英语手抄报:Play Guitar

  I like to listen to music so much, rock music is my favorite music. Every time when I see the music record, the singers sing their music while play guitar together, I will be very envious. I want to play guitar, it is so cool, people can sing their music with the guitar’s accompaniment. I remember once a time, my friend taught me to play guitar, but I felt bored and gave up soon. Now when I want to learn, I think it is a little late for me, but thinking about that it is never too late to learn, so I decide to continue my music dream. I wish someday I can play my own music.

英语手抄报:Play Guitar


  I like to listen to music so much, rock music is my favorite music. Every time when I see the music record, the singers sing their music while play guitar together, I will be very envious. I want to play guitar, it is so cool, people can sing their music with the guitar’s accompaniment. I remember once a time, my friend taught me to play guitar, but I felt bored and gave up soon. Now when I want to learn, I think it is a little late for me, but thinking about that it is never too late to learn, so I decide to continue my music dream. I wish someday I can play my own music.



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