
  假冒商品的危害 The Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

  Nowadays, with the fast development of the market economy, the wider variety of commodities has been offered to people. However, the proliferation of fake commodities in the market has brought a series of serious harmfulness to people’s life at the same time.



  In the first place, there is no doubt that the fake commodities do harm to people’s health, especially the adulterated food. We have met many cases about it. For example, someone had drunk alcohol liquor which was mixed with industrial alcohol and died. In addition, producing fake commodities leads to waste of society resources and wastes people’s labor and time. For instance, a farmer had bought a packet of rice seed, but all that he had got was weeds. Because of the fake seed, all his labor came to nothing at the end of year. Furthermore, in most cases, the price of fake commodities is lower than the genuine one but the profit is higher, and it breaks the rule of the fair competition between companies. If this situation keeps on, the whole market will be out of balance.


  In summary, fake commodities have many terrible influences on individual, market and the whole world. As far as I am concerned, all of us need to resist fake commodities together in all respects.


  假冒商品的危害 The Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

  Nowadays, with the fast development of the market economy, the wider variety of commodities has been offered to people. However, the proliferation of fake commodities in the market has brought a series of serious harmfulness to people’s life at the same time.


  In the first place, there is no doubt that the fake commodities do harm to people’s health, especially the adulterated food. We have met many cases about it. For example, someone had drunk alcohol liquor which was mixed with industrial alcohol and died. In addition, producing fake commodities leads to waste of society resources and wastes people’s labor and time. For instance, a farmer had bought a packet of rice seed, but all that he had got was weeds. Because of the fake seed, all his labor came to nothing at the end of year. Furthermore, in most cases, the price of fake commodities is lower than the genuine one but the profit is higher, and it breaks the rule of the fair competition between companies. If this situation keeps on, the whole market will be out of balance.


  In summary, fake commodities have many terrible influences on individual, market and the whole world. As far as I am concerned, all of us need to resist fake commodities together in all respects.



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