




The cause of the American independence war Root cause: the development of north American capitalist economy and the contradiction of British colonial rule. Other reasons: 1. The united nation began to form, national

consciousness gradually awakening. 2. The spread of the enlightenment Fuse: the Boston tea party in 1773 (the British manufacturing Boston massacre aroused people's revolt, further the incident became the fuse of the war of independence)


1.中国政治体系: 中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。 社会主义制度是中华人民共和国的根本制度。禁止任何组织或者个人破坏社会主义制度。 中国是党与政府相并行。一般事情由政府出面,大事由党委负责。

2.美国是典型的资本主义民主制国家,民主的价值观和原则在美国的政治制度和政治实践中主要体现为三权分立、代议制、政党政治、利益集团政治、新闻自由和公民权利等。 美国政府机构包括立法、行政、司法三个系统,每个系统起着各自的作用,同时又相互制约,它们是直接的政策制定者。另外美国又是一个权力多元化的社会,各种社会力量如政党、利益集团、媒体同样参与政策制定。 差别:中国是政府专制 ,美国是民主政治

The difference between the political system of China and the United States 1. China's political system: the People's Republic of China is led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants of the people's democratic dictatorship of socialist countries. The socialist system is the basic system of the People's Republic of China. Any organization or individual shall be prohibited the destruction of the

socialist system. China is the party and the government in parallel. General things personally by the government, the event is in the charge of the party committee. 2. The United States is a typical capitalist democracy, democratic values and principles in the American political system and political practice mainly embodied in the separation of powers, representative, political parties, interest groups politics, press freedom and civil rights, etc. U.S. government agencies including legislative, administrative and judicial three system, each system plays a role, restricting each other again at the same time, they are direct policy makers. The United States is a pluralistic social power, all kinds of social forces such as political parties, interest groups, media also participate in policy formulation. Differences: China is authoritarian government, the United States is a democratic politics





The cause of the American independence war Root cause: the development of north American capitalist economy and the contradiction of British colonial rule. Other reasons: 1. The united nation began to form, national

consciousness gradually awakening. 2. The spread of the enlightenment Fuse: the Boston tea party in 1773 (the British manufacturing Boston massacre aroused people's revolt, further the incident became the fuse of the war of independence)


1.中国政治体系: 中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。 社会主义制度是中华人民共和国的根本制度。禁止任何组织或者个人破坏社会主义制度。 中国是党与政府相并行。一般事情由政府出面,大事由党委负责。

2.美国是典型的资本主义民主制国家,民主的价值观和原则在美国的政治制度和政治实践中主要体现为三权分立、代议制、政党政治、利益集团政治、新闻自由和公民权利等。 美国政府机构包括立法、行政、司法三个系统,每个系统起着各自的作用,同时又相互制约,它们是直接的政策制定者。另外美国又是一个权力多元化的社会,各种社会力量如政党、利益集团、媒体同样参与政策制定。 差别:中国是政府专制 ,美国是民主政治

The difference between the political system of China and the United States 1. China's political system: the People's Republic of China is led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants of the people's democratic dictatorship of socialist countries. The socialist system is the basic system of the People's Republic of China. Any organization or individual shall be prohibited the destruction of the

socialist system. China is the party and the government in parallel. General things personally by the government, the event is in the charge of the party committee. 2. The United States is a typical capitalist democracy, democratic values and principles in the American political system and political practice mainly embodied in the separation of powers, representative, political parties, interest groups politics, press freedom and civil rights, etc. U.S. government agencies including legislative, administrative and judicial three system, each system plays a role, restricting each other again at the same time, they are direct policy makers. The United States is a pluralistic social power, all kinds of social forces such as political parties, interest groups, media also participate in policy formulation. Differences: China is authoritarian government, the United States is a democratic politics


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