.

I: Have you applied with any other companies?

A: No, this is my first.

I: Is there anything you want to ask about?

A: I抎 like to be an overseas tour guide someday. Would there ever be any chance of that?

I: Certainly. There抣l be a good chance of that if you work for this company. Not right away, of course, but in a few years, after you learn more about our business, you may go overseas with a tour group. Any questions?

A: Yes. When can I get the decision? I hope you can give me a definite answer as

soon as possible. If I turned down, I’ll have to secure a position elsewhere. I: All right, then. We’ll get in touch with you within a week. Thank you for coming today, Mr. Sun.

A: Thank you. Good-bye.

I: Good-bye.

I: 你当过导游吗?

A: 我有一点经验。去年我带领一些外国旅客在北京观光,那是份兼职工作。我带领他们去了长城、故宫和颐和园。

I: 那你可能知道这是份辛苦的工作。

A: 是的,我知道。我有一个朋友是导游。他跟我谈过他的工作,但我不介意工作辛苦。 I: 你向其它公司申请过吗?

A: 没有,这是第一次。

I: 你有什么事情想问吗?

A: 我希望有天能做国际导游。将来我会有这样的机会吗?

I: 当然有。如果你在这家公司工作,就会有好机会。当然不是马上就有, 但是往后几年,在你学到更多本公司的业务后,你就可以带团去国外了。还有什么问题吗? A: 哦,我何时能知道你们的决定呢?我希望您能尽快给我一个明确的答复。如果我被拒绝了,我还得去别的地方找工作。

I: 好,我在一周之内会与你联络。谢谢你过来,孙先生。


I: 再见。

Dialogue 3

A: Excuse me, I am Sunlin. I am here about your advertisement for a tourist guide. Are there still any vacancies?

I: Yes. One more is needed.

A: Oh, I抦 so lucky. I want to apply for it.

I: But do you have any experience like that?

A: Yes. I have been a guide for two years.

I: OK. Then I want to ask you some questions about the tourist guide. If there was an accident, for example a tourist falls ill, what would you do?

A: I think I will call the office to send someone to meet us, and escort that person to the nearest hospital without interrupting our trip.

I: If one of them forgot a camera in a restaurant, would you let the tourist bus go back?

A: No. In fact, prior to their boarding the bus and their getting off the bus, I will make an announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings. I: Well, it seems that you have all the practical experience to handle these cases. I am very glad to welcome you into our company.

A: Thank you. It抯 my honor.

A: 你好,我是孙林。我是为贵公司登的招聘导游的广告而来,还有空缺吗?

I: 有,还需要一名。

A: 哦,我太幸运了。我想申请这个职位。

I: 但你有那方面的经验吗?

A: 有,我当过两年的导游。

I: 好,我想问你几个有关导游的问题。如果出现了意外,比如一个旅游者病倒了,你该怎么办?

A: 我想我会打电话叫公司派人来接应我们,护送那个人到最近的医院,不至于打乱我们的旅行计划。

I: 如果有人把相机落在了饭店,你会让旅游车返回去吗?

A: 不会的。实际上,在他们上车和下车之前,我都会提醒他们检查他们的物品。 I: 那好,看来你有处理这方面事情的所有实际经验。我非常欢迎你来我们公司。 A: 谢谢,这也是我的荣幸。

overseas 海外的,国外的 literature 文学

tourism 旅游,观光 extravert 个性外向的人

coordinate 调整,协调 transportation 交通

the Imperial Palace 故宫 the Summer Palace 颐和园

turn down 拒绝 sightseeing 观光,游览

accommodation 膳宿 elsewhere 别的地方

scheme 方案,计划 the Forbidden City 紫禁城

the Temple of Heaven 天坛 interrupt 中断,打断

announcement 宣告 belongings 携带物品


3) Have you any experience as a tourist guide?

Have you ever worked as

Have you ever been

Do you have experience as





4)Have you applied with any other companies?

for another position

for another job

你申请过别的 公司 吗?



5) I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible.

let me know the final decision

tell me the result

inform me of your decision

我希望你能尽快 给我一个确切的答复。





Have you ever worked as a tour guide?



I have a little experience. I guided a few foreign tourists around Beijing last year as a part-time job. I showed them to the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, and the Summer Palace.



Then you may know that it`s hard work.



Yes, I know. A friend of mine is a guide. He talked with me about his work, but I don`t mind working hard.

是的,我知道。我有一个朋友是导游。他跟我谈过他的工作,但我不介意工作辛苦。 Interviewer:

Have you applied with any other companies?



No, this is my first.



Is there anything you want to ask about?



I`d like to be an overseas tour guide someday. Would there ever be any chance of that?



Certainly. There`ll be a good chance of that if you work for this company. Not right away, of course, but in a few years, after you learn more about our business, you may go overseas with a tour group. Any questions?



Yes. When can I get the decision? I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible. If I`m turned down, I’ll have to secure a position elsewhere.



All right, then. We`ll get in touch with you within a week. Thank you for coming today, Mr. Sun.



Thank you. Good-bye.






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