
  People around me are talking about their weight, they always worry about their body shapes, they show me how hard they have been struggling with their appetites, when they want to eat, they just refuse to the delicious food. In my opinion, people should not depress their appetites, they need to eat when they are hungry. The right way to lose weight is not to refuse the food, on the contrary, people should eat it, but not eat over what they can bear. The person who doesn’t take in food when they are hungry will hurt their stomach, in the long run, when they eat food, they will get fat soon, what’s more, their bodies become weeker. Besides eating the appropriate food, people also need to take exercise, they need to do the regular exercise so that they can keep fit. The right way to lose weight can help people stay healthy.



  People around me are talking about their weight, they always worry about their body shapes, they show me how hard they have been struggling with their appetites, when they want to eat, they just refuse to the delicious food. In my opinion, people should not depress their appetites, they need to eat when they are hungry. The right way to lose weight is not to refuse the food, on the contrary, people should eat it, but not eat over what they can bear. The person who doesn’t take in food when they are hungry will hurt their stomach, in the long run, when they eat food, they will get fat soon, what’s more, their bodies become weeker. Besides eating the appropriate food, people also need to take exercise, they need to do the regular exercise so that they can keep fit. The right way to lose weight can help people stay healthy.



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