The green mail绿里奇迹读后感

The green mail

John, tell me what you want me to do? You want me to take you out of here? Just let you run away? See how far you could get?

Why would you do such a foolish thing?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

On the day of my judgement, when I stand before god, and he asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I going to say? That it was my job?

You tell god the father it was a kindness you done. I know you’re hurting and worrying. I can feel it on you. But you ought to quit on it now. I want it to be over and done with, I do. I’m tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I’m tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we’s going to, coming from, or why. Mostly, I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?


This is the scene that impressed me most in the film. When it was John Coffey’s turn to start his green mile, Paul and three other turnkeys felt sorry for him. Coffey was such a kind man, he was kind-hearted than anyone else in the world. The god endowed him the unbelievable miracle, because he was the angle. At first, when Coffey came to my eyes, I just consider him the homicidal maniac who killed two beautiful girls. However he was so pure, like a white paper. We could find the kindness and love from his eyes. In this prison cell, which was full of death and hopeless, he changed many people’s destiny.

In this film, virtues and vices were so distinct, but misty. Like Arlen Bitterbuck and Del, they were culpable of punishment because they broke the law. But when they lived in this jail, when they could count the time of death, they really fond themselves wrong in the past. Before death, Arlen said to Paul that, “Do you think if a man sincerely repents on what he done wrong , that he might get to go back to the time that was happiest for him and live there forever? Could that be what heaven’s like?” I was really convinced of the fact that Arlen had realized his own guilt. But it was too late. what Paul could say was only one sentence, “It’ll be fine. You will do fine. ”

Then we say something about Paul. To be honest, I respected him very much. He was right-minded and unprejudiced, he didn’t discriminate prisoners. Although most of them were condemned prisoners, sometimes I felt that he regarded them as his children. He paid attention to their emotions, tried to do best for them when they came to death. Even their time were decided, he wanted them to die dignifiedly.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

Percy, a man who was very different from Paul, like the film described, “Percy, you shit!” this sentence really said what I want to say. He sabotaged Del’s execution, and pissed himself like a frightened little girl. In a word, he bust other people with a sick. When he put the dry sponge on Del’s head, I saw human’s ugly.

The process is really briefness: sit on the Old Sparky, get strapped, get clamped, get wired, all right. Then get all electrode, roll on one, “roll on one ” means to turn the generator up full, the lights go brighter in half the prison. After that, soak the sponge, put on the black hood, and put on the cap with the sponge, conducts electricity to the brain fast like a bullet. Finally, electricity shall be passed through the body until the man is dead in accordance with state law. Until now, death penalty is executed, and a person will be die finally.

Everyone may be afraid of death, but when Coffey walked the green mail, he was just talking精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

to others happily. He comforted those people who would kill him after a while. He described a beautiful future for the people at present.

“You know I fell asleep this afternoon and had me a dream. I dreamed about Del’s mouse. I dreamed Mr Jingles got down to that place Boss Howell talked about. That Mouseville place. I dreamed there’s kids. And how they laughed at his tricks, my! I dreamed those two little blonde-headed girls were ther. They’re laughing too. I put my arms around them and set them on my knees. And their were no blood coming out of their hair, they’re just fine. We all watched Mr. Jingles roll that spool. How we did laugh. Fit to burst, we was!”

I believe that it was heaven where Coffey wanted to go.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

In the last of the film, Paul said something he realized to us. He was 44 the year that John Coffey walked the Green Mile. He had lived to see some amazing things. Another century come to pass. But he had had to see many friends and loved ones die off through the years. He said that his curse was knowing that he would be there to see it. It was his atonement, the punishment for letting John Coffey ride the lightning, for killing a miracle of God. He would die eventually. He would have wished for death long before death found him. In truth, he wished for it already. He lied in bed most nights thinking about it and waiting. He thought about all of us walking our own “Green Mile”, each in our own time. But if Coffey could make a mouse live so long, how much longer did Paul have? Who knows! But , god ,sometimes the Green Mile seems so long…..

God have mercy on your soul.

The green mail

John, tell me what you want me to do? You want me to take you out of here? Just let you run away? See how far you could get?

Why would you do such a foolish thing?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

On the day of my judgement, when I stand before god, and he asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I going to say? That it was my job?

You tell god the father it was a kindness you done. I know you’re hurting and worrying. I can feel it on you. But you ought to quit on it now. I want it to be over and done with, I do. I’m tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I’m tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we’s going to, coming from, or why. Mostly, I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?


This is the scene that impressed me most in the film. When it was John Coffey’s turn to start his green mile, Paul and three other turnkeys felt sorry for him. Coffey was such a kind man, he was kind-hearted than anyone else in the world. The god endowed him the unbelievable miracle, because he was the angle. At first, when Coffey came to my eyes, I just consider him the homicidal maniac who killed two beautiful girls. However he was so pure, like a white paper. We could find the kindness and love from his eyes. In this prison cell, which was full of death and hopeless, he changed many people’s destiny.

In this film, virtues and vices were so distinct, but misty. Like Arlen Bitterbuck and Del, they were culpable of punishment because they broke the law. But when they lived in this jail, when they could count the time of death, they really fond themselves wrong in the past. Before death, Arlen said to Paul that, “Do you think if a man sincerely repents on what he done wrong , that he might get to go back to the time that was happiest for him and live there forever? Could that be what heaven’s like?” I was really convinced of the fact that Arlen had realized his own guilt. But it was too late. what Paul could say was only one sentence, “It’ll be fine. You will do fine. ”

Then we say something about Paul. To be honest, I respected him very much. He was right-minded and unprejudiced, he didn’t discriminate prisoners. Although most of them were condemned prisoners, sometimes I felt that he regarded them as his children. He paid attention to their emotions, tried to do best for them when they came to death. Even their time were decided, he wanted them to die dignifiedly.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

Percy, a man who was very different from Paul, like the film described, “Percy, you shit!” this sentence really said what I want to say. He sabotaged Del’s execution, and pissed himself like a frightened little girl. In a word, he bust other people with a sick. When he put the dry sponge on Del’s head, I saw human’s ugly.

The process is really briefness: sit on the Old Sparky, get strapped, get clamped, get wired, all right. Then get all electrode, roll on one, “roll on one ” means to turn the generator up full, the lights go brighter in half the prison. After that, soak the sponge, put on the black hood, and put on the cap with the sponge, conducts electricity to the brain fast like a bullet. Finally, electricity shall be passed through the body until the man is dead in accordance with state law. Until now, death penalty is executed, and a person will be die finally.

Everyone may be afraid of death, but when Coffey walked the green mail, he was just talking精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

to others happily. He comforted those people who would kill him after a while. He described a beautiful future for the people at present.

“You know I fell asleep this afternoon and had me a dream. I dreamed about Del’s mouse. I dreamed Mr Jingles got down to that place Boss Howell talked about. That Mouseville place. I dreamed there’s kids. And how they laughed at his tricks, my! I dreamed those two little blonde-headed girls were ther. They’re laughing too. I put my arms around them and set them on my knees. And their were no blood coming out of their hair, they’re just fine. We all watched Mr. Jingles roll that spool. How we did laugh. Fit to burst, we was!”

I believe that it was heaven where Coffey wanted to go.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:

In the last of the film, Paul said something he realized to us. He was 44 the year that John Coffey walked the Green Mile. He had lived to see some amazing things. Another century come to pass. But he had had to see many friends and loved ones die off through the years. He said that his curse was knowing that he would be there to see it. It was his atonement, the punishment for letting John Coffey ride the lightning, for killing a miracle of God. He would die eventually. He would have wished for death long before death found him. In truth, he wished for it already. He lied in bed most nights thinking about it and waiting. He thought about all of us walking our own “Green Mile”, each in our own time. But if Coffey could make a mouse live so long, how much longer did Paul have? Who knows! But , god ,sometimes the Green Mile seems so long…..

God have mercy on your soul.


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