

Kenya was vulnerable because it was a major transport hub, with many flights from West Africa, a WHO official said.

This is the most serious warning to date by the WHO that Ebola could spread to East Africa.

The number of people killed by Ebola in West Africa has risen to 1,069, the WHO said in its latest update.

Fifty-six deaths and 128 new cases were reported in the region in the two days to 11 August, it added.

Canada said it would donate up to 1,000 doses of an experimental Ebola vaccine to help fight the outbreak.

Airport health checks

In Sierra Leone, a doctor who treated patients infected with Ebola has died, reports the BBC's Umaru Fofana from the capital, Freetown.

Dr Modupeh Cole is the second Sierra Leonean doctor to die of the disease.

In Nigeria, Africa's most populous state, a third Ebola-related death was reported on Tuesday. 推荐阅读: gxzlyj284.com/888zr/ mcqxj263.com/sxylc/ sfzlyj282.com/blhylc/

naqxj267.com/xdlylc/ sgzlyj278.com/dxyc/ mcqxj263.com/djylc/ naqxj267.com/lhjyx/

mcqxj263.com/wrmylc/ gkzlyj283.com/xdgjylc/ mdqxj265.com/yfgj/


Kenya was vulnerable because it was a major transport hub, with many flights from West Africa, a WHO official said.

This is the most serious warning to date by the WHO that Ebola could spread to East Africa.

The number of people killed by Ebola in West Africa has risen to 1,069, the WHO said in its latest update.

Fifty-six deaths and 128 new cases were reported in the region in the two days to 11 August, it added.

Canada said it would donate up to 1,000 doses of an experimental Ebola vaccine to help fight the outbreak.

Airport health checks

In Sierra Leone, a doctor who treated patients infected with Ebola has died, reports the BBC's Umaru Fofana from the capital, Freetown.

Dr Modupeh Cole is the second Sierra Leonean doctor to die of the disease.

In Nigeria, Africa's most populous state, a third Ebola-related death was reported on Tuesday. 推荐阅读: gxzlyj284.com/888zr/ mcqxj263.com/sxylc/ sfzlyj282.com/blhylc/

naqxj267.com/xdlylc/ sgzlyj278.com/dxyc/ mcqxj263.com/djylc/ naqxj267.com/lhjyx/

mcqxj263.com/wrmylc/ gkzlyj283.com/xdgjylc/ mdqxj265.com/yfgj/


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