语法填空 教案


1. 练习 __________ 2. 困难的____________ 3. 滑稽的___________

4. 控制_________5. 难以置信的____________________

6. bend ______________ 7. slightly_____________8.branch ___________

9. naturally __________ 10. soft __________ 11. straight ________

12. slowly___________ 13. balance_____________ 14.shake ___________ 15. pain________16. position __________ 17. develop __________

18. strength_________ 19. flexibility______20.patient __________

21. competition __________ 22. energy ________

Words transformation

1. practice __________V. ____________adj. 2. difficult ____________ n.

3. funny ___________ n. 4. bend _________ (过去式) _________(过去分词)

5. slight __________adv. 6. soft __________ adv.

7. natural __________ adv.8. slow ______ adv. 9. balance _________ adj. 10. shake ______(过去式)______(过去分词)11. pain _______ adj.

12. develop ____________ n. _________ __________adj.

13. strength _____________ v.__________ adj.

14. flexibility ___________ adj. _________adv.

15. patient _______ n. 16. competition _________v. ___________n.竞争者

17. energy ________ adj. 18. unbelievable _______ v.相信 __________n.

19. breath ___________ v.


1. 练习做某事_________把理论应用于实践____________________

2. 加入某人(一起)________ 加入某人的活动/ 一起做某事__________ 参加这个游戏__________ 入党___________ 参军______________ 积极参加____________________ _______________________

出席会议________ 上学________听讲座_______ 做礼拜___________

3. 做某事有困难_____________________________________

4. 嘲笑__________________________________________________

5. reach out _______到达 _______________________________________ out of reach __________________ in reach _________________

6. keep your body straight ____________ go straight ___________________

7. in control _______ out of control _______ under control ______________

8. 保持做某事___________阻止某人做某事______________________

9. 发展中国家_____________发达国家__________________________

10. 不再___________________ 11. 和,也____________________

12. fight back ____ fight with ____ fight for _____ fight against __________

13. 深呼吸___________屏住呼吸___________上气不接下气___________ Patterns

1. the more ---, the more---




2. if 条件状语从句


Cooperation and discussion 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。(2014辽宁)

Jonny: Hey! I'm just practicing Tai Chi(太极).Would you like to join me? Peter: I know nothing about it. Is it difficult?

Jonny: It seems easy, but you need a lot of practice. You just follow me like this. Peter: me. I may look funny.

Jonny: Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches,

naturally and slowly , then be sure to keep your balance and don't let your body shake.

Peter: I cannot control my body well. My legs become (pain)

Jonny: Keep strength and flexibility. Raiseyour leg and let seconds.

Peter: I feel my legs shaking. I cannot do this any longer.


一、 填一填

always been encouraged to swim to build up the 1. We are creatures of our _______________(believe). 2. She has

_______________(strong) of her muscles.

3. As soon as he got inside, the dog __________(shake) himself.

4. It is important to keep a _____________(balance) diet.

5. The _______________ are ________________ to win the _______________(compete).

6. Be __________ when you examine _________________(patience).

7. After running, she was out of _______________(breathe)


1. We had a fun at the party last night.

2. He practises play football every afternoon.

3. When did your brother join in the army?

4. I have a difficulty in learning English.

5. I can’t stand being laughed.

6. Don ’t play tricks to others.

7. She as well as you are an English teacher.

8. You should realize your weaknesses and strength.


Tai Chi called “shadow boxing ” in English. It asks you act like water: to be flexibly as well as strong. When you practisedTai Chi, you need patient. In the competition, a Tai Chi master borrows the strength of the competitor and use this energy to fight back. The hard you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit. Practise Tai Chi can help you develop your strength and flexibility. You can join in

us to practise Tai chi, that has good effects on you.


1. 练习 __________ 2. 困难的____________ 3. 滑稽的___________

4. 控制_________5. 难以置信的____________________

6. bend ______________ 7. slightly_____________8.branch ___________

9. naturally __________ 10. soft __________ 11. straight ________

12. slowly___________ 13. balance_____________ 14.shake ___________ 15. pain________16. position __________ 17. develop __________

18. strength_________ 19. flexibility______20.patient __________

21. competition __________ 22. energy ________

Words transformation

1. practice __________V. ____________adj. 2. difficult ____________ n.

3. funny ___________ n. 4. bend _________ (过去式) _________(过去分词)

5. slight __________adv. 6. soft __________ adv.

7. natural __________ adv.8. slow ______ adv. 9. balance _________ adj. 10. shake ______(过去式)______(过去分词)11. pain _______ adj.

12. develop ____________ n. _________ __________adj.

13. strength _____________ v.__________ adj.

14. flexibility ___________ adj. _________adv.

15. patient _______ n. 16. competition _________v. ___________n.竞争者

17. energy ________ adj. 18. unbelievable _______ v.相信 __________n.

19. breath ___________ v.


1. 练习做某事_________把理论应用于实践____________________

2. 加入某人(一起)________ 加入某人的活动/ 一起做某事__________ 参加这个游戏__________ 入党___________ 参军______________ 积极参加____________________ _______________________

出席会议________ 上学________听讲座_______ 做礼拜___________

3. 做某事有困难_____________________________________

4. 嘲笑__________________________________________________

5. reach out _______到达 _______________________________________ out of reach __________________ in reach _________________

6. keep your body straight ____________ go straight ___________________

7. in control _______ out of control _______ under control ______________

8. 保持做某事___________阻止某人做某事______________________

9. 发展中国家_____________发达国家__________________________

10. 不再___________________ 11. 和,也____________________

12. fight back ____ fight with ____ fight for _____ fight against __________

13. 深呼吸___________屏住呼吸___________上气不接下气___________ Patterns

1. the more ---, the more---




2. if 条件状语从句


Cooperation and discussion 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。(2014辽宁)

Jonny: Hey! I'm just practicing Tai Chi(太极).Would you like to join me? Peter: I know nothing about it. Is it difficult?

Jonny: It seems easy, but you need a lot of practice. You just follow me like this. Peter: me. I may look funny.

Jonny: Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches,

naturally and slowly , then be sure to keep your balance and don't let your body shake.

Peter: I cannot control my body well. My legs become (pain)

Jonny: Keep strength and flexibility. Raiseyour leg and let seconds.

Peter: I feel my legs shaking. I cannot do this any longer.


一、 填一填

always been encouraged to swim to build up the 1. We are creatures of our _______________(believe). 2. She has

_______________(strong) of her muscles.

3. As soon as he got inside, the dog __________(shake) himself.

4. It is important to keep a _____________(balance) diet.

5. The _______________ are ________________ to win the _______________(compete).

6. Be __________ when you examine _________________(patience).

7. After running, she was out of _______________(breathe)


1. We had a fun at the party last night.

2. He practises play football every afternoon.

3. When did your brother join in the army?

4. I have a difficulty in learning English.

5. I can’t stand being laughed.

6. Don ’t play tricks to others.

7. She as well as you are an English teacher.

8. You should realize your weaknesses and strength.


Tai Chi called “shadow boxing ” in English. It asks you act like water: to be flexibly as well as strong. When you practisedTai Chi, you need patient. In the competition, a Tai Chi master borrows the strength of the competitor and use this energy to fight back. The hard you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit. Practise Tai Chi can help you develop your strength and flexibility. You can join in

us to practise Tai chi, that has good effects on you.


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