
  welcome and hello。

  it's great to have you here。

  let me tell you how to be popular。

  we all want to be liked and admired。

  we all want to be surrounded by friends。

  here's how to achieve that goal。

  just be yourself。

  act the way you want to be treated。

  popularity will come your way。

  first,improve your appearance。

  start exercising daily。

  start eating responsibly。

  being healthy feels great。

  being healthy gives you confidence。

  being in shape attracts people to you。

  be neat and well-dressed。

  be clean and well-groomed。

  your appearance says a lot about you。

  then,smile like crazy。

  a smile works like magic。

  a smile opens doors and wins friends。

  a smile says "i like you。"

  "i'm so glad to see you。"

  "you really make my day。"

  a smile cheers people up。

  a smile warms up a heart。

  it's like sunshine on a cloudy day。

  next,put others first。

  put yourself in their shoes。

  please their interests before your own。

  become a great listener。

  ask wonderful questions。

  encourage people to talk。

  be a people person。

  enjoy xxx others feel important。

  enjoy cheering them up when they're down。

  in addition,be sincere。

  always compliment。

  show your respect。

  never gossip。

  never judge other people。

  focus on improving yourself。

  don't forget to be generous。

  you must "live to give。"

  you must also give to "really live。"

  in conclusion,let go of your ego。

  let kindness be your guide。

  you'll be popular in no time。

  don't be phony。

  it will backfire on you。

  it's more important to be true。

  thanks for your attention。

  now,go have a great day。

  go out and enjoy being popular!

  welcome and hello。

  it's great to have you here。

  let me tell you how to be popular。

  we all want to be liked and admired。

  we all want to be surrounded by friends。

  here's how to achieve that goal。

  just be yourself。

  act the way you want to be treated。

  popularity will come your way。

  first,improve your appearance。

  start exercising daily。

  start eating responsibly。

  being healthy feels great。

  being healthy gives you confidence。

  being in shape attracts people to you。

  be neat and well-dressed。

  be clean and well-groomed。

  your appearance says a lot about you。

  then,smile like crazy。

  a smile works like magic。

  a smile opens doors and wins friends。

  a smile says "i like you。"

  "i'm so glad to see you。"

  "you really make my day。"

  a smile cheers people up。

  a smile warms up a heart。

  it's like sunshine on a cloudy day。

  next,put others first。

  put yourself in their shoes。

  please their interests before your own。

  become a great listener。

  ask wonderful questions。

  encourage people to talk。

  be a people person。

  enjoy xxx others feel important。

  enjoy cheering them up when they're down。

  in addition,be sincere。

  always compliment。

  show your respect。

  never gossip。

  never judge other people。

  focus on improving yourself。

  don't forget to be generous。

  you must "live to give。"

  you must also give to "really live。"

  in conclusion,let go of your ego。

  let kindness be your guide。

  you'll be popular in no time。

  don't be phony。

  it will backfire on you。

  it's more important to be true。

  thanks for your attention。

  now,go have a great day。

  go out and enjoy being popular!


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