英语手抄报:大苹果 The Big Apple

  American cities have many nickenames, such as Chicago is the windy city and Los Angeles is the city of angels. The biggest city New York is famous for the nickname of The Big Apple. Many people come to New York to have a look at the famous scenery and feel the lively atmosphere here.


英语手抄报:大苹果 The Big Apple

  There are many famous tourist sites in New York. The first is the Statue of Liberty. It is a very high building and it is located in the harbor. The statue represents the freedom and peace, it is the gift from Frech people to American people. Besides the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and the new World Center Building are also the landmarks in New York. People can see these buildings from the movies.


  The nickname of The Big Apple first came from the sport of horserace. Everyone wanted to have a thoroughbred to win the race and The Big Apple is the best horse. So people named New York The Big Apple to show its feature and wanted to catch more visitors and it worked.


  Today, New York is famous around the world, many people visit there and make this city lively.


  American cities have many nickenames, such as Chicago is the windy city and Los Angeles is the city of angels. The biggest city New York is famous for the nickname of The Big Apple. Many people come to New York to have a look at the famous scenery and feel the lively atmosphere here.


  There are many famous tourist sites in New York. The first is the Statue of Liberty. It is a very high building and it is located in the harbor. The statue represents the freedom and peace, it is the gift from Frech people to American people. Besides the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and the new World Center Building are also the landmarks in New York. People can see these buildings from the movies.


  The nickname of The Big Apple first came from the sport of horserace. Everyone wanted to have a thoroughbred to win the race and The Big Apple is the best horse. So people named New York The Big Apple to show its feature and wanted to catch more visitors and it worked.


  Today, New York is famous around the world, many people visit there and make this city lively.



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