
  Facebook is the most popular social communicational software. People like to share their information in it and keep in touch with their friends. The founder of Facebook is a young handsome guy named Mark Zuckerberg. He was being a dad recently and he announced that he would donate 99 percent of his share for celebrating his girl’s coming.



  99 percent of his share! That is such great amount. The public were so astonished by his decision. This young guy could only take out the small part of his share, but he took out nearly the all. His great grace could help a lot of people to improve their lives, even change their fate.


  There are a lot of rich people in the world, but only less people could make the great decision like Mark Zuckerberg. When the media asked him why he did this, he said he wanted to reture society and help the people who were in need of. This money was not necessary for him, but could change a lot of poor people’s fates and I wanted to help them.


  There is no doubt that Mark’s generous indeed will help a lot of people.


  Facebook is the most popular social communicational software. People like to share their information in it and keep in touch with their friends. The founder of Facebook is a young handsome guy named Mark Zuckerberg. He was being a dad recently and he announced that he would donate 99 percent of his share for celebrating his girl’s coming.


  99 percent of his share! That is such great amount. The public were so astonished by his decision. This young guy could only take out the small part of his share, but he took out nearly the all. His great grace could help a lot of people to improve their lives, even change their fate.


  There are a lot of rich people in the world, but only less people could make the great decision like Mark Zuckerberg. When the media asked him why he did this, he said he wanted to reture society and help the people who were in need of. This money was not necessary for him, but could change a lot of poor people’s fates and I wanted to help them.


  There is no doubt that Mark’s generous indeed will help a lot of people.



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