
IELTS Dictation

Class: ______________ Name: ________________ Marks: _________________

I: Oral Dictation (20x1’=20’)

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

6. _____________________

7. _____________________

8. _____________________

9. _____________________

10. _____________________ 11. _____________________ 12. _____________________ 13. _____________________ 14. _____________________ 15. _____________________ 16. _____________________ 17. _____________________ 18. _____________________ 19. _____________________ 20. _____________________

II: Multiple Choices (20x1’=20’)

( ) 21. breedingA: 教养 B:监护

( ) 22. compulsoryA: 义务的B:同时代的

( ) 23. futileA:繁殖的 B:无用的

( ) 24. hospitableA: 容忍的 B:好客的

( ) 25. reciprocate A:回报 B:循环

( ) 26. thriftA: 偷盗 B:节俭

( ) 27. virtueA: 美德 B:虚拟

( ) 28. affection A:效果B: 喜爱

( ) 29. degenerate A: 堕落 B:产生

( ) 30. harassment A: 骚扰B:利用

( ) 31. juvenileA: 少年的B: 失职的

( ) 32. morality A: 士气 B :道德

( ) 33. physicalA:心理的B: 物质的

( ) 34. resistA: 坚持B: 抵抗

( ) 35. spoiled A:宠坏的 B:溢出的

( ) 36. supervision A: 远见卓识 B:监督

( ) 37. conduciveA:诱惑的B:有益的

( ) 38. vulgarA:庸俗的B: 野蛮的

( ) 39. consumption A: 假设 B:消耗

( ) 40. fatigueA:劳累 B: 致命的

IV: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms (10x1’=10’)

61. ambition→(adj.形容词) _________________

62. dedicate→(n.名词) _________________

63. jealous→(n.名词)_____________________

64. optimistic→(n.名词)___________________

65. prosper→(n.名词)_________________

66. snobbish→(n.名词)_____________________

67. pessimism→(adj.形容词)_______________________

68. versatile→(n.名词)______________________

69. vice→(adj.形容词)_____________________

70. guilty→(opp.反义词)_____________________

V: Translation (10x3’=30’)

71. Under the bleak backdrop, his father, the only breadwinner, had to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the whole family .


72. He has devoted most of his time to the career building, which leads to the estrangement and moreover, the breakup of his marriage.


73. His effortless striving for job promotion gives rise to intense competition among colleagues.


74. Unscientific way of teaching is deemed to kill the curiosity of kids, which is detrimental to their future growth.


75. To some extent, excessive obsession with cyber games results in degradation in academic achievements.


76. 一个人的成就取决于求知欲、毅力、动力等多种主观因素。


77. 只有建立在互信与磋商的基础上,双方才可能达成共识。(consensus)


78. 沉迷于电视以及不爱运动可能会导致肥胖。


79. 他很容易受到物质利益的诱惑。


80. 她的敏感和长期不幸遭遇,让她再也不愿触碰内心的痛处。


Answer Keys


1. alienate 11. momentum

2. apathy 12. psychological

3. celebrity 13. versatile

4. compassion 14. detrimental 5. competitive 15. irrational

6. compromise 16. neglect

7. dilemma 17. pressure

8. domestic 18. strengthen

9. harmonious 19. imbalance 10. leisure 20. welfare











IV :

61. ambitious 66. snobbery

62. dedication 67. pessimistic

63. jealousy 68. versatility

64. optimism 69. vicious

65. prosperity 70. guiltless

V: (答案仅供参考,请酌情打分)

71. 在惨淡的背景下,他的爸爸,这个唯一能养家糊口的人,不得不肩负起支撑整个家庭的责任。

72. 他把大部分时间投放到建业上,这导致了关系的疏远,更多的是婚姻的破裂。

73. 他对升职的不懈追求导致了同事之间的激烈竞争。

74. 有人认为,不科学的授课方式可能会扼杀孩子的好奇心,对未来成长不利。

75. 某种程度上讲,过度沉迷于网络游戏会导致学业成绩的下滑。

76. One’s achievement depends on many subjunctive factors such as an appetite for learning, willpower and momentum.

77. Consensus is to be reached between both parties only based on mutual trust and consultation.

78. Indulgence in TV watching and inactivity give rise to obesity.

79. He is susceptible to allures of material benefits.

80. Her sensitivity and longtime sufferings made her no longer willing to touch her sore point deep in heart.

IELTS Dictation

Class: ______________ Name: ________________ Marks: _________________

I: Oral Dictation (20x1’=20’)

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

6. _____________________

7. _____________________

8. _____________________

9. _____________________

10. _____________________ 11. _____________________ 12. _____________________ 13. _____________________ 14. _____________________ 15. _____________________ 16. _____________________ 17. _____________________ 18. _____________________ 19. _____________________ 20. _____________________

II: Multiple Choices (20x1’=20’)

( ) 21. breedingA: 教养 B:监护

( ) 22. compulsoryA: 义务的B:同时代的

( ) 23. futileA:繁殖的 B:无用的

( ) 24. hospitableA: 容忍的 B:好客的

( ) 25. reciprocate A:回报 B:循环

( ) 26. thriftA: 偷盗 B:节俭

( ) 27. virtueA: 美德 B:虚拟

( ) 28. affection A:效果B: 喜爱

( ) 29. degenerate A: 堕落 B:产生

( ) 30. harassment A: 骚扰B:利用

( ) 31. juvenileA: 少年的B: 失职的

( ) 32. morality A: 士气 B :道德

( ) 33. physicalA:心理的B: 物质的

( ) 34. resistA: 坚持B: 抵抗

( ) 35. spoiled A:宠坏的 B:溢出的

( ) 36. supervision A: 远见卓识 B:监督

( ) 37. conduciveA:诱惑的B:有益的

( ) 38. vulgarA:庸俗的B: 野蛮的

( ) 39. consumption A: 假设 B:消耗

( ) 40. fatigueA:劳累 B: 致命的

IV: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms (10x1’=10’)

61. ambition→(adj.形容词) _________________

62. dedicate→(n.名词) _________________

63. jealous→(n.名词)_____________________

64. optimistic→(n.名词)___________________

65. prosper→(n.名词)_________________

66. snobbish→(n.名词)_____________________

67. pessimism→(adj.形容词)_______________________

68. versatile→(n.名词)______________________

69. vice→(adj.形容词)_____________________

70. guilty→(opp.反义词)_____________________

V: Translation (10x3’=30’)

71. Under the bleak backdrop, his father, the only breadwinner, had to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the whole family .


72. He has devoted most of his time to the career building, which leads to the estrangement and moreover, the breakup of his marriage.


73. His effortless striving for job promotion gives rise to intense competition among colleagues.


74. Unscientific way of teaching is deemed to kill the curiosity of kids, which is detrimental to their future growth.


75. To some extent, excessive obsession with cyber games results in degradation in academic achievements.


76. 一个人的成就取决于求知欲、毅力、动力等多种主观因素。


77. 只有建立在互信与磋商的基础上,双方才可能达成共识。(consensus)


78. 沉迷于电视以及不爱运动可能会导致肥胖。


79. 他很容易受到物质利益的诱惑。


80. 她的敏感和长期不幸遭遇,让她再也不愿触碰内心的痛处。


Answer Keys


1. alienate 11. momentum

2. apathy 12. psychological

3. celebrity 13. versatile

4. compassion 14. detrimental 5. competitive 15. irrational

6. compromise 16. neglect

7. dilemma 17. pressure

8. domestic 18. strengthen

9. harmonious 19. imbalance 10. leisure 20. welfare











IV :

61. ambitious 66. snobbery

62. dedication 67. pessimistic

63. jealousy 68. versatility

64. optimism 69. vicious

65. prosperity 70. guiltless

V: (答案仅供参考,请酌情打分)

71. 在惨淡的背景下,他的爸爸,这个唯一能养家糊口的人,不得不肩负起支撑整个家庭的责任。

72. 他把大部分时间投放到建业上,这导致了关系的疏远,更多的是婚姻的破裂。

73. 他对升职的不懈追求导致了同事之间的激烈竞争。

74. 有人认为,不科学的授课方式可能会扼杀孩子的好奇心,对未来成长不利。

75. 某种程度上讲,过度沉迷于网络游戏会导致学业成绩的下滑。

76. One’s achievement depends on many subjunctive factors such as an appetite for learning, willpower and momentum.

77. Consensus is to be reached between both parties only based on mutual trust and consultation.

78. Indulgence in TV watching and inactivity give rise to obesity.

79. He is susceptible to allures of material benefits.

80. Her sensitivity and longtime sufferings made her no longer willing to touch her sore point deep in heart.


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