
  Manson was our oral English teacher in the middle school. When he came to the classroom for the first time, the Canadian man gave us a very deep impression: aged about 40, hook-nosed, brown hair, a little fat. He greeted us with a big toothy smile which sounded exaggerated. But we were all amused by his exaggerated smile.

  His classes were fresh and interesting. In the course of teaching, he told us a lot about his strange merchant life in Canada. He also described to us the picture of people crazily shopping during the Christmas season. He often selected various unusual topics for us to discuss in class such as: Will you marry or stay single in future? Do you want to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

  What would you do if it was the last day of the world? We were so interested in the topics that we all dared to speak the truth with different funny answers in class. This kind of communication aided much pleasure to our dull life. Not infrequently, he organized us to perform role-play in class. We tasted much freshness when we played different roles. We all found that we had learned a lot from his classes。

  Manson often acted like a youngster. Whenever he saw the boys playing football in the field, he would join them. He was not a good player, but he would try his best to perform well. He also practiced "Taiji"----a traditional Chinese exercise in his spare time. He even performed it in class occasionally, which resulted in a burst of laughter.

  Manson seemed to have no trouble in his life except for weight. He told us that he never stopped struggling to lose weight. One day when he entered the classroom, someone mentioned to him that he looked slimmer. "Really?” he responded promptly, smiling with his shinning teeth. To confirm the truth, he stepped onto a chair and danced in a circle. He looked like a lovely panda at the moment. We all burst into laughter.

  Manson's unique humor and unusual teaching not only widened our sight but also brought great joy to our life. We all thought it our good luck to have such a wonderful foreigner as our English teacher.

  Teachers' Day in Singapore

  On 31st August, was a day like any other schooldays, except that the teachers, instead of being bogged down by assignments were besieged by gifts, flowers and cards from the ever-grateful students.

  The hall was beautifully decorated with colourful balloons and streamers. The Class Chairman and Vice-Chairman were given the honour to invite the teachers personally to the hall. With each teacher's arrival, the students roared and cheered for them。

  The concert comprised of dances and song performances that were all put up by our very own talented students! The audience even crooned to the rhythm of the songs. Our students also 'boogied down' with slick dance steps while the Balinese dancers impressed all with their delightful costumes and grace.

  The culmination was of course the last item that was put up by some teachers. They sang a song entitled, "I love to teach the world to sing". It was very heart warming and the performance received the loudest applauds from the audience.

                                                                  Teachers' Day in Latvia

  We celebrate Teachers ' Day on the first Sunday of October.

  The celebrations usually take place on Friday. All pupils show performances to teachers in the hall. Pupils present a lot of flowers to teachers. The most interesting thing is that teachers acting as pupils have a lesson with senior pupils acting as teachers. They teach, ask questions and play games as a usual lesson. Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the head teacher who is also a senior pupil.

  National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacher.

  I still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine and smoke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our buildin。

  Then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she also told me that's very common like many young people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat miracle and made some phone call.I just can't remember when come the mirical.I have found myself now!!!

  Another teacher's day,to all the teachers,to our parents.


  Manson was our oral English teacher in the middle school. When he came to the classroom for the first time, the Canadian man gave us a very deep impression: aged about 40, hook-nosed, brown hair, a little fat. He greeted us with a big toothy smile which sounded exaggerated. But we were all amused by his exaggerated smile.

  His classes were fresh and interesting. In the course of teaching, he told us a lot about his strange merchant life in Canada. He also described to us the picture of people crazily shopping during the Christmas season. He often selected various unusual topics for us to discuss in class such as: Will you marry or stay single in future? Do you want to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

  What would you do if it was the last day of the world? We were so interested in the topics that we all dared to speak the truth with different funny answers in class. This kind of communication aided much pleasure to our dull life. Not infrequently, he organized us to perform role-play in class. We tasted much freshness when we played different roles. We all found that we had learned a lot from his classes。

  Manson often acted like a youngster. Whenever he saw the boys playing football in the field, he would join them. He was not a good player, but he would try his best to perform well. He also practiced "Taiji"----a traditional Chinese exercise in his spare time. He even performed it in class occasionally, which resulted in a burst of laughter.

  Manson seemed to have no trouble in his life except for weight. He told us that he never stopped struggling to lose weight. One day when he entered the classroom, someone mentioned to him that he looked slimmer. "Really?” he responded promptly, smiling with his shinning teeth. To confirm the truth, he stepped onto a chair and danced in a circle. He looked like a lovely panda at the moment. We all burst into laughter.

  Manson's unique humor and unusual teaching not only widened our sight but also brought great joy to our life. We all thought it our good luck to have such a wonderful foreigner as our English teacher.

  Teachers' Day in Singapore

  On 31st August, was a day like any other schooldays, except that the teachers, instead of being bogged down by assignments were besieged by gifts, flowers and cards from the ever-grateful students.

  The hall was beautifully decorated with colourful balloons and streamers. The Class Chairman and Vice-Chairman were given the honour to invite the teachers personally to the hall. With each teacher's arrival, the students roared and cheered for them。

  The concert comprised of dances and song performances that were all put up by our very own talented students! The audience even crooned to the rhythm of the songs. Our students also 'boogied down' with slick dance steps while the Balinese dancers impressed all with their delightful costumes and grace.

  The culmination was of course the last item that was put up by some teachers. They sang a song entitled, "I love to teach the world to sing". It was very heart warming and the performance received the loudest applauds from the audience.

                                                                  Teachers' Day in Latvia

  We celebrate Teachers ' Day on the first Sunday of October.

  The celebrations usually take place on Friday. All pupils show performances to teachers in the hall. Pupils present a lot of flowers to teachers. The most interesting thing is that teachers acting as pupils have a lesson with senior pupils acting as teachers. They teach, ask questions and play games as a usual lesson. Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the head teacher who is also a senior pupil.

  National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacher.

  I still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine and smoke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our buildin。

  Then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she also told me that's very common like many young people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat miracle and made some phone call.I just can't remember when come the mirical.I have found myself now!!!

  Another teacher's day,to all the teachers,to our parents.



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