前 言(中英文)

前 言


上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司是由中国石化集团公司、英国BP 公司和上海石化组成的一家大型石油化工企业,从2002年3月28日打桩仪式开始,这一项目正式进入现场施工阶段。在基建施工阶段,我们将面临着时间紧、任务重、人员多等较多的困难,这将使现场的HSE 管理面临着巨大的考验。赛科公司的三家母公司在HSE 管理方面都是具有相当丰富经验的国际知名上市公司,赛科有理由相信在母公司的支持、各方的大力配合和全体员工的共同努力下,有能力,也有信心使现场的HSE 管理达到世界一流的水准。

Shanghai SECCO petrochemical company limited is a large scale petrochemical enterprise invested by SINOPEC, BP and SPC. Since the ground-breaking ceremony on 28 March of 2002, this project formally goes further into site construction period. The difficulties in construction period of tight schedule, heavy task and massive workforce bring big challenges to the site HSE management. Three parent companies of SECCO are international well-know listed companies having rich experienced in HSE management. Therefore, SECCO has reason to believe in its competency and confidence in reaching the world first-class site HSE management with the support of parent companies and the powerful cooperation of other parties and common efforts made by all staff.

我们在成立合资公司之初就制订了到2004年年底六个零的HSE 目标,即死亡事故为零、损时事故为零、可记录事故为零、 环境事故为零、火灾事故为零、车辆事故为零。为了实现这一目标,我们根据现场的施工情况,不断地编制、完善现场的HSE 管理程序性文件。我们要求赛科公司的各个部门、所有进入赛科现场的承包商和供应商严格遵循赛科的HSE 管理程序,使我们的施工能得以安全、优质、顺利地完成,实现我们的HSE 目标,成为HSE 管理方面的楷模。 In the beginning of establishment of JV , we set up “six zero ” targ ets lasting to the end of 2004 ---- 0 casualty, 0 day away from work, 0 recordable incidents, 0 damage of environment, 0 fire and vehicle incidents. According to the site construction situation, we are keeping compiling and developing procedure documents for site HSE management to achieve those targets. We require each SECCO department, all contractors and vendors entering SECCO site to strictly observe SECCO HSE management procedures to make construction work to be completed in safety, quality and success and to achieve HSE targets, thus setting up an example in HSE management.

Approved by批准人:

IPMT 副总监Deputy Director of IMPT


前 言


上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司是由中国石化集团公司、英国BP 公司和上海石化组成的一家大型石油化工企业,从2002年3月28日打桩仪式开始,这一项目正式进入现场施工阶段。在基建施工阶段,我们将面临着时间紧、任务重、人员多等较多的困难,这将使现场的HSE 管理面临着巨大的考验。赛科公司的三家母公司在HSE 管理方面都是具有相当丰富经验的国际知名上市公司,赛科有理由相信在母公司的支持、各方的大力配合和全体员工的共同努力下,有能力,也有信心使现场的HSE 管理达到世界一流的水准。

Shanghai SECCO petrochemical company limited is a large scale petrochemical enterprise invested by SINOPEC, BP and SPC. Since the ground-breaking ceremony on 28 March of 2002, this project formally goes further into site construction period. The difficulties in construction period of tight schedule, heavy task and massive workforce bring big challenges to the site HSE management. Three parent companies of SECCO are international well-know listed companies having rich experienced in HSE management. Therefore, SECCO has reason to believe in its competency and confidence in reaching the world first-class site HSE management with the support of parent companies and the powerful cooperation of other parties and common efforts made by all staff.

我们在成立合资公司之初就制订了到2004年年底六个零的HSE 目标,即死亡事故为零、损时事故为零、可记录事故为零、 环境事故为零、火灾事故为零、车辆事故为零。为了实现这一目标,我们根据现场的施工情况,不断地编制、完善现场的HSE 管理程序性文件。我们要求赛科公司的各个部门、所有进入赛科现场的承包商和供应商严格遵循赛科的HSE 管理程序,使我们的施工能得以安全、优质、顺利地完成,实现我们的HSE 目标,成为HSE 管理方面的楷模。 In the beginning of establishment of JV , we set up “six zero ” targ ets lasting to the end of 2004 ---- 0 casualty, 0 day away from work, 0 recordable incidents, 0 damage of environment, 0 fire and vehicle incidents. According to the site construction situation, we are keeping compiling and developing procedure documents for site HSE management to achieve those targets. We require each SECCO department, all contractors and vendors entering SECCO site to strictly observe SECCO HSE management procedures to make construction work to be completed in safety, quality and success and to achieve HSE targets, thus setting up an example in HSE management.

Approved by批准人:

IPMT 副总监Deputy Director of IMPT



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