

Topics for the 2007 National English Debate Contest for College Students For Side: We should celebrate western festivals.

Against Side: We should not celebrate western festivals.

For Side: The government should control rising house prices.

Against Side: The government should not control rising house prices.

For Side: The generation gap can be bridged.

Against Side: The generation gap cannot be bridged.

For Side: National identity is important in the age of globalization.

Against Side: National identity is not important in the age of globalization.

For Side: Work experience is more important than education.

Against Side: Education is more important than work experience.

For Side: Following fashion is necessary for young people.

Against Side: Following fashion is unnecessary for young people.

For Side: Sending children to famous schools are essential.

Against Side: Sending children to famous schools are not essential.

For Side: People are happier living in cities than in the countryside.

Against Side: People are happier living in the countryside than in cities.

For Side: The car industry should be further developed in China.

Against Side: The car industry should not be further developed in China.

For Side: College students should be allowed to live off campus.

Against Side: College students should not be allowed to live off campus.

For Side: Men contribute more to society than women.

Against Side: Women contribute more to society than men.

For Side: The college entrance examinations should be abolished.

Against Side: The college entrance examinations should not be abolished.

For Side: It's good for college students to have a part-time job.

Against Side: It's not good for college students to have a part-time job.

For Side: It's better for a college graduate to find a job than to undertake postgraduate study. Against Side: It's better for a college graduate to undertake postgraduate study than to find a job.

For Side: Students should choose their majors to meet their personal needs and interests. Against Side: Students should choose their majors to meet the needs of society.

For Side: Learning oral English is more important than learning written English.

Against Side: Learning written English is more important than learning oral English.

For Side: E-books will eventually replace printed books.

Against Side: E-books will never replace printed books.

For Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeful.

Against Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeless.

For Side: The “golden week” holidays should be abolished.

Against Side: The “golden week” holidays should not be abolished.

For Side: Non-native English speaking teachers are better than native English speaking teachers. Against Side: Native English speaking teachers are better than non-native English speaking teachers.


Topics for the 2007 National English Debate Contest for College Students For Side: We should celebrate western festivals.

Against Side: We should not celebrate western festivals.

For Side: The government should control rising house prices.

Against Side: The government should not control rising house prices.

For Side: The generation gap can be bridged.

Against Side: The generation gap cannot be bridged.

For Side: National identity is important in the age of globalization.

Against Side: National identity is not important in the age of globalization.

For Side: Work experience is more important than education.

Against Side: Education is more important than work experience.

For Side: Following fashion is necessary for young people.

Against Side: Following fashion is unnecessary for young people.

For Side: Sending children to famous schools are essential.

Against Side: Sending children to famous schools are not essential.

For Side: People are happier living in cities than in the countryside.

Against Side: People are happier living in the countryside than in cities.

For Side: The car industry should be further developed in China.

Against Side: The car industry should not be further developed in China.

For Side: College students should be allowed to live off campus.

Against Side: College students should not be allowed to live off campus.

For Side: Men contribute more to society than women.

Against Side: Women contribute more to society than men.

For Side: The college entrance examinations should be abolished.

Against Side: The college entrance examinations should not be abolished.

For Side: It's good for college students to have a part-time job.

Against Side: It's not good for college students to have a part-time job.

For Side: It's better for a college graduate to find a job than to undertake postgraduate study. Against Side: It's better for a college graduate to undertake postgraduate study than to find a job.

For Side: Students should choose their majors to meet their personal needs and interests. Against Side: Students should choose their majors to meet the needs of society.

For Side: Learning oral English is more important than learning written English.

Against Side: Learning written English is more important than learning oral English.

For Side: E-books will eventually replace printed books.

Against Side: E-books will never replace printed books.

For Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeful.

Against Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeless.

For Side: The “golden week” holidays should be abolished.

Against Side: The “golden week” holidays should not be abolished.

For Side: Non-native English speaking teachers are better than native English speaking teachers. Against Side: Native English speaking teachers are better than non-native English speaking teachers.


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