


以er结尾作为其不定式形式,约4000个左右。如:manger(to eat),chanter(to sing),parler(to talk),donner(to give)。去词尾-er,另加上词尾-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent。下面以俩个例子说明,注意各动词变位后的发音情况:


Je m'appelle Valérie. / My name is Valérie. Je mange du poulet. / I eat chicken. Nous pensons à toi. / We think about you. Ils jouent au football. / They play football. Vous dessinez très bien. / You draw very well.

注意:"donne", "donnes" 和"donnent" 发音相同。

注意:同样地,"parle", "parles" 和"parlent" 发音相同。



Tu répartis les tâches. / You are distributing tasks.

Nous finissons nos devoirs. / We are finishing our homeworks. Je pars en vacances / I go on holiday

Nous ressortons à 18 heures / We go out again at 6 pm.


下面就列出若干典型的第三类动词的直陈式变位表,都得牢记哦!Essayons! (Let's try!). 1,-tir结尾,变为-s, -s, -t, -ons, -ez, -ent partir to leave


consentir (to grant), pressentir (to have a premonition about something), ressentir (to feel), démentir (to deny), repartir (to leave again), ressortir (to go out again). 另外再举几个例子如下:

Je pars en vacances / I go on holiday

Nous ressortons à 18 heures / We go out again at 6 pm.

2,-vir或-rir结尾,将-ir变为-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent ouvrir to open

注意:"ouvre", "ouvres" 和 "ouvrent" 发音相同


couvrir (to cover), découvrir (to discover), recouvrir (to cover), entrouvrir (to open a little), rentrouvrir (to open a little again), rouvrir (to open again)

3, -ire结尾,变为-is, -is, -it, -isons, -ites, -isent dire to say


contredire (to contradict), dédire (to retract), interdire (to forbid or to prohibit), médire (to malign), prédire (to predict), redire (to say again)

4, aller to go

5, avoir

to have



以er结尾作为其不定式形式,约4000个左右。如:manger(to eat),chanter(to sing),parler(to talk),donner(to give)。去词尾-er,另加上词尾-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent。下面以俩个例子说明,注意各动词变位后的发音情况:


Je m'appelle Valérie. / My name is Valérie. Je mange du poulet. / I eat chicken. Nous pensons à toi. / We think about you. Ils jouent au football. / They play football. Vous dessinez très bien. / You draw very well.

注意:"donne", "donnes" 和"donnent" 发音相同。

注意:同样地,"parle", "parles" 和"parlent" 发音相同。



Tu répartis les tâches. / You are distributing tasks.

Nous finissons nos devoirs. / We are finishing our homeworks. Je pars en vacances / I go on holiday

Nous ressortons à 18 heures / We go out again at 6 pm.


下面就列出若干典型的第三类动词的直陈式变位表,都得牢记哦!Essayons! (Let's try!). 1,-tir结尾,变为-s, -s, -t, -ons, -ez, -ent partir to leave


consentir (to grant), pressentir (to have a premonition about something), ressentir (to feel), démentir (to deny), repartir (to leave again), ressortir (to go out again). 另外再举几个例子如下:

Je pars en vacances / I go on holiday

Nous ressortons à 18 heures / We go out again at 6 pm.

2,-vir或-rir结尾,将-ir变为-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent ouvrir to open

注意:"ouvre", "ouvres" 和 "ouvrent" 发音相同


couvrir (to cover), découvrir (to discover), recouvrir (to cover), entrouvrir (to open a little), rentrouvrir (to open a little again), rouvrir (to open again)

3, -ire结尾,变为-is, -is, -it, -isons, -ites, -isent dire to say


contredire (to contradict), dédire (to retract), interdire (to forbid or to prohibit), médire (to malign), prédire (to predict), redire (to say again)

4, aller to go

5, avoir

to have


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