【角色分配】高纬(简称“纬”):邱兆奇 高长恭(简称“恭”):石钫圳 杨雪舞(简称“舞”):唐舒淇 祖珽、宇文邕(简称“邕”)粟一丰 四喜、宇文神举(简称“举”)、旁白:林乐萱
高纬:北齐皇帝,世称“齐后主”,一代昏君。在位期间朝政败坏。北周武帝(宇文邕)伐齐,北周军队攻至青州,高纬准备逃往陈朝,中途被周将尉迟迥抓获,送往邺,被封为温国公,北齐灭亡。577年,被诬与宜州刺史穆提婆谋反,与北齐文襄帝高澄第五子高延宗等数十人无论少长皆赐死, 高长恭:不必多说啦„„封地兰陵,人称兰陵王。高长恭貌柔心壮,音容兼美。为将躬勤细事,每得甘美,虽一瓜数果,必与将士共之。
N: Long long ago, it was the end of Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were three dynasties that time, which were called the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty. There was a brave general whose name is Gao Changgong leaded the qi won the battle of Mangshan. All the people loved him very much. But [
the emperor didn’t like him at all.
纬:(假惺惺的)Oh, my brother, although you won the war, but you went into the enemy too much. If you fail, how can you get out?
恭:(心里一暖):Thank you for caring about me. That’s nothing, I won’t be scare when I know that’s the closely related thing with me.
(恭下,纬独白):What? The thing closely related with you? This is my country, it’s mine! Mine! Mine! (激动地)
四喜:(拱手弯腰)Zu ting asked to see you, your majesty. 纬:Let him come in.
四喜:Yes, your majesty.
祖珽:(拱手弯腰)I see the emperor.
纬:Stand up.
祖珽:Thank you, your majesty.(起身)I just heard that Gao Changgong has won the battle of Mangshan, and every one respected him every much. He is popular with people now. That is not conducive to you, your majesty. Just like the saying said, who gain the common aspiration of the people, who can rule the world.
纬:And what should we do now?
祖珽:(邪恶的笑)Let’s get rid of him.
N: And then, the emperor met Gao Changgong.
纬:You are so popular with people, and it is not conducive to me now. I’m sorry that I’ll have to kill you.
恭:If the emperor let me die, I’ll have to die. 舞:(关切的)What did the emperor said?
舞:There must be something happened. Tell me, please! 恭:(叹口气)The emperor wanted to kill me. 舞:Kill you? Why?
恭: Because I’m so popular with people, and it is not conducive to him.
舞:Why not meet the emperor?
恭:That won’t be useful.
N: Later, the emperor let Gao Changgong drink the poison, and then, Gao Changgong died. At the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty whose name is Yuwen Yong also heard this news. He decided to attack the Qi Dynasty.
举:(拱手弯腰)I see the emperor.
邕:Stand up.
举:I just heard that Gao Changgong was killed by Gao Wei.
邕:That’s good! Now we can attack the Qi Dynasty. The Qi become very weak without him.
N: And then, Yuwen Yong leaded the Zhou attack the Qi. The Qi died out. But soon Yuwen Yong died because of overwork. And then Yang Jian succeed to the throne. That’s the beginning of the Sui Dynasty.
【角色分配】高纬(简称“纬”):邱兆奇 高长恭(简称“恭”):石钫圳 杨雪舞(简称“舞”):唐舒淇 祖珽、宇文邕(简称“邕”)粟一丰 四喜、宇文神举(简称“举”)、旁白:林乐萱
高纬:北齐皇帝,世称“齐后主”,一代昏君。在位期间朝政败坏。北周武帝(宇文邕)伐齐,北周军队攻至青州,高纬准备逃往陈朝,中途被周将尉迟迥抓获,送往邺,被封为温国公,北齐灭亡。577年,被诬与宜州刺史穆提婆谋反,与北齐文襄帝高澄第五子高延宗等数十人无论少长皆赐死, 高长恭:不必多说啦„„封地兰陵,人称兰陵王。高长恭貌柔心壮,音容兼美。为将躬勤细事,每得甘美,虽一瓜数果,必与将士共之。
N: Long long ago, it was the end of Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were three dynasties that time, which were called the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty. There was a brave general whose name is Gao Changgong leaded the qi won the battle of Mangshan. All the people loved him very much. But [
the emperor didn’t like him at all.
纬:(假惺惺的)Oh, my brother, although you won the war, but you went into the enemy too much. If you fail, how can you get out?
恭:(心里一暖):Thank you for caring about me. That’s nothing, I won’t be scare when I know that’s the closely related thing with me.
(恭下,纬独白):What? The thing closely related with you? This is my country, it’s mine! Mine! Mine! (激动地)
四喜:(拱手弯腰)Zu ting asked to see you, your majesty. 纬:Let him come in.
四喜:Yes, your majesty.
祖珽:(拱手弯腰)I see the emperor.
纬:Stand up.
祖珽:Thank you, your majesty.(起身)I just heard that Gao Changgong has won the battle of Mangshan, and every one respected him every much. He is popular with people now. That is not conducive to you, your majesty. Just like the saying said, who gain the common aspiration of the people, who can rule the world.
纬:And what should we do now?
祖珽:(邪恶的笑)Let’s get rid of him.
N: And then, the emperor met Gao Changgong.
纬:You are so popular with people, and it is not conducive to me now. I’m sorry that I’ll have to kill you.
恭:If the emperor let me die, I’ll have to die. 舞:(关切的)What did the emperor said?
舞:There must be something happened. Tell me, please! 恭:(叹口气)The emperor wanted to kill me. 舞:Kill you? Why?
恭: Because I’m so popular with people, and it is not conducive to him.
舞:Why not meet the emperor?
恭:That won’t be useful.
N: Later, the emperor let Gao Changgong drink the poison, and then, Gao Changgong died. At the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty whose name is Yuwen Yong also heard this news. He decided to attack the Qi Dynasty.
举:(拱手弯腰)I see the emperor.
邕:Stand up.
举:I just heard that Gao Changgong was killed by Gao Wei.
邕:That’s good! Now we can attack the Qi Dynasty. The Qi become very weak without him.
N: And then, Yuwen Yong leaded the Zhou attack the Qi. The Qi died out. But soon Yuwen Yong died because of overwork. And then Yang Jian succeed to the throne. That’s the beginning of the Sui Dynasty.