
  Lei Feng (雷锋; Léi Fēng) (December 18,1940 - August 15,1962) was a soldier of the People's Liberation Army of the PRC. He was characterized by propaganda as a selfless and modest figure after his death and consequently was an idol to many. Today Lei continues to serve as the idol to elementary school students who commemorate and "learn from" him in everyday life,and has become a resilient cultural icon,with many t-shirts printed with his picture on the front.

  Born in Wangcheng,Hunan (near the Town of Leifeng,Changsha,Hunan,named in his honour),Lei joined the Communist youth corps when he was very young. Lei died in 1962 at the age of 22,when a telephone pole,struck by an army truck,killed him,when he was directing the truck in backing up. After Lei's death,Mao Zedong began what was to be known as the *"Learn from Comrade Lei Feng" (向雷锋同志学习) Campaign,designed to use Lei as a good example to the Chinese people to be cheerfully selfless and noble in thought.

  the Chinese word 学习,when translated literally,can be "to learn,or learn" however,given this context,it means something like "to follow",therefore,the slogan/phrase 向雷锋同志学习 means more of something like "follow the examples of comrade Lei-Feng."

  Since,March 5th has become the official "Learn from Lei Feng Day". This day involves various community and school events where people go clean up parks,schools,and other community locations. Local news on that day usually has footage from these events.

  Lei's most recognizable image in popular culture is in t-shirt,he's in the same category as other revolutionary symbols including Mao Zedong and Che Guevera at street vendors. Some Lei Feng t-shirts have made their way into the United States as well. Hayden Christensen's character in the movie Life as a House is wearing a Lei Feng t-shirt.

  In March 2006,China released a game titled Learn From Lei Feng Online in which the player has to do good deeds,fight spies,and collect parts of Mao Zedong's collection. If the player wins,he or she gets to meet Chairman Mao in the game.

  Cultural Importance

  Communist China's leaders have praised Lei Feng as the personification of altruism,the truly selfless figure. Although the historicity and authenticity of the man's story is under dispute,his cultural importance is ingrained within everyday life in China. The importance of moral character was emphasized heavily during Mao's era,but Deng-era reforms have seen a moral erosion where competitiveness in social networks has paved its path. Lei Feng's prominence from school textbooks have declined since the 1970's,although he remains part of the national curriculum and many of his deeds are taught in the elementary school curriculum. The term huo Lei Feng (literally Lei Feng alive) has become a noun (or adjective) for anyone that is seen as selfless,or anyone that goes out of their way to help others.

  Lei Feng (雷锋; Léi Fēng) (December 18,1940 - August 15,1962) was a soldier of the People's Liberation Army of the PRC. He was characterized by propaganda as a selfless and modest figure after his death and consequently was an idol to many. Today Lei continues to serve as the idol to elementary school students who commemorate and "learn from" him in everyday life,and has become a resilient cultural icon,with many t-shirts printed with his picture on the front.

  Born in Wangcheng,Hunan (near the Town of Leifeng,Changsha,Hunan,named in his honour),Lei joined the Communist youth corps when he was very young. Lei died in 1962 at the age of 22,when a telephone pole,struck by an army truck,killed him,when he was directing the truck in backing up. After Lei's death,Mao Zedong began what was to be known as the *"Learn from Comrade Lei Feng" (向雷锋同志学习) Campaign,designed to use Lei as a good example to the Chinese people to be cheerfully selfless and noble in thought.

  the Chinese word 学习,when translated literally,can be "to learn,or learn" however,given this context,it means something like "to follow",therefore,the slogan/phrase 向雷锋同志学习 means more of something like "follow the examples of comrade Lei-Feng."

  Since,March 5th has become the official "Learn from Lei Feng Day". This day involves various community and school events where people go clean up parks,schools,and other community locations. Local news on that day usually has footage from these events.

  Lei's most recognizable image in popular culture is in t-shirt,he's in the same category as other revolutionary symbols including Mao Zedong and Che Guevera at street vendors. Some Lei Feng t-shirts have made their way into the United States as well. Hayden Christensen's character in the movie Life as a House is wearing a Lei Feng t-shirt.

  In March 2006,China released a game titled Learn From Lei Feng Online in which the player has to do good deeds,fight spies,and collect parts of Mao Zedong's collection. If the player wins,he or she gets to meet Chairman Mao in the game.

  Cultural Importance

  Communist China's leaders have praised Lei Feng as the personification of altruism,the truly selfless figure. Although the historicity and authenticity of the man's story is under dispute,his cultural importance is ingrained within everyday life in China. The importance of moral character was emphasized heavily during Mao's era,but Deng-era reforms have seen a moral erosion where competitiveness in social networks has paved its path. Lei Feng's prominence from school textbooks have declined since the 1970's,although he remains part of the national curriculum and many of his deeds are taught in the elementary school curriculum. The term huo Lei Feng (literally Lei Feng alive) has become a noun (or adjective) for anyone that is seen as selfless,or anyone that goes out of their way to help others.


  • 雷锋手抄报资料:雷锋英语介绍
  • Lei Feng (雷锋; Léi Fēng) (December 18,1940 - August 15,1962) was a soldier of the People's Liberation Army of the PRC. He ...查看

  • 英语手抄报:雷锋精神是否过时
  • Is the Spirit of Lei Feng out of Style 雷锋精神是否过时 There are some voices claiming Lei Feng's spirit has gone out of style i ...查看

  • 英语手抄报:学做好人好事
  • 今年是学习雷锋五十周年纪念日,雷锋同志说过:"我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去." 请写一篇意思连贯,符合逻辑,不少于80字的作文. 在作文中,简单表述你对雷锋的崇敬之情,为什么向雷锋叔叔学习以及你在日常生 ...查看

  • 雷锋手抄报:举手之劳,何足挂齿
  • 中午吃完饭,我随意地打开DVD看英语视频,因为下午要考英语了. 正当我看得津津有味的时候,一阵雷鸣般的"音乐"声穿过大街,原来是垃圾车来了."永泓呀!快去倒垃圾,听到没有."我只好关掉视频,一边提着垃 ...查看

  • 雷锋手抄报:雷锋介绍
  • 雷锋,解放前是一名孤儿.解放后,在党和政府的关怀下他入学读书.参加工作后,多次当选为劳动模范.1960年参军,两年多的时间里,立功三次,还被评为模范共青团员和节约标兵.1962年8月15日因公殉职.1963年初,他的优秀事迹公开报道.196 ...查看

  • 雷锋手抄报:几月几日是学习雷锋日
  • 3月5日为"学雷锋纪念日"简称为雷锋日. 雷锋(1940年-1962年)同志是伟大的共产主义战士.湖南长沙(望城)人.1940年12月18日出生,1962年8月15日不幸因公殉职.虽然他只度过了短短的22个春秋,可是他那 ...查看

  • 关于雷锋的手抄报:雷锋日的由来
  • 3月5日为"学雷锋纪念日"简称为雷锋日. 雷锋(1940年-1962年)同志是伟大的共产主义战士.湖南长沙(望城)人.1940年12月18日出生,1962年8月15日不幸因公殉职.虽然他只度过了短短的22个春秋,可是他那 ...查看

  • 雷锋手抄报资料:雷锋小学学雷锋经验
  • 英模是活的雷锋.英模使雷锋的形象更加直观.生动,使学雷锋活动常学常新,使雷锋精神不断融汇和植入新的时代内容.雷锋精神已成为雷锋和雷锋式先进人物崇高思想和优秀品质的结晶.在开展学雷锋活动中,各行各业的模范人物都常被学校请来做报告:战斗英雄史光 ...查看

  • 雷锋手抄报:雷锋小学学雷锋经验
  • 英模是活的雷锋.英模使雷锋的形象更加直观.生动,使学雷锋活动常学常新,使雷锋精神不断融汇和植入新的时代内容.雷锋精神已成为雷锋和雷锋式先进人物崇高思想和优秀品质的结晶.在开展学雷锋活动中,各行各业的模范人物都常被学校请来做报告:战斗英雄史光 ...查看
