雅思口语 描述一个咖啡厅,一个曾经学习过的地方,一个可以听音乐的地方


1. Introduction: Well, I’d like to give you a short presentation on a famous café in Beijing. As a matter of fact, it is also a crowded place for the reason that there are always a number of people self-studying, having coffee or chatting with friends. Personally, I really love the name of this café, you know, it is called bridge which, I think, means that it is a great place to bridge people together no matter who you are.

2. Location: On top of this, this café is located in the north part of Beijing which is called Wu Dao Kou by local people. You know, it is actually a busy place as there are many well-known universities around this area. However, it is really a handy location since there is subway station and many bus stops.

3. Facilities: As long as you enter the café, you will find there are three floors and there are many wooden chairs available for you to sit down. More importantly, I think it is really user-friendly because there are all sorts of books around where you sit.

4. Attractions and atmosphere: In my personal view, I am really fond of the decoration of this café. You know, you can see there are different kinds of pictures or photos on the wall which are quite attractive. What’s more, the wooden chairs as well as tables will make you be in the good mood to sit down and have a cup of coffee. By the way, I really want to tell you that they usually play jazz music which is my favorite.

5. People: As I said before, there are many famous universities around

this café, so most of the people who go to this place are the university students as well as foreign students who have come to China to study. Generally, some students are learning by themselves while others are talking with friends or studying languages. You know, the overseas students always practice their Chinese here with Chinese friends. Basically, another reason why I am so interested in this place is that it is a good chance for me to make friends or practice my English. 6. Food: In terms of the coffees here, they provide all kinds of coffees like Cappuccino, latte or espresso as well as tasty cakes. As for me, I am really into latte for it is smooth. Normally, they will have special offers here, which is quite a piece of good news for the students.

7. History: As for the history of this café, I don’t know much about it, I just know that it has been opened for many years and it enjoys a great reputation among both Chinese and foreign students who are in Beijing.

8. Good points and bad points: In my view, I really believe it is good spot for friends to get together or for students who are willing to practice their English or Chinese. The only disadvantage of this café is that it is over-crowded whenever you go to this place. This is pretty much about the café, thank you!


1. Introduction: Well, I’d like to give you a short presentation on a famous café in Beijing. As a matter of fact, it is also a crowded place for the reason that there are always a number of people self-studying, having coffee or chatting with friends. Personally, I really love the name of this café, you know, it is called bridge which, I think, means that it is a great place to bridge people together no matter who you are.

2. Location: On top of this, this café is located in the north part of Beijing which is called Wu Dao Kou by local people. You know, it is actually a busy place as there are many well-known universities around this area. However, it is really a handy location since there is subway station and many bus stops.

3. Facilities: As long as you enter the café, you will find there are three floors and there are many wooden chairs available for you to sit down. More importantly, I think it is really user-friendly because there are all sorts of books around where you sit.

4. Attractions and atmosphere: In my personal view, I am really fond of the decoration of this café. You know, you can see there are different kinds of pictures or photos on the wall which are quite attractive. What’s more, the wooden chairs as well as tables will make you be in the good mood to sit down and have a cup of coffee. By the way, I really want to tell you that they usually play jazz music which is my favorite.

5. People: As I said before, there are many famous universities around

this café, so most of the people who go to this place are the university students as well as foreign students who have come to China to study. Generally, some students are learning by themselves while others are talking with friends or studying languages. You know, the overseas students always practice their Chinese here with Chinese friends. Basically, another reason why I am so interested in this place is that it is a good chance for me to make friends or practice my English. 6. Food: In terms of the coffees here, they provide all kinds of coffees like Cappuccino, latte or espresso as well as tasty cakes. As for me, I am really into latte for it is smooth. Normally, they will have special offers here, which is quite a piece of good news for the students.

7. History: As for the history of this café, I don’t know much about it, I just know that it has been opened for many years and it enjoys a great reputation among both Chinese and foreign students who are in Beijing.

8. Good points and bad points: In my view, I really believe it is good spot for friends to get together or for students who are willing to practice their English or Chinese. The only disadvantage of this café is that it is over-crowded whenever you go to this place. This is pretty much about the café, thank you!


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