

  Spring girl is very beautiful. Spring is a green season. Some plants begin to revive, because they like spring very much. I can fly kite in spring ,I can see kites flying in the sky .



  Summer is very hot. A big sun shines in the sky .But some plants are very green. I can swim in the swimming pool, I can eat many many ice-sreams , because there are

  very delicious.


  Autumn is a golden season . In autumn , the ground is covered with some golden yellow fell leaves . There are so many fruits in autumn: pears ,apples, bananas, peaches, mangoes and so on . In the Mid-Autumn day , we can eat delicious moon cake. I like autumn.


  Winter is very cold . But it is often under zreo.The ground is often covered with ice and many white snows . It is so beautiful ! I can make a big smowman and skate on the ice


  Spring girl is very beautiful. Spring is a green season. Some plants begin to revive, because they like spring very much. I can fly kite in spring ,I can see kites flying in the sky .


  Summer is very hot. A big sun shines in the sky .But some plants are very green. I can swim in the swimming pool, I can eat many many ice-sreams , because there are

  very delicious.


  Autumn is a golden season . In autumn , the ground is covered with some golden yellow fell leaves . There are so many fruits in autumn: pears ,apples, bananas, peaches, mangoes and so on . In the Mid-Autumn day , we can eat delicious moon cake. I like autumn.


  Winter is very cold . But it is often under zreo.The ground is often covered with ice and many white snows . It is so beautiful ! I can make a big smowman and skate on the ice


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