


( )1. We still couldn’t decide _________ with our difficulties in learning English.

A. how to do B. how to deal C. what to deal D. what to solve

( )2. I sometimes learn English by _______ English-language videos.

A. watch B. watching C. looking D. looking at

( ) 3 Tony thinks it is easy _________ English.

A. study B. learns C. to learn D. studies

( )4. —____ do you study for an English test? —By making vocabulary lists.

A. What B. When C. How D. Who

( )5. ______ the English club at school is the best way to improve our English.

A. Join B. Joined C. Joining D. Joins

( )6. If you don’t know a word, you must ______ in a dictionary.

A. look it up B. look up it C. look over it D. look it out

( )7. — Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate Easter Day?

— No. This is the first time I’ve celebrated festival. A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the D. /; a

( )8. — Have you found the poor dog yet?

— Yes. But he was when we found him. The bad weather killed him.

A. dying B. died C. dead D. die

( )10. — It’s dangerous to swim in this river.

— Yes, you are right. The government has people not to swim in it.

A. trained B. warned C. led D. encouraged

( )11. She is often seen ______ the old woman.

A. help B. to help C. helping D. help to

( )12 It is said that _____ of the teachers in that school is 300, and ______ of them are women teachers.

A The number, a number B. The number, one fourth

C. A number, one second D. A number, three quarters

( ) 13 ----Sorry, I prefer _______ rather than ________.

A. to stay at home, go out B. to go out, stay at home

C. staying at home, go out D. going out, stay at home

( )14 As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese ______by more and more foreigners.

A. speaks B. is spoken C. has spoken D. was spoken

( )15.----Where is Tom? ----He________to the reading room.

A. has been B. went C. has gone D. goes

( )16.----We can use MSN to communicate with each other online.

----Good! Will you please show me________ it?

A. what to use B. how to use C. when to use D. where to use

II. 完成句子:根据汉语意思完成句子。

1. 好的学习者时常把他们需要学习的和有趣的东西联系起来。

Good learners often _______ what they need __ _____ ____ something interesting.

2. 我只是躲藏在书后而什么也不说。

I just ______ _______ my ________ and never said anything.


Although I could not understand everything the ________ said, their _______ ________ and the ________ _______ _______ ________ helped me get the meaning.


I ___________ that listening to something you _____ _____ ______ ______ the _____ ______ language learning.

5.人们什么时候庆祝万圣节?___________ ___________ people___________ Halloween?

6 .我过去常常拿他开玩笑。

I ___________ ___________ ___________a___________ on him.

7 .孩子们决定扮成海盗。

The children___________ to___________ ___________ ___________pirates.

8 _______ _______ ________ or help is a very______ ________ _________ activity.


9 Sometimes, we might even need to spend more time ______ ______ ______ ______ _______.


10 对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ the sweaters __________ for?

III 完形填空(共 12 分. 毎小题 1 分)

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

The greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving presents, or even getting an A on the math test you studied so hard for. Rather, it __35__ when you hand a cup of hot coffee to that older man sitting on the side of the street asking for money. You feel it when you drive an hour and a half to a __36__ to meet children with cancer. And you feel it when you sit down with your friend to comfort her __37__ her mother died. Helping others can be the greatest feeling in the world, and I __38__ this just one year ago. My friend asked me to go to a Youth Group meeting at his church. After an hour of listening to them __39__ their opinions, I was invited to go with them to help __40__ the homeless.

Early that Saturday morning, a team of 15 teenagers began making sandwiches and counting bags of

candy. For the first time in my life I realized that we, the teens of America, can make a __41__ Since it was my first time, and I wasn't part of the group, I felt a little out of place. But watching the others __42__ the food drove my nervousness away.

Before long, all 150 bagged lunches were gone and the group was __43__ its way home. I realized that not only is my friend an amazing person, but that all of those people are amazing. That's what made me join the Youth Group.

I work at a coffee shop but don't make much. It's not the best job, but there are times when it's worth it. For example, a few weeks ago, when the store was __44__ and I was bored, looking out of the window, I noticed an old man sitting outside. He had been there before. As a matter of fact, he __45__ came in to buy anything because he didn't have any money. I took up a cup of coffee, walked outside, and handed it to him. The smile on his face made my day, and as I walked back into the store, I put my own money into the drawer. Then I knew how the members of the Youth Group feel every time they help someone. Knowing that you can help is __46__ —the greatest feeling in the world.

35. A. starts B. stops C. lasts D. fails

36. A. shop B. church C. country D. hospital

37. A. after B. until C. though D. before

38. A. expected B. discovered C. touched D. offered

39. A. write B. experience C. voice D. understand

40. A. teach B. encourage C. move D. feed

41. A. decision B. success C. dream D. difference

42. A. take out B. pick out C. hand out D. point out

43. A. in B. on C. through D. by

44. A. empty B. free C. busy D. crowded

45. A. even B. usually C. never D. often

46. A. helpful B. wonderful C. hopeful D. useful

IV 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项(每小题 2 分)

A Lost Cat Returned to Owner 12 Years Later

April 3, 2014—Linda Edwards of Las Vegas, Nevada is full of happiness because her long lost cat Spaz has been returned to her—12 years after he first went missing!

Spaz first went missing in 2002 and Edwards looked for him every day for three months. She searched all around her town and even wrote letters to some newspapers for help and was never able to find him. At the end of the three months, on New Year's Eve of 2002 her searching stopped.

But someone recently discovered a dirty, thin stray cat (流浪猫)and took him into a West Flamingo Animal Hospital. The people working in the hospital checked the cat and were sure enough that his name was Spaz and he belonged to Edwards!

“An old lady found a kitty on Sunday and brought him here. We scanned (扫描)him for a microchip (微芯片)and we were able to find out his owner. The kitty, whose name is Spaz, has been missing for 12 years!” the animal hospital wrote on their Facebook page early last week.

Microchipping pets is a way to recognize if a stray animal belongs to anyone who could be missing them. Microchipping pets allows animal services to learn if they have a family waiting for them.

Microchips are only about the size of a grain of rice and can only be removed by operation. Edwards is very thankful she had Spaz microchipped and was so excited to get him back !“I feel like I have a second chance,” she said. "This would have never happened if it weren't for microchips.”

1. The cat got lost ____.

A. three months ago B. 12 years ago C. on April 3, 2014 D. on New Year's Eve, 2002

2. After the hospital checked the cat, they knew ____.

A. its feeling B. its hobby C. its stray life D. its owner's name

3. ____ make(s) it possible for owners to find their lost pets.

A. The microchip B. Animal hospitals C. The newspaper D. Family members

4. If you want to win a prize by taking photos, you can send your work to ________ .

A. [email protected]. B. USA TODAY.

C. 15, Huixindongjie, Zhaoyang District, Beijing. D. 22 Oak Street, Arizona 793E7.

5. __________ American kids asked would make life better for other kids by improving education.

A. 80. B. 90. C. 75. D. 110.

6. How long has Alice Miller worked at Nordstrom?

A. Two years. B. Three years. C. Five years. D. Half a year.

7. Alice Miller is working at ___________ .

A. Nordstrom B. Montblanc C. Rampoo D. Charles Worth

8 Which of the following is NOT right?

A. You can call 862-732-7869 to get information about a contest.

B. “What Would A Kid President Do?” is a survey.

C. Alice Miller is a businesswoman.

D. You will get an MP4 if you win first prize in the Spring Festival Contest.


It was early evening on September 14th. Glen James, a homeless man was passing by a store in Boston when he happened upon a black bag. To see whose the bag is, Glen opened it only to find that it was filled with money—$2,400 in cash and almost $40,000 in travelers checks, as well as, a passport and other papers.

While other people in similar situations would have been tempted (引诱), Glen who has been homeless since 2005, did not even think twice. He showed the bag to a police officer, and the police officer

gave it back to a Chinese tourist who had reported it lost. What Glen did was reported by newspapers, all over the country.

While most people that read it felt surprised at the man's honesty, 27-year-old Ethan Whittington thought Glen should get money for what he did. So he decided to set up a money collection website. He set

a goal of $50,000, which he believed was reasonable because it was more than what Glen had discovered in the bag. The marketing manager from Virginia thought he would be lucky to raise a few hundred dollars. Instead, within just a day, the website had gone over the $50,000 goal, encouraging Ethan to set a higher goal of $250,000 so that he could help Glen buy a house and start a new life.

Now, $113,000 has been raised. Ethan who has talked to Glen over the phone, plans to visit Boston soon and also help him manage the money wisely. Needless to say, the homeless man is surprised at what he is receiving for doing the right thing—Honesty, certainly pays off!

1.Did Glen find money in the black bag?


2.Who gave the bag back to the Chinese tourist?


3.What did Ethan decide to do after he read the news of Glen?


4.How much money has been raised by now?


5.What can we learn from Glen and Ethan?

______________________________________________________________________________________ VI 文段表达(15 分)根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60 词的短文,所给英文提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。

74. 现在,越来越多的人喜欢旅游。人们在旅游中不仅有不同的经历,也有不一样的感受。

请你以“A/An Travel Experience”为题描述发生在你旅行中的一件事,并谈谈你的感受。提示词语供选用。(请将题目写在答题纸上)

提示词语: travel, happen, different, make, feel, learn



( )1. We still couldn’t decide _________ with our difficulties in learning English.

A. how to do B. how to deal C. what to deal D. what to solve

( )2. I sometimes learn English by _______ English-language videos.

A. watch B. watching C. looking D. looking at

( ) 3 Tony thinks it is easy _________ English.

A. study B. learns C. to learn D. studies

( )4. —____ do you study for an English test? —By making vocabulary lists.

A. What B. When C. How D. Who

( )5. ______ the English club at school is the best way to improve our English.

A. Join B. Joined C. Joining D. Joins

( )6. If you don’t know a word, you must ______ in a dictionary.

A. look it up B. look up it C. look over it D. look it out

( )7. — Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate Easter Day?

— No. This is the first time I’ve celebrated festival. A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the D. /; a

( )8. — Have you found the poor dog yet?

— Yes. But he was when we found him. The bad weather killed him.

A. dying B. died C. dead D. die

( )10. — It’s dangerous to swim in this river.

— Yes, you are right. The government has people not to swim in it.

A. trained B. warned C. led D. encouraged

( )11. She is often seen ______ the old woman.

A. help B. to help C. helping D. help to

( )12 It is said that _____ of the teachers in that school is 300, and ______ of them are women teachers.

A The number, a number B. The number, one fourth

C. A number, one second D. A number, three quarters

( ) 13 ----Sorry, I prefer _______ rather than ________.

A. to stay at home, go out B. to go out, stay at home

C. staying at home, go out D. going out, stay at home

( )14 As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese ______by more and more foreigners.

A. speaks B. is spoken C. has spoken D. was spoken

( )15.----Where is Tom? ----He________to the reading room.

A. has been B. went C. has gone D. goes

( )16.----We can use MSN to communicate with each other online.

----Good! Will you please show me________ it?

A. what to use B. how to use C. when to use D. where to use

II. 完成句子:根据汉语意思完成句子。

1. 好的学习者时常把他们需要学习的和有趣的东西联系起来。

Good learners often _______ what they need __ _____ ____ something interesting.

2. 我只是躲藏在书后而什么也不说。

I just ______ _______ my ________ and never said anything.


Although I could not understand everything the ________ said, their _______ ________ and the ________ _______ _______ ________ helped me get the meaning.


I ___________ that listening to something you _____ _____ ______ ______ the _____ ______ language learning.

5.人们什么时候庆祝万圣节?___________ ___________ people___________ Halloween?

6 .我过去常常拿他开玩笑。

I ___________ ___________ ___________a___________ on him.

7 .孩子们决定扮成海盗。

The children___________ to___________ ___________ ___________pirates.

8 _______ _______ ________ or help is a very______ ________ _________ activity.


9 Sometimes, we might even need to spend more time ______ ______ ______ ______ _______.


10 对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ the sweaters __________ for?

III 完形填空(共 12 分. 毎小题 1 分)

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

The greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving presents, or even getting an A on the math test you studied so hard for. Rather, it __35__ when you hand a cup of hot coffee to that older man sitting on the side of the street asking for money. You feel it when you drive an hour and a half to a __36__ to meet children with cancer. And you feel it when you sit down with your friend to comfort her __37__ her mother died. Helping others can be the greatest feeling in the world, and I __38__ this just one year ago. My friend asked me to go to a Youth Group meeting at his church. After an hour of listening to them __39__ their opinions, I was invited to go with them to help __40__ the homeless.

Early that Saturday morning, a team of 15 teenagers began making sandwiches and counting bags of

candy. For the first time in my life I realized that we, the teens of America, can make a __41__ Since it was my first time, and I wasn't part of the group, I felt a little out of place. But watching the others __42__ the food drove my nervousness away.

Before long, all 150 bagged lunches were gone and the group was __43__ its way home. I realized that not only is my friend an amazing person, but that all of those people are amazing. That's what made me join the Youth Group.

I work at a coffee shop but don't make much. It's not the best job, but there are times when it's worth it. For example, a few weeks ago, when the store was __44__ and I was bored, looking out of the window, I noticed an old man sitting outside. He had been there before. As a matter of fact, he __45__ came in to buy anything because he didn't have any money. I took up a cup of coffee, walked outside, and handed it to him. The smile on his face made my day, and as I walked back into the store, I put my own money into the drawer. Then I knew how the members of the Youth Group feel every time they help someone. Knowing that you can help is __46__ —the greatest feeling in the world.

35. A. starts B. stops C. lasts D. fails

36. A. shop B. church C. country D. hospital

37. A. after B. until C. though D. before

38. A. expected B. discovered C. touched D. offered

39. A. write B. experience C. voice D. understand

40. A. teach B. encourage C. move D. feed

41. A. decision B. success C. dream D. difference

42. A. take out B. pick out C. hand out D. point out

43. A. in B. on C. through D. by

44. A. empty B. free C. busy D. crowded

45. A. even B. usually C. never D. often

46. A. helpful B. wonderful C. hopeful D. useful

IV 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项(每小题 2 分)

A Lost Cat Returned to Owner 12 Years Later

April 3, 2014—Linda Edwards of Las Vegas, Nevada is full of happiness because her long lost cat Spaz has been returned to her—12 years after he first went missing!

Spaz first went missing in 2002 and Edwards looked for him every day for three months. She searched all around her town and even wrote letters to some newspapers for help and was never able to find him. At the end of the three months, on New Year's Eve of 2002 her searching stopped.

But someone recently discovered a dirty, thin stray cat (流浪猫)and took him into a West Flamingo Animal Hospital. The people working in the hospital checked the cat and were sure enough that his name was Spaz and he belonged to Edwards!

“An old lady found a kitty on Sunday and brought him here. We scanned (扫描)him for a microchip (微芯片)and we were able to find out his owner. The kitty, whose name is Spaz, has been missing for 12 years!” the animal hospital wrote on their Facebook page early last week.

Microchipping pets is a way to recognize if a stray animal belongs to anyone who could be missing them. Microchipping pets allows animal services to learn if they have a family waiting for them.

Microchips are only about the size of a grain of rice and can only be removed by operation. Edwards is very thankful she had Spaz microchipped and was so excited to get him back !“I feel like I have a second chance,” she said. "This would have never happened if it weren't for microchips.”

1. The cat got lost ____.

A. three months ago B. 12 years ago C. on April 3, 2014 D. on New Year's Eve, 2002

2. After the hospital checked the cat, they knew ____.

A. its feeling B. its hobby C. its stray life D. its owner's name

3. ____ make(s) it possible for owners to find their lost pets.

A. The microchip B. Animal hospitals C. The newspaper D. Family members

4. If you want to win a prize by taking photos, you can send your work to ________ .

A. [email protected]. B. USA TODAY.

C. 15, Huixindongjie, Zhaoyang District, Beijing. D. 22 Oak Street, Arizona 793E7.

5. __________ American kids asked would make life better for other kids by improving education.

A. 80. B. 90. C. 75. D. 110.

6. How long has Alice Miller worked at Nordstrom?

A. Two years. B. Three years. C. Five years. D. Half a year.

7. Alice Miller is working at ___________ .

A. Nordstrom B. Montblanc C. Rampoo D. Charles Worth

8 Which of the following is NOT right?

A. You can call 862-732-7869 to get information about a contest.

B. “What Would A Kid President Do?” is a survey.

C. Alice Miller is a businesswoman.

D. You will get an MP4 if you win first prize in the Spring Festival Contest.


It was early evening on September 14th. Glen James, a homeless man was passing by a store in Boston when he happened upon a black bag. To see whose the bag is, Glen opened it only to find that it was filled with money—$2,400 in cash and almost $40,000 in travelers checks, as well as, a passport and other papers.

While other people in similar situations would have been tempted (引诱), Glen who has been homeless since 2005, did not even think twice. He showed the bag to a police officer, and the police officer

gave it back to a Chinese tourist who had reported it lost. What Glen did was reported by newspapers, all over the country.

While most people that read it felt surprised at the man's honesty, 27-year-old Ethan Whittington thought Glen should get money for what he did. So he decided to set up a money collection website. He set

a goal of $50,000, which he believed was reasonable because it was more than what Glen had discovered in the bag. The marketing manager from Virginia thought he would be lucky to raise a few hundred dollars. Instead, within just a day, the website had gone over the $50,000 goal, encouraging Ethan to set a higher goal of $250,000 so that he could help Glen buy a house and start a new life.

Now, $113,000 has been raised. Ethan who has talked to Glen over the phone, plans to visit Boston soon and also help him manage the money wisely. Needless to say, the homeless man is surprised at what he is receiving for doing the right thing—Honesty, certainly pays off!

1.Did Glen find money in the black bag?


2.Who gave the bag back to the Chinese tourist?


3.What did Ethan decide to do after he read the news of Glen?


4.How much money has been raised by now?


5.What can we learn from Glen and Ethan?

______________________________________________________________________________________ VI 文段表达(15 分)根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60 词的短文,所给英文提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。

74. 现在,越来越多的人喜欢旅游。人们在旅游中不仅有不同的经历,也有不一样的感受。

请你以“A/An Travel Experience”为题描述发生在你旅行中的一件事,并谈谈你的感受。提示词语供选用。(请将题目写在答题纸上)

提示词语: travel, happen, different, make, feel, learn


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