幼儿园小班英语教案:Johnny Hammers

  Ⅰ. Teaching Contents:

  Chant< Johnny Hammers>

  Ⅱ. Teaching Objective:

  After leaning the lesson, the kids should be able to:

  to know well the chantto feel the rhythmsto inspire kids to enjoy the gameⅢ.Teaching Preparations:

  DIY harmer、VCD、headwear、some hammer picturesⅣ. Teaching Procedures:

  1. Warming-upGreetingT:Good morning ,kids!How are you?

  T:Can you tell me what's the weather like today?


  2. Presentation1) Enjoy the DIY hammer and let kid understand.(教师拿出锤子带领幼儿一起来认识锤子的外形)T:Today, I bring a present to you ,but it's in my bag .Do you want to know what it is? You can touch it, and take a guess.

  T:Ok, Let's have a look! This is a hammer. (用手工锤子碰碰幼儿的身体与幼儿嬉戏)here is a big hammer. Ding, Ding, Dong.

  T:I have many hammers. Show me your hands, let's count them. One hammer, two hammers, three hammers, four hammers, and five hammers. There are five hammers here. (教师拿出五把锤子,请幼儿一起数出总数)2) Teacher perform the chant by the Johnny's headwearT:Look, I'm a carpenter. My name is Johnny. I can work with five hammers. Look, one hammer, two hammers, three hammers, four hammers, five hammers. Can you work like me? Have a try please. Could you show me one hammer? How do you make one hammer? Yes, follow me, one hammer. (伸出一个拳头做敲锤子的动作)Let's work with one hammer. Johnny works with one hammer, one hammer…all day long.

  T:Show me two hammers. Johnny works with two hammers, two hammers…all day long.

  3) Play the cartoonT: Now, let's watch the cartoon.

  (Read the chant follow teacher one time. And follow CD twice.)3. Practice:

  Game: How many Hammers do you have?

  Teacher divided all kids into five groups to perform the one hammer, two hammers, three hammers, four hammers, five hammers.

  T: Now, let's play a game. Group one, please show me one hammer. Good, you are one hammer workers. When we sing "Johnny works with one hammer…" you have to show your one hammer and work hard. Do you understand? Come on, everybody! Let's sing to the music.

  Ⅴ:Ending TimeT: Oh, I am so tired. Kids, are you tired? Let's have a rest.

  Ⅰ. Teaching Contents:

  Chant< Johnny Hammers>

  Ⅱ. Teaching Objective:

  After leaning the lesson, the kids should be able to:

  to know well the chantto feel the rhythmsto inspire kids to enjoy the gameⅢ.Teaching Preparations:

  DIY harmer、VCD、headwear、some hammer picturesⅣ. Teaching Procedures:

  1. Warming-upGreetingT:Good morning ,kids!How are you?

  T:Can you tell me what's the weather like today?


  2. Presentation1) Enjoy the DIY hammer and let kid understand.(教师拿出锤子带领幼儿一起来认识锤子的外形)T:Today, I bring a present to you ,but it's in my bag .Do you want to know what it is? You can touch it, and take a guess.

  T:Ok, Let's have a look! This is a hammer. (用手工锤子碰碰幼儿的身体与幼儿嬉戏)here is a big hammer. Ding, Ding, Dong.

  T:I have many hammers. Show me your hands, let's count them. One hammer, two hammers, three hammers, four hammers, and five hammers. There are five hammers here. (教师拿出五把锤子,请幼儿一起数出总数)2) Teacher perform the chant by the Johnny's headwearT:Look, I'm a carpenter. My name is Johnny. I can work with five hammers. Look, one hammer, two hammers, three hammers, four hammers, five hammers. Can you work like me? Have a try please. Could you show me one hammer? How do you make one hammer? Yes, follow me, one hammer. (伸出一个拳头做敲锤子的动作)Let's work with one hammer. Johnny works with one hammer, one hammer…all day long.

  T:Show me two hammers. Johnny works with two hammers, two hammers…all day long.

  3) Play the cartoonT: Now, let's watch the cartoon.

  (Read the chant follow teacher one time. And follow CD twice.)3. Practice:

  Game: How many Hammers do you have?

  Teacher divided all kids into five groups to perform the one hammer, two hammers, three hammers, four hammers, five hammers.

  T: Now, let's play a game. Group one, please show me one hammer. Good, you are one hammer workers. When we sing "Johnny works with one hammer…" you have to show your one hammer and work hard. Do you understand? Come on, everybody! Let's sing to the music.

  Ⅴ:Ending TimeT: Oh, I am so tired. Kids, are you tired? Let's have a rest.


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