
  1. It was Clifford's first autumn. One day, I put on a warm coat and took him to the park.


  2. On the way to the park, Clifford saw pumpkins for the first time. He was very happy. He jumped up and--Crash! Pumpkins rolled all over the street.


  3. Then we got to the park. It looked different. There were leaves all over the ground.


  4. The birds were all flying south. Clifford couldn't chase them. So he chased the leaves. It was fun!


  5. Then a ball came right in front of Clifford.


  6. There was a long string on the ball. Clifford took hold of the string and ran.


  7. He crossed the white line, and all the kids cheered. Clifford scored!


  8. The kids told me Clifford was a very special dog. I was so proud of him.


  1. It was Clifford's first autumn. One day, I put on a warm coat and took him to the park.


  2. On the way to the park, Clifford saw pumpkins for the first time. He was very happy. He jumped up and--Crash! Pumpkins rolled all over the street.


  3. Then we got to the park. It looked different. There were leaves all over the ground.


  4. The birds were all flying south. Clifford couldn't chase them. So he chased the leaves. It was fun!


  5. Then a ball came right in front of Clifford.


  6. There was a long string on the ball. Clifford took hold of the string and ran.


  7. He crossed the white line, and all the kids cheered. Clifford scored!


  8. The kids told me Clifford was a very special dog. I was so proud of him.



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