
英 语 必 背 作 文


Hello! I am a boy.My name is Jack Brown.Jack is my first name.Brown is my family name.I am twelve.I am in Class Two,Grade Six.Miss Green is my English teacher.She is very nice.And I love her.My phone number is 87886612 And my fax number is 87661122. My postal code is 430070. My address is NO.138,Center Street,Wuhan.


Dear Mom:

Can you bring these things to my school? I need my ID card,keys,pencil sharpener and a dictionary. My ID card is in the drawer of the dresser near my bed.My keys are on the desk in my bedroom.The pencil sharpener is in the pencil case on the desk. The dictionary is on the bookcase.


Wei Hua


Look! This is Mike`s bedroom.

There is a picture and a kite on the wall. Mike`s shirt is on the bed. There`s a desk near the window. There`s a book and a backpack on the desk. A football is on the floor under the chair.It`s a nice and clean room.

(四) Our School

Our school is NO.2Middle School.There are three grades and eleven classes in it.The number of the students is more than seven hundred.We often keep it clean and it looks very beautiful. We love our school very much.

(五)Wang Fan`s three meals

I have a friend.She is Wang Fan. For breaskfast, She eats two hamburgers, two eggs and an apple. For lunch, she likes rice, vegetables a little meat and two pears.She likes healthy food.


st This year, We have many events in our school.Our School Day is on September 1. The school

th th trip is on September 20 .You can join in a speech contest on October 12. We like sports, The

th th basketball game is on November 15 and the volleyball game is on November 20.How about the Music

th st Festival?Oh,it`s on December 25. And the Art Festival is on January 1.


Do you like music? Do you want to join the music club? Please call Mr Wang at [1**********].Here you can learn to play the piano, the violin, the guitar, the trumpet, the drum .And you can also learn to sing and dance. I think you can enjoy yourself in our club. Please join


David is a good student. He usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning.He has breskfast at home. Then he goes to school by bike. Classes begin at 8:00a.m. He has lunch at school at 12:00a.m. Class is over at 3:40p.m. After school,he doesn`t go home. He plays basketball with his classmates. He goes home at about 5:00p.m. He does his homework at 7:00p.m. After that he does some reading. He goes to bed at 10:00p.m.





(十四) (十五)

英 语 必 背 作 文


Hello! I am a boy.My name is Jack Brown.Jack is my first name.Brown is my family name.I am twelve.I am in Class Two,Grade Six.Miss Green is my English teacher.She is very nice.And I love her.My phone number is 87886612 And my fax number is 87661122. My postal code is 430070. My address is NO.138,Center Street,Wuhan.


Dear Mom:

Can you bring these things to my school? I need my ID card,keys,pencil sharpener and a dictionary. My ID card is in the drawer of the dresser near my bed.My keys are on the desk in my bedroom.The pencil sharpener is in the pencil case on the desk. The dictionary is on the bookcase.


Wei Hua


Look! This is Mike`s bedroom.

There is a picture and a kite on the wall. Mike`s shirt is on the bed. There`s a desk near the window. There`s a book and a backpack on the desk. A football is on the floor under the chair.It`s a nice and clean room.

(四) Our School

Our school is NO.2Middle School.There are three grades and eleven classes in it.The number of the students is more than seven hundred.We often keep it clean and it looks very beautiful. We love our school very much.

(五)Wang Fan`s three meals

I have a friend.She is Wang Fan. For breaskfast, She eats two hamburgers, two eggs and an apple. For lunch, she likes rice, vegetables a little meat and two pears.She likes healthy food.


st This year, We have many events in our school.Our School Day is on September 1. The school

th th trip is on September 20 .You can join in a speech contest on October 12. We like sports, The

th th basketball game is on November 15 and the volleyball game is on November 20.How about the Music

th st Festival?Oh,it`s on December 25. And the Art Festival is on January 1.


Do you like music? Do you want to join the music club? Please call Mr Wang at [1**********].Here you can learn to play the piano, the violin, the guitar, the trumpet, the drum .And you can also learn to sing and dance. I think you can enjoy yourself in our club. Please join


David is a good student. He usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning.He has breskfast at home. Then he goes to school by bike. Classes begin at 8:00a.m. He has lunch at school at 12:00a.m. Class is over at 3:40p.m. After school,he doesn`t go home. He plays basketball with his classmates. He goes home at about 5:00p.m. He does his homework at 7:00p.m. After that he does some reading. He goes to bed at 10:00p.m.





(十四) (十五)


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