

美国太平洋大学Nan Xiao教授实验室最近的研究表明,胶质细胞源性神经营养因子富含唾液腺干细胞,而不是腺泡细胞。更有趣的是,胶质细胞源性神经营养因子在唾液腺干细胞中的表达会升高,这一现象在小鼠和人类后辐射头部和颈部区域都有表现。这类神经营养因子能够在体外以剂量依赖性方式加强唾液腺干细胞的增殖。它也可以挽救唾液腺被辐射破坏小鼠的唾液分泌。这些数据表明,胶质细胞源性神经营养因子能够促进唾液腺干细胞的再生和体内增殖,使其唾液腺免受辐射损伤。这些结果表明,神经营养因子可能在未来临床上应用于神经组织再生中。这是一类神经营养因子是可以在临床上看到更多潜在的治疗效果的候选治疗方法,随着越来越多的基础研究证明,神经营养因子在调节神经和非神经组织上发挥着多重作用。相关内容发表在《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志2016年5月5期。

Article: "Neurotrophic factors: promising candidates in tissue regeneration" byNan Xiao (Department of Biomedical Sciences, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Xiao N (2016) Neurotrophic factors: promising candidates in tissue regeneration. Neural Regen Res 11(5):735-736.

欲获更多资讯:请与《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志国际发展部联络;联络电话:+[1**********]73,或用电子邮件联络:[email protected]。 文章全文请见:http://www.nrronline.org/



Neurotrophic factors: promising candidates in tissue regeneration

Neurotrophic factors, also referred as neurotrophins, are growth factors originally identified in the nervous system. As indicated by the name, neurotrophic factors are essential for the survival and development of neurons. There are numerous reports on the role of neurotrophic factors in normal and damaged neurons. Neurotrophic factors promote development, survival, proliferation, and differentiation in healthy neurons. They also exhibit role in anti-inflammation, anti-apoptosis, re-myelination and axon regeneration, which facilitate neuronal tissue regeneration. In a recent study, we reported that GDNF is enriched in the salivary gland stem cells (SSCs), but not in the acinar cell. More interestingly, the expression of GDNF in the SSCs is elevated post radiation to the head and neck region in both mice and humans. This neurotrophic factor is able to increase the proliferation of SSCs in a dose dependent manner in vitro. It also rescues the saliva secretion in mice whose salivary glands were damaged by radiation. The data suggested that GDNF protects the salivary gland from radiation induced damage by promoting the salivary gland stem cell regeneration and proliferation in vivo. These results indicate that neurotrophic factors could be applied clinically for tissue regeneration in the future. It is promising to see more bedside studies on the potential therapeutic effect of neurotrophic factors, asmore bench- side researches demonstrate that neurotrophic factors play multiple roles in regulating neuronal and non-neuronal tissues.


美国太平洋大学Nan Xiao教授实验室最近的研究表明,胶质细胞源性神经营养因子富含唾液腺干细胞,而不是腺泡细胞。更有趣的是,胶质细胞源性神经营养因子在唾液腺干细胞中的表达会升高,这一现象在小鼠和人类后辐射头部和颈部区域都有表现。这类神经营养因子能够在体外以剂量依赖性方式加强唾液腺干细胞的增殖。它也可以挽救唾液腺被辐射破坏小鼠的唾液分泌。这些数据表明,胶质细胞源性神经营养因子能够促进唾液腺干细胞的再生和体内增殖,使其唾液腺免受辐射损伤。这些结果表明,神经营养因子可能在未来临床上应用于神经组织再生中。这是一类神经营养因子是可以在临床上看到更多潜在的治疗效果的候选治疗方法,随着越来越多的基础研究证明,神经营养因子在调节神经和非神经组织上发挥着多重作用。相关内容发表在《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志2016年5月5期。

Article: "Neurotrophic factors: promising candidates in tissue regeneration" byNan Xiao (Department of Biomedical Sciences, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Xiao N (2016) Neurotrophic factors: promising candidates in tissue regeneration. Neural Regen Res 11(5):735-736.

欲获更多资讯:请与《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志国际发展部联络;联络电话:+[1**********]73,或用电子邮件联络:[email protected]。 文章全文请见:http://www.nrronline.org/



Neurotrophic factors: promising candidates in tissue regeneration

Neurotrophic factors, also referred as neurotrophins, are growth factors originally identified in the nervous system. As indicated by the name, neurotrophic factors are essential for the survival and development of neurons. There are numerous reports on the role of neurotrophic factors in normal and damaged neurons. Neurotrophic factors promote development, survival, proliferation, and differentiation in healthy neurons. They also exhibit role in anti-inflammation, anti-apoptosis, re-myelination and axon regeneration, which facilitate neuronal tissue regeneration. In a recent study, we reported that GDNF is enriched in the salivary gland stem cells (SSCs), but not in the acinar cell. More interestingly, the expression of GDNF in the SSCs is elevated post radiation to the head and neck region in both mice and humans. This neurotrophic factor is able to increase the proliferation of SSCs in a dose dependent manner in vitro. It also rescues the saliva secretion in mice whose salivary glands were damaged by radiation. The data suggested that GDNF protects the salivary gland from radiation induced damage by promoting the salivary gland stem cell regeneration and proliferation in vivo. These results indicate that neurotrophic factors could be applied clinically for tissue regeneration in the future. It is promising to see more bedside studies on the potential therapeutic effect of neurotrophic factors, asmore bench- side researches demonstrate that neurotrophic factors play multiple roles in regulating neuronal and non-neuronal tissues.


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