
  The Crazy Party

  Last night, my best friend held his birthday party. I bought him a big cake. There came many of our common friends, we ordered the food and ate happily. We sent him the best wishes and my friend replied with many thanks. When we finished eating, we sung the happy birthday day song to him and then I realized a few of my friends were whispering, it seemed that they were planning something. As I was thinking about it, suddenly, one of my friend picked up the cake and then throw it to my best friend’s face. Then everybody was shocked and laughed out loudly. I thought whether my best friend would be angry, he smiled and also throwed the cake to us. We ran away but no one could avoid. At last, we all needed to wash our faces. It is a crazy but happy birthday party.


  The Crazy Party

  Last night, my best friend held his birthday party. I bought him a big cake. There came many of our common friends, we ordered the food and ate happily. We sent him the best wishes and my friend replied with many thanks. When we finished eating, we sung the happy birthday day song to him and then I realized a few of my friends were whispering, it seemed that they were planning something. As I was thinking about it, suddenly, one of my friend picked up the cake and then throw it to my best friend’s face. Then everybody was shocked and laughed out loudly. I thought whether my best friend would be angry, he smiled and also throwed the cake to us. We ran away but no one could avoid. At last, we all needed to wash our faces. It is a crazy but happy birthday party.



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