[2]卢恩平.物业管理实务[M] 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2001.
[3]方芳,吕萍.物业管理实务[M] 上海:上海财经大学出版社,2001. [4]赵绍鸿.物业管理实务[M] 北京:中国林业出版社,2000.
[5]孙兰,白丽华.物业管理实务与典型案例分析[M] 北京:中国物资出版社,2002. [6]鲁捷,付立群,胡振豪.物业管理法规案例分析[M] 大连:大连理工大学出版社,2004.
[7]班道明.物业管理概论[M] 北京:中国林业出版社社,2000. [8]赵向标.物业管理操作制度范例[M] 广州:海天出版社,2002. [9]决策资源房地产研究中心.新地产物业管理利润V模式[M] 广州:暨南大学出版社,2003.
[10]上海华联物业管理有限公司.华联商业物业管理企业标准[M] 上海:上海科学技术出版社,2004.
[11]周宇,顾祥红.现代物业管理[M] 大连:东北财经大学出版社,2001. [12]李福平.物业管理学[M] 上海:复旦大学出版社,2002.
[13]王在庚,白丽华.物业管理学[M] 北京:中国建材工业出版社,2002.
[14]劳动和社会保障部中国就业培训技术指导中心组织.物业管理员(师)国家职业资格培训教程[M] 北京:中国广播电视大学出版社,2001.
[15]谢凯.写字楼物业管理[M] 广州:广东人民出版社,2002.
[16]谢凯.商场物业管理[M] 广州:广东人民出版社,2002.
[17]谢凯.小区物业管理[M] 广州:广东人民出版社,2002.
[18]刘存绪,万顺福,曾令秋.物业管理人员培训教程[M] 西南财经大学出版社,2003.
[19]张秀萍.物业环境管理与服务[M] 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004.
[20]董傅年.社区环境建设与管理[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2003.
[21]王在庚.物业管理学[M] 北京:中国建材工业出版社,2002.
[22]陈鹏志.现代物业管理范例精解与运营策略[M] 吉林:延边人民出版社,2000.
[23]王秀云.物业管理概论[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2003. [24]陈友铭.物业管理[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2003.
[25]杨振标,杨戟,陈德豪.物业管理实务[M] 广州:中山大学出版社,2000.
[26]颜真,杨吟.物业管理危机处理及案例分析[M] 西南财经大学出版社,2002.
[27]劳动和社会保障部中国就业培训技术指导中心组织.物业管理基础[M] 北京:中央广播电视大学出版社,2004.
[28]杨国龙.物业管理实务[M] 北京:中国经济出版社,1997.
《竞争优势》、《竞争战略》、《国家竞争优势》Michel porter华夏出版社2003.8. 2 国际管理 教程与案例第5版作者包铭心 等著中国人民大学出版社2005-4-1。
国际商务第二版闫国庆 主编清华大学出版社2007-7-1 5 国际商务管理孙国辉、曲扬清华大学出版社2007年06月 。
国际商务 理论与实务作者王建华北方交通大学出版社2006-9-1。
国际商务 21世纪商务系列教材金润圭 主编立信会计出版社2006-5-1。
国际商务 国际经济与贸易教程系列黄丽鸣 编著立信会计出版社2003-1-1。物业管理专业论文参考文献汇总物业管理专业论文参考文献汇总。
国际商务环境与运作第10版丹尼尔斯等 著人民大学出版社2005-11-1。
国际商务全球竞争的挑战第8版美鲍尔BallD.A. 等著清华大学出版社2004-10-1 15 《觉醒的年代》英查尔斯、汉迪中国人民大学出版社2007.1. 16 国际管理中国版作者美帕达克PhatakA.V.美巴贾特BhagatR.S.美卡什拉克KashlakR.J.中石永恒 著机械工业出版社2006-8-1。
国际管理学全球化时代的管理作者张新胜 等著中国文史出版社2002-8-1。物业管理专业论文参考文献汇总 Province, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 263-274
Tracy A. Jones, 1998, UK hotel operators use of budgetary procedures,
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume: 1Issue: 3
Mandy Aggett 2007, what has influenced growth in the UK's boutique hotel sector? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume: 19 Issue: 2
BDO Hospitality Consulting, Trends in the UK hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume: 8 Issue: 7; 1996
John Connell, 1992, Branding Hotel Portfolios, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume: 4 Issue: 1
Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels, 2003, China s Hotel Investment Market, New York: Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels,
Li, J. and Feng, T. (1997), Economy hotel market awaits exploration, Hotels China & Overseas, No. 5, pp. 5-6
Ray Pine, 2002. China s Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 43, no. 3: 61-70.
World Tourism Organization, Tourism Highlights, Edition 2003 (Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organization, 2003)
》 Matthew Tapson, (2002). Hotels in China: a Market Analysis. Bucks, UK: Access Asia Ltd
China Economic Information Network, China s Tourism Industry in 2003 (Beijing, China: State Information Center, 2003).
Ray Pine, China s Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 43, no. 3 (June 2002): 61-70.
Ray Pine, 2002, China s Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 43, no. 3 (June): 61-70.
China s Jin Jiang Readies for Next Chapter, Hotels, July 2004, p. 28
CNTA, 2003, the Yearbook of China Tourism Statistics, Beijing: China Travel and Tourism Press
Ray Pine, Hanqin Qiu Zhang, and Ping-Shu Qi (2000),The Challenges and
Opportunities of Franchising in China s Hotel Industry, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management vol.12, no. 5, pp.300-307.
Anderson, R.I, Fok, R. and Scott, J. (2000), Hotel industry efficiency: an advanced linear programming examination. American Business Review, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp: 28-29.
Avkiran, N.K. (2002). Monitoring hotel performance, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp: 57-62.
Banker, R.D. and Morey, R.C. (1986). Efficiency analysis for exogenously fixed inputs and outputs, Operations Research, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp: 502-505.
Barros, C. (2005). Measuring efficiency in the hotel sector. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp: 457-459.
Fang, F.T, Yanping, X, Guangmeng, C., Wang, R., (2006). Ownership, corporate governance, and management in the state owned hotels in the People s Republic of China. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 47 (2), 182–191.
Gu, H, Ryan, C, (2007). Chinese clientele at Chinese hotels evaluations and importance attribution a comparison between different hotel star ratings. Paper presented at the 13th Asia Pacific Tourism Association & 4th Asia Pacific CHRIE Joint Conference Proceeding. Beijing International Studies University, Beijing.
Gu, H, Yu, L, (2006). Homestay inns in rural Beijing: an exploratory study. Hospitality & tourism education: trends & strategies. 12th Asia Pacific Tourism Association & 4th Asia Pacific CHRIE Joint Conference Proceedings, June 26–29,2006, Hualian, Taiwan.
Herzburg, F, Mauser, B., Synderman, B., (1959). The Motivation to Work. Wiley, New York.
Heskett, J, Jones, T., Loveman, G., Sasser, W.E., Schlesinger, L.,
(1994).Putting the service profit chain to work. Harvard Business Review 72 (March/April), 164–175.
Kline, R.B., (2005). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling,
second ed. Guilford Press, New York.
Lockyer, T, (2002). Business guests accommodation selection: the view from both sides. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 16 (6), 294–300.
Lockyer, T, (2003). Hotel cleanliness how do guests view it? Let us get specific.
A New Zealand study. International Journal of Hospitality Management 22 (3), 297–305.
Lockyer, T, (2005). The perceived importance of price as one hotel selection dimension. Tourism Management 26 (4), 529–537.
[2]卢恩平.物业管理实务[M] 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2001.
[3]方芳,吕萍.物业管理实务[M] 上海:上海财经大学出版社,2001. [4]赵绍鸿.物业管理实务[M] 北京:中国林业出版社,2000.
[5]孙兰,白丽华.物业管理实务与典型案例分析[M] 北京:中国物资出版社,2002. [6]鲁捷,付立群,胡振豪.物业管理法规案例分析[M] 大连:大连理工大学出版社,2004.
[7]班道明.物业管理概论[M] 北京:中国林业出版社社,2000. [8]赵向标.物业管理操作制度范例[M] 广州:海天出版社,2002. [9]决策资源房地产研究中心.新地产物业管理利润V模式[M] 广州:暨南大学出版社,2003.
[10]上海华联物业管理有限公司.华联商业物业管理企业标准[M] 上海:上海科学技术出版社,2004.
[11]周宇,顾祥红.现代物业管理[M] 大连:东北财经大学出版社,2001. [12]李福平.物业管理学[M] 上海:复旦大学出版社,2002.
[13]王在庚,白丽华.物业管理学[M] 北京:中国建材工业出版社,2002.
[14]劳动和社会保障部中国就业培训技术指导中心组织.物业管理员(师)国家职业资格培训教程[M] 北京:中国广播电视大学出版社,2001.
[15]谢凯.写字楼物业管理[M] 广州:广东人民出版社,2002.
[16]谢凯.商场物业管理[M] 广州:广东人民出版社,2002.
[17]谢凯.小区物业管理[M] 广州:广东人民出版社,2002.
[18]刘存绪,万顺福,曾令秋.物业管理人员培训教程[M] 西南财经大学出版社,2003.
[19]张秀萍.物业环境管理与服务[M] 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004.
[20]董傅年.社区环境建设与管理[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2003.
[21]王在庚.物业管理学[M] 北京:中国建材工业出版社,2002.
[22]陈鹏志.现代物业管理范例精解与运营策略[M] 吉林:延边人民出版社,2000.
[23]王秀云.物业管理概论[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2003. [24]陈友铭.物业管理[M] 北京:高等教育出版社,2003.
[25]杨振标,杨戟,陈德豪.物业管理实务[M] 广州:中山大学出版社,2000.
[26]颜真,杨吟.物业管理危机处理及案例分析[M] 西南财经大学出版社,2002.
[27]劳动和社会保障部中国就业培训技术指导中心组织.物业管理基础[M] 北京:中央广播电视大学出版社,2004.
[28]杨国龙.物业管理实务[M] 北京:中国经济出版社,1997.
《竞争优势》、《竞争战略》、《国家竞争优势》Michel porter华夏出版社2003.8. 2 国际管理 教程与案例第5版作者包铭心 等著中国人民大学出版社2005-4-1。
国际商务第二版闫国庆 主编清华大学出版社2007-7-1 5 国际商务管理孙国辉、曲扬清华大学出版社2007年06月 。
国际商务 理论与实务作者王建华北方交通大学出版社2006-9-1。
国际商务 21世纪商务系列教材金润圭 主编立信会计出版社2006-5-1。
国际商务 国际经济与贸易教程系列黄丽鸣 编著立信会计出版社2003-1-1。物业管理专业论文参考文献汇总物业管理专业论文参考文献汇总。
国际商务环境与运作第10版丹尼尔斯等 著人民大学出版社2005-11-1。
国际商务全球竞争的挑战第8版美鲍尔BallD.A. 等著清华大学出版社2004-10-1 15 《觉醒的年代》英查尔斯、汉迪中国人民大学出版社2007.1. 16 国际管理中国版作者美帕达克PhatakA.V.美巴贾特BhagatR.S.美卡什拉克KashlakR.J.中石永恒 著机械工业出版社2006-8-1。
国际管理学全球化时代的管理作者张新胜 等著中国文史出版社2002-8-1。物业管理专业论文参考文献汇总 Province, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 263-274
Tracy A. Jones, 1998, UK hotel operators use of budgetary procedures,
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume: 1Issue: 3
Mandy Aggett 2007, what has influenced growth in the UK's boutique hotel sector? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume: 19 Issue: 2
BDO Hospitality Consulting, Trends in the UK hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume: 8 Issue: 7; 1996
John Connell, 1992, Branding Hotel Portfolios, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume: 4 Issue: 1
Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels, 2003, China s Hotel Investment Market, New York: Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels,
Li, J. and Feng, T. (1997), Economy hotel market awaits exploration, Hotels China & Overseas, No. 5, pp. 5-6
Ray Pine, 2002. China s Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 43, no. 3: 61-70.
World Tourism Organization, Tourism Highlights, Edition 2003 (Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organization, 2003)
》 Matthew Tapson, (2002). Hotels in China: a Market Analysis. Bucks, UK: Access Asia Ltd
China Economic Information Network, China s Tourism Industry in 2003 (Beijing, China: State Information Center, 2003).
Ray Pine, China s Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 43, no. 3 (June 2002): 61-70.
Ray Pine, 2002, China s Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 43, no. 3 (June): 61-70.
China s Jin Jiang Readies for Next Chapter, Hotels, July 2004, p. 28
CNTA, 2003, the Yearbook of China Tourism Statistics, Beijing: China Travel and Tourism Press
Ray Pine, Hanqin Qiu Zhang, and Ping-Shu Qi (2000),The Challenges and
Opportunities of Franchising in China s Hotel Industry, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management vol.12, no. 5, pp.300-307.
Anderson, R.I, Fok, R. and Scott, J. (2000), Hotel industry efficiency: an advanced linear programming examination. American Business Review, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp: 28-29.
Avkiran, N.K. (2002). Monitoring hotel performance, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp: 57-62.
Banker, R.D. and Morey, R.C. (1986). Efficiency analysis for exogenously fixed inputs and outputs, Operations Research, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp: 502-505.
Barros, C. (2005). Measuring efficiency in the hotel sector. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp: 457-459.
Fang, F.T, Yanping, X, Guangmeng, C., Wang, R., (2006). Ownership, corporate governance, and management in the state owned hotels in the People s Republic of China. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 47 (2), 182–191.
Gu, H, Ryan, C, (2007). Chinese clientele at Chinese hotels evaluations and importance attribution a comparison between different hotel star ratings. Paper presented at the 13th Asia Pacific Tourism Association & 4th Asia Pacific CHRIE Joint Conference Proceeding. Beijing International Studies University, Beijing.
Gu, H, Yu, L, (2006). Homestay inns in rural Beijing: an exploratory study. Hospitality & tourism education: trends & strategies. 12th Asia Pacific Tourism Association & 4th Asia Pacific CHRIE Joint Conference Proceedings, June 26–29,2006, Hualian, Taiwan.
Herzburg, F, Mauser, B., Synderman, B., (1959). The Motivation to Work. Wiley, New York.
Heskett, J, Jones, T., Loveman, G., Sasser, W.E., Schlesinger, L.,
(1994).Putting the service profit chain to work. Harvard Business Review 72 (March/April), 164–175.
Kline, R.B., (2005). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling,
second ed. Guilford Press, New York.
Lockyer, T, (2002). Business guests accommodation selection: the view from both sides. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 16 (6), 294–300.
Lockyer, T, (2003). Hotel cleanliness how do guests view it? Let us get specific.
A New Zealand study. International Journal of Hospitality Management 22 (3), 297–305.
Lockyer, T, (2005). The perceived importance of price as one hotel selection dimension. Tourism Management 26 (4), 529–537.