

一. 单词

was (am,is的过去式) glasses眼镜

film胶卷 wasn’t=was not

were (were的过去式) ground地面

camera照相机 weren’t=were not

excited 激动的 earphone(s)耳机

exciting令人激动的 diary日记簿

moment片刻 CD Walkman光盘随身听


二. 词组

片刻之前a moment ago 在光盘随身听后面

刚才just now behind the CD Walkman

一部手机a mobile phone 想要拍些照片want to take some photos 一副眼镜a pair of glasses 寻找她的照相机look for her camera 一卷胶卷a roll of film 帮助她help her

捡起它们pick them up 让我看看。Let me see.

在地上on the ground 体育运动日Sports Day

在日记本下面under the diary 观看赛跑watch a running race

在耳机附近near the earphones 一场激动人心的比赛an exciting race

三. 句型

1. Where’s your mobile phone ? It’s beside the diary.

It isn’t there now . It was there a moment ago .


2. Where are her glasses ? They’re behind the picture .

They aren’t there now . They were there just now .


3. Where were you just now ? I was in the playground.


4. Were your films in the bag a moment ago? Yes , they were .



肯定句:主语+was / were + 其它

否定句:主语+wasn’t / weren’t + 其它

一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语+其它



一. 单词

did (do的过去式) before在„„以前

taste品尝 didn’t = did not

holiday假日 pull up拉出, 把„向上拔

meet遇见 farm农场

last最近刚过去的,最后的 fun有趣的事

early早的,早地 wonderful精彩的

二. 词组

收集鸡蛋collect eggs 在操场上遇见他们

挤牛奶milk cows meet them in the playground 采桔子pick oranges 看电影watch / see a film

品尝苹果taste apples 一部有趣的动画片a funny cartoon 拔胡萝卜pull up carrots 非常喜欢它like it very much

浇花water flowers 和我的家人一起with my family

烹调食物cook food 在周一和周二on Monday and Tuesday 在农场on the farm 玩许多游戏play a lot of games

参观农场visit a farm 住在一个小镇上live in a small town 上周last week 玩得愉快have a good time

上周末last weekend 一些果树some fruit trees

上星期天last Saturday 在营地上at the camp 假期过后after the holiday 去野营go camping

上课之前before class 在上里行走walk in the mountains 早早去学校go to school early

三. 句型

1. What did you do last Sunday ? I collected eggs .


What else did you do ? I picked oranges .你还做了什么?我采了桔子。

2. What did you do last weekend ? I visited a farm with my family .


3.Did you watch a film last night ? No, I didn’t .昨天晚上你看电影了吗?没有。

4. Were there any pear trees on the farm ?Yes, there were .

(以前)农场里有梨树吗?是的。 5.I didn’t water trees last week .上星期我没有浇树。


肯定句:主语+动词的过去式 + 其它

否定句:主语+didn’t + 动词原形 + 其它

一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其它


一. 单词

people人们 went(go的过去式)

also也,还 festival节日

had (have,has的过去式)


在元旦on New Year’s Day 在六月一日on the first of June 儿童节Children’s Day 在三月或四月in March or April “五一”劳动节May Day 去参加聚会go to parties

国庆节National Day 有一个长假have a long holiday 中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 赏月watch the moon

端午节Dragon Boat Festival 吃月饼eat moon cakes 春节Spring Festival 玩花灯play with lanterns

教师节Teachers’ Day 观看龙舟赛watch dragon boat races 上个万圣节last Halloween 吃粽子eat rice dumplings

在圣诞节at Christmas 走亲访友visit relatives and friends 在复活节at Easter 吃许多美味的食物

去年last year eat lots of delicious food

变得非常兴奋get very excited 乔装打扮dress up in costumes 在„„之后来临come after 玩复活蛋play with Easter eggs 和他的学生们谈论假日 做南瓜灯make pumpkin lanterns talk to his students about holidays 我特别喜爱的假日

当然of course my favourite holiday

去游泳go swimming 给你的朋友们礼物

吃一顿大餐have a big lunch give presents to your friends

三. 句型

1.When’s May Day ? It’s on the first of May .


2.What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?

They usually watch the moon. 人们通常在中秋节做什么?他们通常赏月。

3. What did you do last New Year’s Day ? I had a big lunch with my family .


4. Did you sing and dance last Children’s Day ? Yes , I did .


5. I didn’t go to a party last Halloween .




beside在„„旁边 teapot茶壶

answer回答 comb梳子

yours你的(东西) mirror镜子

mine我的(东西) hairdryer吹风机

hers她的(东西) skateboard滑板

his他的(东西) calculator计算器

ours我们的(东西) sat (sit的过去式)

theirs他们的(东西) got (get的过去式)

watch手表 saw (see的过去式)



在„„前面in front of 不用谢,别客气。You’re welcome. 在他旁边beside him 它们在这儿。Here they are. 回答这些问题answer these questions 写日记write a diary

谁的茶壶whose teapot 在他祖父母的房子里

在圣诞节那天on Christmas Day in his grandparents’ house 午饭后after lunch 乘公交车去超市

打开他们的礼物open their presents go to the supermarket by bus 在圣诞树下under the Christmas tree 在公共汽车的后部

这么多礼物so many presents at the back of the bus

一个漂亮的钱包a beautiful wallet 在座位下面under the seat 喜欢喝茶like drinking tea 下车get off

来自爷爷和奶奶 走向司机walk to the driver

警察局police station from Grandpa and Grandma

为我打开它open it for me 指着在他旁边的那个女人

为我打开我的(礼物)open mine for me point to the woman beside him

三. 句型

1. Whose comb is it ? It’s her mirror . It’s hers .


2. Whose watches are they ? They’re their watches . They’re theirs .


3. Who is the mirror from ? It’s from my friend .


4. Who are they from ? They’re from him.


一. 单词

was (am,is的过去式) glasses眼镜

film胶卷 wasn’t=was not

were (were的过去式) ground地面

camera照相机 weren’t=were not

excited 激动的 earphone(s)耳机

exciting令人激动的 diary日记簿

moment片刻 CD Walkman光盘随身听


二. 词组

片刻之前a moment ago 在光盘随身听后面

刚才just now behind the CD Walkman

一部手机a mobile phone 想要拍些照片want to take some photos 一副眼镜a pair of glasses 寻找她的照相机look for her camera 一卷胶卷a roll of film 帮助她help her

捡起它们pick them up 让我看看。Let me see.

在地上on the ground 体育运动日Sports Day

在日记本下面under the diary 观看赛跑watch a running race

在耳机附近near the earphones 一场激动人心的比赛an exciting race

三. 句型

1. Where’s your mobile phone ? It’s beside the diary.

It isn’t there now . It was there a moment ago .


2. Where are her glasses ? They’re behind the picture .

They aren’t there now . They were there just now .


3. Where were you just now ? I was in the playground.


4. Were your films in the bag a moment ago? Yes , they were .



肯定句:主语+was / were + 其它

否定句:主语+wasn’t / weren’t + 其它

一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语+其它



一. 单词

did (do的过去式) before在„„以前

taste品尝 didn’t = did not

holiday假日 pull up拉出, 把„向上拔

meet遇见 farm农场

last最近刚过去的,最后的 fun有趣的事

early早的,早地 wonderful精彩的

二. 词组

收集鸡蛋collect eggs 在操场上遇见他们

挤牛奶milk cows meet them in the playground 采桔子pick oranges 看电影watch / see a film

品尝苹果taste apples 一部有趣的动画片a funny cartoon 拔胡萝卜pull up carrots 非常喜欢它like it very much

浇花water flowers 和我的家人一起with my family

烹调食物cook food 在周一和周二on Monday and Tuesday 在农场on the farm 玩许多游戏play a lot of games

参观农场visit a farm 住在一个小镇上live in a small town 上周last week 玩得愉快have a good time

上周末last weekend 一些果树some fruit trees

上星期天last Saturday 在营地上at the camp 假期过后after the holiday 去野营go camping

上课之前before class 在上里行走walk in the mountains 早早去学校go to school early

三. 句型

1. What did you do last Sunday ? I collected eggs .


What else did you do ? I picked oranges .你还做了什么?我采了桔子。

2. What did you do last weekend ? I visited a farm with my family .


3.Did you watch a film last night ? No, I didn’t .昨天晚上你看电影了吗?没有。

4. Were there any pear trees on the farm ?Yes, there were .

(以前)农场里有梨树吗?是的。 5.I didn’t water trees last week .上星期我没有浇树。


肯定句:主语+动词的过去式 + 其它

否定句:主语+didn’t + 动词原形 + 其它

一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其它


一. 单词

people人们 went(go的过去式)

also也,还 festival节日

had (have,has的过去式)


在元旦on New Year’s Day 在六月一日on the first of June 儿童节Children’s Day 在三月或四月in March or April “五一”劳动节May Day 去参加聚会go to parties

国庆节National Day 有一个长假have a long holiday 中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 赏月watch the moon

端午节Dragon Boat Festival 吃月饼eat moon cakes 春节Spring Festival 玩花灯play with lanterns

教师节Teachers’ Day 观看龙舟赛watch dragon boat races 上个万圣节last Halloween 吃粽子eat rice dumplings

在圣诞节at Christmas 走亲访友visit relatives and friends 在复活节at Easter 吃许多美味的食物

去年last year eat lots of delicious food

变得非常兴奋get very excited 乔装打扮dress up in costumes 在„„之后来临come after 玩复活蛋play with Easter eggs 和他的学生们谈论假日 做南瓜灯make pumpkin lanterns talk to his students about holidays 我特别喜爱的假日

当然of course my favourite holiday

去游泳go swimming 给你的朋友们礼物

吃一顿大餐have a big lunch give presents to your friends

三. 句型

1.When’s May Day ? It’s on the first of May .


2.What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?

They usually watch the moon. 人们通常在中秋节做什么?他们通常赏月。

3. What did you do last New Year’s Day ? I had a big lunch with my family .


4. Did you sing and dance last Children’s Day ? Yes , I did .


5. I didn’t go to a party last Halloween .




beside在„„旁边 teapot茶壶

answer回答 comb梳子

yours你的(东西) mirror镜子

mine我的(东西) hairdryer吹风机

hers她的(东西) skateboard滑板

his他的(东西) calculator计算器

ours我们的(东西) sat (sit的过去式)

theirs他们的(东西) got (get的过去式)

watch手表 saw (see的过去式)



在„„前面in front of 不用谢,别客气。You’re welcome. 在他旁边beside him 它们在这儿。Here they are. 回答这些问题answer these questions 写日记write a diary

谁的茶壶whose teapot 在他祖父母的房子里

在圣诞节那天on Christmas Day in his grandparents’ house 午饭后after lunch 乘公交车去超市

打开他们的礼物open their presents go to the supermarket by bus 在圣诞树下under the Christmas tree 在公共汽车的后部

这么多礼物so many presents at the back of the bus

一个漂亮的钱包a beautiful wallet 在座位下面under the seat 喜欢喝茶like drinking tea 下车get off

来自爷爷和奶奶 走向司机walk to the driver

警察局police station from Grandpa and Grandma

为我打开它open it for me 指着在他旁边的那个女人

为我打开我的(礼物)open mine for me point to the woman beside him

三. 句型

1. Whose comb is it ? It’s her mirror . It’s hers .


2. Whose watches are they ? They’re their watches . They’re theirs .


3. Who is the mirror from ? It’s from my friend .


4. Who are they from ? They’re from him.


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