英语手抄报:早恋Puppy Love

  Nowadays, more and more students fall in love in middle schools that worries teachers and parents. As for me, I don’t agree to puppy love. No matter admit it or not, puppy love will certainly have negative influence on study, because it takes much time and energy. But the most important is that middle school students are not mature enough to operate a relationship. The favorable impression to others may be the momentary impulse that will not last very long time. The middle school students are so young and unthoughtful to take the responsibilities of love. What should they do is put their study in priority and wait with patience, because true love is worth of waiting.

英语手抄报:早恋Puppy Love


  Nowadays, more and more students fall in love in middle schools that worries teachers and parents. As for me, I don’t agree to puppy love. No matter admit it or not, puppy love will certainly have negative influence on study, because it takes much time and energy. But the most important is that middle school students are not mature enough to operate a relationship. The favorable impression to others may be the momentary impulse that will not last very long time. The middle school students are so young and unthoughtful to take the responsibilities of love. What should they do is put their study in priority and wait with patience, because true love is worth of waiting.



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